A gift of resentment
by Laura Tappatà
The essay written by an university professor examines the grudge for the first time. What is resentment? Resentment is the opposite of forgiveness, a gift at service of interpersonal bonds, it is an expiation to find peace, it is a positive attitude.
Resentment evokes the acrid and disgusting smell of rancid, it mixes with resentment, envy, anger and can decline to the point of revenge. Finally: an unequal confrontation between the Angel, forgiveness, and resentment or rather a Demon. In this work it is exhorted to seek a different perspective and, letting oneself be guided by philosophical reflection, to see something that had not been seen before.
Not forgiving is as easy and instinctive as breathing. Resentment is an expression of our human nature because any offense against ourselves is a narcissistic wound and defending our survival is a legitimate mental and physiological response. Every crack in our identity causes grief and the pain needs time to work, breathe and regain balance.
The essay consists in 126 pages, the author faces this challenge with clarity and there are numerous references to the philosophical culture that dealt with forgiveness and then with resentment, building an exciting and highly useful work in relationships between people.
The book may have an European resonance given the importance of the subject matter and the author is available for writing a presentation to the foreign edition.
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The book is available for the rights and within 18 months will be published in Rumania.
Author Biography
The Author is teaching at Università Cattolica in Brescia.
LauraTappatà, filosofa, ha insegnato Psicologia Generale presso il corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione dell'Università Cattolica e collabora con la cattedra di Psicologia della Personalità della stessa Università. Attualmente segue il Laboratorio di Gestione delle Relazioni per l’Università Cattolica ed è docente del Circolo Filologico Milanese. Ha partecipato al Comitato Scientifico del Premio Nazionale di Divulgazione Scientifica dal 2014 a oggi. Tra le sue ultime pubblicazioni merita ricordare "Stay Focused" (Lupetti, 2011), "Beyond Well Being. The Fascination of Risk and of the New Psychological Addictions" (Nova Science Publisher, USA, 2013), "Il dono del rancore" (Sefer, 2015), "Troppo Amore!", (Sefer, 2016).
SEFER Editore
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher SEFER Editore
- Publication Date June 2015
- Orginal LanguageItalian
- ISBN/Identifier 9788899144050
- Publication Country or regionItaly
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 11 EUR
- Pages128
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleItalian
- Original Language AuthorsItalian
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2015
- Page size11x18
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