T wie Tessa - Plötzlich Geheimagentin (Band 1)
by Frauke Scheunemann
T for Tessa - Suddenly Secret Agent (Vol. 1)
T for Tessa and top secret! The first volume of a new secret agent series combines coolness, a touch of romance, and a ton of humor as Tessa trips into her first detective case. Together with her Mongolian gerbil Hector, a talking sidekick, Tessa soon turns into a real top-notch agent. Of course, she still retains her chaotic nature, which makes for a lot of situation comedy.
Extremely shy and clumsy – it’s no wonder Tessa would rather be someone else. Like a member of Gimme Four, for example, the super famous girl group at her school. Then the unimaginable happens: Tessa passes the audition and makes it into the band! But it’s not exactly what she thought it would be. The rehearsals are disrupted by sketchy fans, wild chases at night, and ruthless mafiosi. And Tessa’s new band mates seem to have other hobbies besides music. Or how else would you explain the weapons in the instrument cases?
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Loewe Verlag
- Publication Date June 2021
- ISBN/Identifier 9783743203921
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2021
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