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      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2016

        Labour, state and society in rural India

        A class-relational approach

        by Jonathan Pattenden

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        September 2016

        Donors, technical assistance and public administration in Kosovo

        by Mary Venner, Bertrand Taithe

        1 Introduction 2 The setting 3 The actors 4 Public finance management 5 The civil service 6 Conclusion Index ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Development studies
        November 2015

        Workers, state and development in Brazil

        Powers of labour, chains of value

        by Ben Selwyn

        How do changing class relations contribute to processes of capitalist development? Within development studies the importance of class relations is usually relegated to lesser status than the roles of states and markets in generating and allocating resources. This book argues that the changing class relations are central to different patterns of capitalist development and that processes and outcomes of class struggle co-determine the form that development takes. Workers, state and development in Brazil illuminates these claims through a detailed empirical investigation of class dynamics and capitalist development in North East Brazil's São Francisco valley. It details how workers in the valley's export grape sector have won significant concessions from employers, contributing to a progressive pattern of regional capitalist development. The book will appeal to students and researchers interested in processes of capitalist development, agrarian political economy and international political economy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2012

        Workers, state and development in Brazil

        Powers of labour, chains of value

        by Benjamin Selwyn

        How do changing class relations contribute to processes of capitalist development? Within development studies the importance of class relations is usually relegated to lesser status than the roles of states and markets in generating and allocating resources. This book argues that the changing class relations are central to different patterns of capitalist development and that processes and outcomes of class struggle co-determine the form that development takes. Workers, State and Development in Brazil, nominated for the International Political Economy Group (IPGG) Book Prize 2013 and now available in paperback, illuminates these claims through a detailed empirical investigation of class dynamics and capitalist development in North East Brazil's São Francisco valley. It details how workers in the valley's export grape sector have won significant concessions from employers, contributing to a progressive pattern of regional capitalist development. The book will appeal to students and researchers interested in processes of capitalist development, agrarian political economy and international political economy. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2016

        Labour, state and society in rural India

        A class-relational approach

        by Jonathan Pattenden

        Behind India's high recent growth rates lies a story of societal conflict that is scarcely talked about. Across its villages and production sites, state institutions and civil society organisations, the dominant and less well-off sections of society are engaged in antagonistic relations that determine the material conditions of one quarter of the world's 'poor'. Increasingly mobile and often with several jobs in multiple locations, India's 'classes of labour' are highly segmented but far from passive in the face of ongoing exploitation and domination. Drawing on over a decade of fieldwork in rural South India, the book uses a 'class-relational' approach to analyse continuity and change in processes of accumulation, exploitation and domination. By focusing on the three interrelated arenas of labour relations, the state and civil society, it explores how improvements can be made in the conditions of labourers working 'at the margins' of global production networks, primarily as agricultural labourers and construction workers. Elements of social policy can improve the poor's material conditions and expand their political space where such ends are actively pursued by labouring class organisations. More fundamental change, though, requires stronger organisation of the informal workers who make up the majority of India's population. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        September 2016

        Donors, technical assistance and public administration in Kosovo

        by Mary Venner, Bertrand Taithe

        1 Introduction 2 The setting 3 The actors 4 Public finance management 5 The civil service 6 Conclusion Index ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        September 2016

        Donors, technical assistance and public administration in Kosovo

        by Mary Venner, Bertrand Taithe

        The reconstruction of Kosovo after 1999 was one of the largest and most ambitious international interventions in a post conflict country. The United Nations, other major multinational organisations and many large bilateral aid donors all played a role in restoring stability and establishing governance in the territory. While some understood the situation simply as peacekeeping and reconstruction, with unique requirements and rules, for most international participants it was a 'green fields' site on which to construct a new public administration based on their ideas about 'best practice'. They did this largely by funding technical assistance projects and engaging international experts to build institutions and develop capacity. This book looks beyond the apparently united and generally self congratulatory statements of these international actors to examine what actually happened when they tried to work together in Kosovo to achieve this goal. It considers the interests and motivations, and the strengths and weaknesses of each of the major players and how they contributed to the creation of new institutions in public finance and public sector management. Although in general the international exercise in Kosovo can be seen as a success, in the sphere of public administration the results have been mixed. More than 15 years later, some institutions of government perform well while others face ongoing challenges. The book argues that much of the current day performance of the Kosovo government can be traced to the steps taken, or not taken, by these international actors in the crucial first years. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        July 2017

        The NGO CARE and food aid from America 1945-80

        'Showered with kindness'?

        by Heike Wieters, Bertrand Taithe

        This book provides a historical account of the NGO CARE as one of the largest humanitarian NGOs worldwide from 1945 to 1980. Readers interested in international relations and humanitarian hunger prevention are provided with fascinating insights into the economic and business related aspects of Western non-governmental politics, fundraising and philanthropic giving in this field. Not only does the book contributes to ongoing research about the rise of NGOs in the international realm, it also offers very rich empirical material on the political implications of private and governmental international aid in a world marked by the order of the Cold War, decolonialization processes and the struggle of so called "Third World Countries" to catch up with modern Western consumer societies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        July 2017

        The NGO CARE and food aid from America 1945-80

        'Showered with kindness'?

        by Heike Wieters, Bertrand Taithe

        This book provides a historical account of the NGO CARE as one of the largest humanitarian NGOs worldwide from 1945 to 1980. Readers interested in international relations and humanitarian hunger prevention are provided with fascinating insights into the economic and business related aspects of Western non-governmental politics, fundraising and philanthropic giving in this field. Not only does the book contributes to ongoing research about the rise of NGOs in the international realm, it also offers very rich empirical material on the political implications of private and governmental international aid in a world marked by the order of the Cold War, decolonialization processes and the struggle of so called "Third World Countries" to catch up with modern Western consumer societies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        July 2017

        The NGO CARE and food aid from America 1945-80

        'Showered with kindness'?

        by Heike Wieters, Bertrand Taithe

        This book provides a historical account of the NGO CARE as one of the largest humanitarian NGOs worldwide from 1945 to 1980. Readers interested in international relations and humanitarian hunger prevention are provided with fascinating insights into the economic and business related aspects of Western non-governmental politics, fundraising and philanthropic giving in this field. Not only does the book contributes to ongoing research about the rise of NGOs in the international realm, it also offers very rich empirical material on the political implications of private and governmental international aid in a world marked by the order of the Cold War, decolonialization processes and the struggle of so called "Third World Countries" to catch up with modern Western consumer societies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        January 2017

        Donors, technical assistance and public administration in Kosovo

        by Mary Venner, Bertrand Taithe

        The reconstruction of Kosovo after 1999 was one of the largest and most ambitious international interventions in a post-conflict country. The United Nations, other major multinational organisations and many large bilateral aid donors all played a role in restoring stability and establishing governance in the territory. This book looks beyond the apparently united and generally self-congratulatory statements of these international actors to examine what actually happened when they tried to work together in Kosovo to achieve this goal. It considers the interests and motivations, and the strengths and weaknesses of each of the major players and how they contributed to the creation of new institutions in public finance and public sector management. Although in general the international exercise in Kosovo can be seen as a success, in the sphere of public administration the results have been mixed. More than fifteen years later, some institutions of government perform well while others face ongoing challenges. The book argues that much of the current day performance of the Kosovo government can be traced to the steps taken, or not taken, by these international actors in the crucial first years.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Science at the end of empire

        Experts and the development of the British Caribbean, 1940-62

        by Sabine Clarke, Alan Lester

        This book is open access under a CC BY license. This is the first account of Britain's plans for industrial development in its Caribbean colonies - something that historians have usually said Britain never contemplated. It shows that Britain's remedy to the poor economic conditions in the Caribbean gave a key role to laboratory research to re-invent sugarcane as the raw material for making fuels, plastics and drugs. Science at the end of empire explores the practical and also political functions of scientific research and economic advisors for Britain at a moment in which Caribbean governments operated with increasing autonomy and the US was intent on expanding its influence in the region. Britain's preferred path to industrial development was threatened by an alternative promoted through the Caribbean Commission. The provision of knowledge and expertise became key routes by which Britain and America competed to shape the future of the region, and their place in it.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2018

        Labour, state and society in rural India

        A class-relational approach

        by Jonathan Pattenden

        Behind India's high recent growth rates lies a story of societal conflict that is scarcely talked about. Across its villages and production sites, state institutions and civil society organisations, the dominant and less well-off sections of society are engaged in antagonistic relations that determine the material conditions of one quarter of the world's 'poor'. Increasingly mobile and often with several jobs in multiple locations, India's 'classes of labour' are highly segmented but far from passive in the face of ongoing exploitation and domination. Drawing on over a decade of fieldwork in rural South India, the book uses a 'class-relational' approach to analyse continuity and change in processes of accumulation, exploitation and domination. By focusing on the three interrelated arenas of labour relations, the state and civil society, it explores how improvements can be made in the conditions of labourers working 'at the margins' of global production networks, primarily as agricultural labourers and construction workers. Elements of social policy can improve the poor's material conditions and expand their political space where such ends are actively pursued by labouring class organisations. More fundamental change, though, requires stronger organisation of the informal workers who make up the majority of India's population.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Science at the end of empire

        Experts and the development of the British Caribbean, 1940-62

        by Sabine Clarke, Alan Lester

        This book is open access under a CC BY license. This is the first account of Britain's plans for industrial development in its Caribbean colonies - something that historians have usually said Britain never contemplated. It shows that Britain's remedy to the poor economic conditions in the Caribbean gave a key role to laboratory research to re-invent sugarcane as the raw material for making fuels, plastics and drugs. Science at the end of empire explores the practical and also political functions of scientific research and economic advisors for Britain at a moment in which Caribbean governments operated with increasing autonomy and the US was intent on expanding its influence in the region. Britain's preferred path to industrial development was threatened by an alternative promoted through the Caribbean Commission. The provision of knowledge and expertise became key routes by which Britain and America competed to shape the future of the region, and their place in it.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Science at the end of empire

        Experts and the development of the British Caribbean, 1940-62

        by Sabine Clarke, Alan Lester

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        January 2019

        Global humanitarianism and media culture

        by Michael Lawrence, Rachel Tavernor, Bertrand Taithe

        This collection interrogates the representation of humanitarian crisis, catastrophe and care. Contributors explore the refraction of humanitarian intervention from the mid-twentieth century to the present across a diverse range of media forms, including screen media (film, television and online video), newspapers, memoirs, music festivals and social media platforms (notably Facebook, YouTube and Flickr). Examining the historical, cultural and political contexts that have shaped the mediation of humanitarian relationships since the middle of the twentieth century, the book reveals significant synergies between the humanitarian enterprise - the endeavour to alleviate the suffering of particular groups - and its media representations, particularly in their modes of addressing and appealing to specific publics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        January 2019

        Global humanitarianism and media culture

        by Michael Lawrence, Rachel Tavernor, Bertrand Taithe

        This collection interrogates the representation of humanitarian crisis, catastrophe and care. Contributors explore the refraction of humanitarian intervention from the mid-twentieth century to the present across a diverse range of media forms, including screen media (film, television and online video), newspapers, memoirs, music festivals and social media platforms (notably Facebook, YouTube and Flickr). Examining the historical, cultural and political contexts that have shaped the mediation of humanitarian relationships since the middle of the twentieth century, the book reveals significant synergies between the humanitarian enterprise - the endeavour to alleviate the suffering of particular groups - and its media representations, particularly in their modes of addressing and appealing to specific publics.

      • Trusted Partner

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