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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Worrier state

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic in South Africa

        by Nicky Falkof

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic are endemic to contemporary societies and media forms. How do these phenomena manifest in a place like South Africa, which features heightened insecurity, deep inequality and accelerated social change? What happens when cultures of fear intersect with pervasive systems of gender, race and class? Worrier state investigates four case studies in which fear and anxiety appear in radically different ways: the far right myth of 'white genocide'; so-called 'Satanist' murders of young women; an urban legend about township crime; and social theories about safety and goodness in the suburbs. Falkof foregrounds the significance of emotion as a socio-political force, emphasising South Africa's imbrication within globalised conditions of anxiety and thus its fundamental and often-ignored hypermodernity. The book offers a bold and creative perspective on the social roles of fear and emotion in South Africa and thus on everyday life in this complex place.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        Private property and the fear of social chaos

        by Aidan Beatty

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        The False One

        By John Fletcher and Philip Massinger

        by Domenico Lovascio

        Advertised in its Prologue as a prequel to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra, Fletcher and Massinger's The False One is the first literary work completely to revolve around the affair between Caesar and Cleopatra. In its deployment of their liaison as a venue for the exploration and criticism of contemporary political manoeuvring and its high-spirited and pungent appropriation of Roman history, the play proves to be one of the most compelling Jacobean dramatizations of the classical past. This Revels Plays edition offers the first fully annotated, single-volume critical edition of The False One, with a thorough introduction that provides new insights on the date and the theatre of the play's first performance, examines the playwrights' reworking of their sources and explores the theatrical potential of a play that has hitherto regrettably been lost to the dramatic repertory.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        False profits of ethical capital

        Finance, labour and the politics of risk

        by Claire Parfitt

        False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.

      • Trusted Partner

        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2020

        Judith Shklar and the liberalism of fear

        by Allyn Fives

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        April 2021

        Medicalising borders

        Selection, containment and quarantine since 1800

        by Sevasti Trubeta, Christian Promitzer, Paul Weindling, Hastings Donnan

        The research of pandemics, epidemics, and pathogens like COVID-19 reaches far beyond the scope of biomedicine. It is not only an objective for the health, political and social sciences, but epidemics and pandemics are a matter of geography: foci and vectors of communicable diseases continue to test the efficacy of medical control at state borders. This volume illuminates these issues from various disciplinary viewpoints. It starts by exploring historical models of quarantine, spatial isolation and detention as precautionary means against the dissemination of disease and contagion by border crossers, migrants and refugees. Besides the patterns of prejudice with which these groups are confronted, the book also deals with various kinds of fear of contamination from outside of the nation state. The contributors address the implementation of medical techniques at state borders in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, as well as the presently practiced measures of medical and biometric screening of migrants and refugees. Uniquely, this volume shows that the current border security regimes of Western states exhibit a high share of medicalised techniques of power, which originate both in European modernity and in the medical and biological disciplines developed during the last quarter of the millennium. Drawing on the collective expertise of a network of international researchers, this interdisciplinary volume is essential reading for those wishing to understand the medicalisation of borders across the globe, from the early eighteenth century up to the present day.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        The new treason of the intellectuals

        by Thomas Docherty

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2008

        Thorold Dickinson

        A world of film

        by Philip Horne, Peter Swaab

        The films of Thorold Dickinson (1903-1984), now being rediscovered, engage with major issues including national identity, the post-colonial world, and political violence - and they also show a rare mastery of style, a thrilling eroticism, a preoccupation with the psychology of betrayal. But the director of Gaslight, The Next of Kin and The Queen of Spades was also an editor, documentarist, trade unionist, film producer (for the British Army and the UN), pioneering academic and controversialist. His adventurous and truly global involvement in film took him to Paris in the heyday of silent cinema in the 1920s, to Stalin's USSR in 1937, to the Spanish Civil War, to Africa, India, Israel and America. This book gives a lively, multi-angled account of Dickinson's works, life and times, conveying a sense of his own voice and fascinating character. It includes a richly detailed introduction, a film-by-film discussion of Dickinson with Scorsese, vivid personal memoirs of the director, a dossier of Dickinson's original writings and interviews from 1924 to 1973 (some never previously published), critical essays on all the feature films, and a ground-breaking reference section. The book draws on extensive archival research and close consultation with those who knew Dickinson well. Contributors include: Martin Scorsese, Gavin Millar, Lutz Becker, Charles Barr, Laura Marcus, Kevin Jackson, Kevin Gough-Yates, Ian Christie, Gregory Dart, Hillel Tryster, Janet Moat. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        My Bank Washes Greener

        Eco lies told by the finance sector

        by Bernd Villhauer

        — By the expert in ethical business — Once you have finished this, you will never fall for green financial lies again — Global Ethic Institute (Weltethos- Institut) network And suddenly every bank is sustainable. This truly necessary "debate book" explains in a wellfounded way what green-washing means in the financial sector, and why banks, insurance companies, asset managers, stockbrokers and other financial players clothe themselves in their allegedly so green-and-friendly cloak. It provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the various forms of greenwashing, how we can recognise the different "varieties" and – above all – how we can avoid them. This is also important because the entire financial and capital system is an important part of a sustainable future – and this can only succeed if it is honest, transparent and impact-orientated.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Out of his mind

        Masculinity and mental illness in Victorian Britain

        by Amy Milne-Smith

        Out of His Mind interrogates how Victorians made sense of the madman as both a social reality and a cultural representation. Even at the height of enthusiasm for the curative powers of nineteenth-century psychiatry, to be certified as a lunatic meant a loss of one's freedom and in many ways one's identify. Because men had the most power and authority in Victorian Britain, this also meant they had the most to lose. The madman was often a marginal figure, confined in private homes, hospitals, and asylums. Yet as a cultural phenomenon he loomed large, tapping into broader social anxieties about respectability, masculine self-control, and fears of degeneration. Using a wealth of case notes, press accounts, literature, medical and government reports, this text provides a rich window into public understandings and personal experiences of men's insanity.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        World Runner (1). The Hunters

        by Thomas Thiemeyer

        Tim is one of them. A runner full of passion, ready to go beyond the limits. When one day he gets a letter from GlobalGames he doesn’t hesitate to accept the challenge for a second. 7 caches have been hidden in 7 locations. 100 young people are chasing after them. Each one against the others. But Tim soon realises that he can’t do it alone. He finds an ally in the fascinating Annika, known as Sakura. But can he really trust her? Or is everyone just running for themselves after all? Who’s ready to go the furthest to find the biggest cache in the world?

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Politicising and gendering care for older people

        Multidisciplinary perspectives from Europe

        by Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil, Lubica Volanská

        This book offers a new critical framework for understanding the processes of politicising and gendering care for older people and their manifestations in several European contexts. It interrogates how care for older adults varies across time and place while searching for an in-depth comprehension of how it becomes an arena of political struggle and the object of public policy in different countries and at various societal and political levels. It brings together multidisciplinary contributions that examine the issue of care for older people as a political concern from many angles, such as problematising care needs, long-term care policies, home care services, institutional services and family care. The contributions reveal the diversity of situations in which the processes of politicising and gendering care for older adults overlap, contradict or reinforce each other while leading to increased gender (in)equalities on different levels.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        What is “Good” Dementia Care?

        by Christoph Held

        People with dementia experience their condition as a big change in which, for example, new events are not linked to existing experiences and wishes, thoughts, and actions can no longer be connected to each other. This kind of experience of the self, due to the intergative function of the brainbeing temporarily or permanently lost, is called dissociative self-experience. Based on this understanding of dementia, the author develops an approach to effectively understand and support people with dementia in everyday activities. Typical everyday situations and behaviours are presented and reflected on in a practical context.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Arlo Finch (3). Im Königreich der Schatten

        by August, John

        Das große Finale des einzigartigen Fantasy-Abenteuers von Starautor John August Nach einem alles verändernden Sommer kehrt Arlo Finch zu seiner Familie nach Pine Mountain zurück. Doch statt auf den anstehenden Schulwechsel kann Arlo sich nur auf eins konzentrieren: Mithilfe seiner magischen Fähigkeiten endlich seinen Vater aus China zurückzuholen. Doch damit das gelingt, muss er den mysteriösen Eldtrich entgegentreten und die stellen Arlo vor eine unlösbare Aufgabe: Entweder er rettet seine Familie und Freunde oder die Long Woods. Egal wie er sich entscheidet, am Ende werden beide Welten nie mehr dieselben sein. Das Finale der einzigartig fesselnden, mysteriös-spannenden Abenteuer-Trilogie ab 10 Jahren enthüllt die Geheimnisse der magischen Long Woods und führt die Leser ins mysteriöse Königreich der Schatten. Ein großartiges Abenteuer für Mädchen und Jungen, das seinen Protagonisten erleben lässt, wovon Kinder träumen. „Mysteriös wie „Stranger Things“, magisch wie „Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik“, fesselnd wie „Percy Jackson“. Vom Drehbuchautor von „Big Fish“, „Corpse Bride und „Frankenweenie“ John August. Mit stimmungsvollen Gänsehautillustrationen des Fantasy-Experten Helge Vogt. Weitere Informationen zu Arlo Finch und John August: In der Reihe sind erschienen: Arlo Finch. Im Tal des Feuers (Band 1) Arlo Finch. Im Bann des Mondsees (Band 2) Arlo Finch. Im Königreich der Schatten (Band 3)

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Arlo Finch (2). Im Bann des Mondsees

        by August, John

        Fantastisch, fesselnd, filmreif: Die Kinderbuchtrilogie von Publikumsliebling Arlo Finch geht weiter! Arlo freut sich auf einen Sommer voller Abenteuer mit Indra und Wu im Camp Rote Feder. Doch schon vor den Ferien geraten die Freunde in Gefahr: Mächte von außerhalb der Long Woods lauern auf einen mysteriösen Gegenstand, den nur Arlo finden kann. Ein lang gehütetes Geheimnis führt ihn schließlich auf die andere Seite des Mondsees. Und dort ist nichts mehr wie es war ... Endlich ist das erste Schuljahr in Pine Mountain zu Ende und vor Arlo, Indra und Henry Wu liegen lange Sommerferien. Doch wer wie Arlo in der Nähe der Long Woods lebt, für den bedeutet Sommer nicht nur Kanufahren, Wandern und Zelten. In den Bergen zu Füßen des Mondsees lernen die Kinder auch die Spuren der Wälder lesen und den Umgang mit Elementargeistern und Schutzzaubern. Denn so magisch und voller Wunder die Natur rund um Pine Mountain auch ist, so unberechenbar und geheimnisvoll sind auch die Mächte, die dort schlummern. Und die haben es ganz besonders auf Arlo Finch abgesehen. Ob er dem Geheimnis des Mondsees und seiner eigenen Familie auf die Schliche kommt, ehe es zu spät ist? Geheimnisvolle Schauplätze und faszinierende Landschaften halten große Abenteuer bereit: Sowohl im mysteriösen Gänsehautort Pine Mountain als auch in den magischen „Long Woods“ scheint alles möglich! Und das weiß Arlo auch! Irgendetwas wird kommen. Da ist Arlo sich sicher. Band 2 der einzigartig fesselnden, mysteriös-spannenden Abenteuer-Trilogie ab 10 Jahren führt die Leser noch tiefer in die magischen Long Woods. Ein großartiges Abenteuer für Mädchen und Jungen, das seinen Protagonisten erleben lässt, wovon Kinder träumen. „Mysteriös wie „Stranger Things“, magisch wie „Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik“, fesselnd wie „Percy Jackson“. Vom Drehbuchautor von „Big Fish“, „Corpse Bride und „Frankenweenie“ John August. Mit stimmungsvollen Gänsehautillustrationen von Fantasy-Experten Helge Vogt. Weitere Informationen zu Arlo Finch und John August: Weitere Titel der Reihe: Arlo Finch. Im Tal des Feuers

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