Children's & YA

Der kleine Esel Liebernicht - Krank sein? Lieber nicht!

by Martin Baltscheit


Little Donkey No-Never-Ever - Being Sick? Rather Not!

His nose is running, his head hurts, Little Donkey No-Never-Ever is sick. He has to go to bed… And he thinks that's really stupid. But then it turns out: you can read books, wish for something to eat, lie around lazily ... so it's not so bad. Especially not if you get well quickly in the process!

  • Charming, strong-willed protagonist that any child can easily identify with.
  • Topics that move every family with children ages 2 and up
  • Short, funny stories by bestselling author Martin Baltscheit
  • Fabulously illustrated by Claudia Weikert, her pictures provide a very special wit

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Kids and Young Adults want to read books by Loewe for over 150 years. As the market leader for Early Reading, Loewe is renowned for the concept Loewe´s Lions, which has companied children for generations. Over the last three years, Loewe developed its market position, with a focus on topics that children want to read, we publish books that match the changing media use and developed a new form of narration.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publication Date January 2022
  • ISBN/Identifier 9783743210103
  • Pages22
  • Publish StatusPublished

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