Saga Publications
Independent Press
View Rights PortalAn Alliance of Dream Weavers First comes the dreams. And then we take out our pens and notebooks and weave those dreams into medias that we can see, hear and even enjoy. The realities in our minds become realities in other people's too. Initiated by Andry Chang, author and creator of Everna Saga, Adilaga and Martial Worlds, we collaborate with illustrators, game developers and many creators in the intellectual property industry. And our orientation is always global. Our current intellectual property brands in developent are: - Everna Saga - Adilaga (part of Martial World) Everyone can be Evernade.Evernade is everyone,everywhere,everything.
View Rights PortalFocusing particularly on historically oriented sagas, Saga emotions identifies and examines a range of emotions from across Old Norse-Icelandic saga literature. Each chapter begins with a discrete emotion term, such as reiði (anger), gleði (joy), or the peculiarly Old Norse víghugr (killing-mood), exploring its usages within the broad saga corpus, and focusing on its contextual meanings and narrative purposes. The contributions explore the specifics of the lexical terms used for different emotion states and offer in-depth case studies that consider how various emotions manifest within particular examples of saga literature. The book offers the emotional granularity lacking in current studies of Norse emotion and serves as an essential foundation for future research and study into emotional depiction in Old Norse-Icelandic saga literature.
A turbulent era. An impossible love affair. A moving saga. Hamburg 1886. Lily, whose father is a ship owner, dreams of becoming a writer. During a ship-naming ceremony, Lily gives a short speech during which her hat is blown off her head. One of the workers tries to get it back for her and is badly injured. Lily is shocked that no one sympathises with the young man’s fate. Then Johannes Bolten comes to the ship owner’s villa to demand compensation for his injured friend. Lily wants to help and allows herself to be drawn into a dangerous game of hide-and-seek. She begins a passionate affair with him. But Jo, who comes from the notorious gangland area, has a secret that Lily must never discover…
When Jenny von Sperber first met Fritz, the gorilla didn’t let her out of his sight. He was already over 50 years old then, but he was still extremely charismatic. One thing matters for the journalist: she wants to find out everything about Fritz’s life. Born in 1963, he was captured in the wild and came from Cameroon to Germany in 1966. At that time, apes were still regarded as a curiosity in zoos. When a ban was declared on the wild gorilla trade, Fritz was already a father of many youngsters. This fascinating gorilla-family saga not only recounts the eventful life of Fritz, but also shows the development in European zoos in handling wild animals. Nowadays, things have certainly improved. But there are still questions, for example, what does it do to us when we marvel at our closest relatives behind glass? And is it even still current to confine apes ... was it ever?
Die Geschichte der lebenslangen Freundschaft zwischen Lila und Elena begeisterte Millionen. Als Kinder begegnen sich die beiden zum ersten Mal im Neapel der 50er Jahre. Sehr bald gehen sie getrennte Wege. Jede für sich erlebt Liebe, Arbeit, Ehe, Mutterschaft, die Umwälzungen im Land, das Vergehen der Jahre, und doch bleiben sie zeit ihres Lebens unmissverständlich aufeinander bezogen. Bis die eine spurlos verschwindet und der anderen nichts bleibt, als dagegen anzuschreiben: Die Neapolitanische Saga beginnt. Vier Bände, ein literarisches Ereignis, jetzt im Schuber zum großartigen Preis.
Wikinger, Abenteurer, tapfere Helden, Ausgestoßene und Geächtete – vielfältig sind die Gestalten, deren Geschichten und Schicksale in den berühmten Isländersagas erzählt werden. Die unterhaltsamen Geschichten aus dem alten Island erzählen von starken, mutigen und waghalsigen Männern und Frauen, die sich vor über tausend Jahren dort niederließen. Sie hatten Fehden und Konflikte zu bestehen und ehrenhafte Heldentaten zu begehen. Und mußten nicht nur gegen Wind, Wetter und die rauhe Natur, sondern auch gegen verfeindete Wikinger und Gesetzeslose ankämpfen … Dieser Band versammelt die berühmtesten und schönsten Isländersagas – unvergleichliche literarische Zeugnisse eines fernen Landes in einer fernen Zeit.