Plant Compositions in Natural Gardens
by Richard, Peter
Natural gardens don't have to be wild and messy. The author, a landscaper and natural garden specialist, shows how native flowers, shrubs and trees can be used to create a deliberately designed yet natural garden paradise. He explains which plants feel at home next to each other and where they thrive and prosper, which points to bear in mind when buying and transporting the plants – and how to plant and cultivate them properly. With helpful planting sketches, numerous ideas for semi-natural plant compositions and detailed plant lists.
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Haupt Verlag AG
Haupt Verlag publishes high-quality non-fiction books and apps and is one of the leading nature and crafts publishers in the German-speaking world.
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- Publisher Haupt Verlag
- Publication Date February 2020
- Orginal LanguageGerman
- ISBN/Identifier 9783258081960
- Publication Country or regionSwitzerland
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 39.90 EUR
- Pages256
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitlePflanzenkompositionen für den Naturgarten
- Original Language AuthorsRichard, Peter
- Copyright Year2020
- Dimensions26x23,5 cm
- Illustrationapprox. 200 images