Arturo e Nadir
by Roberta Argenti, Andrea Camic
When the friendship cancels distances and crosses the boundaries...
Arturo e Nadir is a story about the value of friendship and the strong feeling that binds two children who belong to different cultures. In a world dominated by war and hatred, the two seem never to be able to meet again. Arturo, however, made Nadir a promise and decided to keep it. Arturo, with the complicity of the stars, will cross the sea in a single night to finally reach his great friend Nadir and respect his promise.
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Author Biography
Roberta Argenti has a degree in Philosophy. She has been authoring children’s books since 2005: "The signs rebel", "The Guardians of the Colosseum", "The cat among the books", "The Pigorini Museum and the time travelers". In 2018, she published "Arturo and Nadir" and, since 2016, she is working on a series of guides for children to the cities of art.
Andrea Camic made his debut on the pages of the monthly BLUE by Francesco Coniglio in 1994, drawing illustrations, covers and some short stories later reprinted in the USA by Fantagraphics Books and in France, by Editions Tabou. He works in various fields, creating humorous cartoons, advertising drawings, logos, illustrations for children, portraits.
Gilam Agency - Giovanni Lamanna Agenzia Letteraria
The Gilam Agency – founded by Giovanni Lamanna – is based in Italy and is specialized in Italian Fiction and Non-Fiction, and Children's Books. We represent about 25 authors, some already established (such as Attilio Del Giudice, Francesco Forlani, Peppe Lanzetta, Gianfranco Pecchinenda, Felice Piemontese, Elena Starace, Giulia Bracco, Roger Salloch), some beginners. We also hold the rights to Non-Fiction books (books about Maria Montessori, pedagogy, sport, social science, philosophy...) The Gilam Agency is partner of some Italian publishers (Neo Edizioni, Lavieri, Funambolo, Dalia, Fefé) in selling translation rights on foreign market. We are also going to represent foreign publishers for selling translation rights in Italy. The Gilam Agency takes part in the most important book fairs and exhibitions in Italy and in Europe. In 2020 the Agency has created a new brand (with its own dedicated staff) for Children's and Illustrated Book Rights (the Wrong Cat Rights Agency).
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Dalia
- Orginal LanguageItalian
- ISBN/Identifier 9788899207311
- Publication Country or regionItaly
- Pages40
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Dimensions20x20 cm
- Illustrationby Andrea Camic
- Biblio NotesAge: 5+