An Anthology of the Twentieth Century Chinese Literature
by Wang Ning
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English, Armenian, Albaian rights sold.
Author Biography
Editor in Chief Wang Ning is a professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Tsinghua University in China. As one of the few famous scholars in contemporary Chinese humanities and social fields, Dr. Wang Ning has given lectures and has engaged in academic research in dozens of well-known universities in Europe, America and Australia. He also has a wide influence in the international comparative literature and literary theory felds. The International Advisory Committee and Editorial Board of this anthology consist of Chinese literature research experts from many well-known universities including Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Peking University, Fudan Univeristy, Nanjing University and so on. As this anthology is an English version, the translation of the original works have been completed by famous translators and sinologists from both China and other English-speaking countries.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Yilin Press
- Publication Date October 2014
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9783622453810
- Publication Country or regionChina
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 98 CNY
- Pages447
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2014