Norton Guitérrez, a shy and (very) silent young man, is the ignored son of a family
of greengrocers who ruthlessly exploit him. His lonely days are spent in his
room watching class B science fiction movies. But one day the show of the singer
Emma Tzampak arrives in town, and with it her mysterious and desired necklace,
which contains the secret to reach the Fountain of Eternal Youth. Norton
will get caught up in a quest. And this will be the invitation to an adventure that
will take him to know the world, magic, people’s lies, love and, why not, himself.
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Hotel de las ideas
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9789874164025
- Publication Country or regionArgentina
- FormatPaperback
- Pages176
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleNorton Gutiérrez y el collar de Emma Tzampak
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2017
- Dimensions17x23 cm
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