The small district town of Diepholz lies between Bremen, Oldenburg and Osnabrück, and
no one could possibly describe it as “well-known”. Quite unlike the Lebensbaum company,
which was founded here by Ulrich Walter in 1979. Those who eat mindfully will probably also
be familiar with the coffees, teas and spices of this pioneering organic company, which frequently
and repeatedly receives a range of awards for sustainability and now employs around
200 people. Heike Leitschuh draws a lifelike portrait of an entrepreneur of the organic founding
generation who turned a small shop into a successful medium-sized company, played a
key role in shaping the organic industry, and has offered perspectives for its future.
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Author Biography
Heike Leitschuh studied political sciences, sociology and economics, and works as a freelance author, speaker and consultant. Since 2008 she has been co-editor of the “Jahrbuch Ökologie” (“Annual Book Ecology”) published by Hirzel Verlag.
Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart
Non-fiction books (f.e. society, health, ecology, evolution, philosophy) specialist books (f.e chemistry, physics, ancient history, history of science/medicine, German studies)
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher S. Hirzel Verlag
- Publication Date May 2021
- Orginal LanguageGerman
- ISBN/Identifier 9783777629612
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 24 EUR
- Pages240
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleBelächelt, bekämpft, begehrt. Mit Bio-Pionier Ulrich Walter durch fünf Dekaden
- Copyright Year2021
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