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        December 2013

        Rig-Veda. Das Heilige Wissen

        Dritter bis fünfter Liederkreis

        by Michael E. J. Witzel, Salvatore Scarlata, Toshifumi Goto

        Der 'Rig-Veda' ist eines der ältesten Literaturdenkmäler der Menschheit. Seine Hymnen sind die früheste uns erhaltene religiöse Dichtung Indiens; sie sind lange vor dem Hinduismus und Buddhismus entstanden. In der neuen Übersetzung kommen sowohl das Fremde und Geheimnisvolle der Veden als auch ihre bis heute wirksame Unmittelbarkeit zum Ausdruck. Der umfassende Kommentar erläutert die Entstehungs- und Wirkungsgeschichte, die Sprache, Symbole und dichterischen Formen des 'Rig-Veda', seinen geographischen, geschichtlichen, archäologischen, kulturellen und sozialen Hintergrund, die komplexe Götterwelt und Mythologie sowie die große Bedeutung des 'feierlichen Rituals' – eines vollendeten liturgischen Systems, das noch heute Anwendung findet. Der zweite Band der Edition versammelt den dritten bis fünften der insgesamt zehn Liederkreise.

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        November 2022

        Rig-Veda – Das heilige Wissen

        Sechster und siebter Liederkreis

        by Toshifumi Gotō, Eijirō Dōyama, Toshifumi Gotō, Eijirō Dōyama

        Der ›Rig-Veda‹ gehört zu den frühesten Literaturdenkmälern der Menschheit. Seine 1028 Gedichte mit ihren 10580 Versen wurden etwa zwischen 1500 und 1000 v. Chr. im archaischen Indo-Arisch, einer Vorform des klassischen Sanskrit, verfaßt. Obwohl die ältesten Handschriften erst aus dem frühen 2. Jahrtausend datieren, ist durch die teilweise bis heute praktizierte, äußerst genaue mündliche Überlieferung der ursprüngliche Wortlaut nahezu unverändert erhalten geblieben.In der neuen Übersetzung kommen sowohl das Fremde, Geheimnisvolle der Veden als auch ihre bis heute wirksame Unmittelbarkeit zum Ausdruck. Der dritte Band enthält mit den Liederkreisen 6 und 7 die Dichtungen des Bharadvāja und seiner Nachkommen (maṇḍala 6) und das Buch der Vasiṣṭhas (maṇḍala 7).

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2021


        Understanding 'the economy' in Brexit Britain

        by Anna Killick

        In Brexit Britain, talk of 'the economy' dominates; however, we know surprisingly little about how people understand this term. In the aftermath of the 2008 crash and decades of neoliberalism, how are understandings of 'the economy' changing, and is it the case that Remain supporters care more about 'the economy' than Leave supporters? This timely and insightful book argues that people with similar experiences of the economy share an understanding of the term, regardless of whether they supported Leave or Remain. Through extensive ethnographic research in a city on the South coast of England, Anna Killick explores what people from a range of backgrounds understand about key aspects of 'the economy', including employment, austerity, trade and the economic effects of migration.

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        August 2021

        Der Gin-Trailer


        by Leslie Jamison, Kirsten Riesselmann

        Nach dem New-York-Times-Bestseller Die Klarheit schreibt Leslie Jamison einen großen Roman über Sucht und Ausweglosigkeit, über echte Verzweiflung und die flüchtigen hellen Augenblicke, die so schnell wieder verschwinden, wie sie gekommen sind. Als junge Frau läuft Tilly von zu Hause weg und landet in der schäbigen Unterwelt Nevadas, wo sie statt des großen Glücks nur Drogen, Alkohol und die falschen Männer findet. Eines Tages, nachdem Tilly beinahe dreißig Jahre lang keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Familie hatte und sich in einem Trailerpark in der Wüste fast zu Tode getrunken hat, steht ihre Nichte Stella vor der Tür ihres Wohnwagens und zwingt sie zu einem Neuanfang. Der Gin-Trailer erzählt die Geschichte der eigentümlichen Beziehung, die zwischen den beiden entsteht.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Border images, border narratives

        The political aesthetics of boundaries and crossings

        by Johan Schimanski, Jopi Nyman

        This interdisciplinary volume explores the role of images and narratives in different borderscapes. Written by experienced scholars in the field, Border images, border narratives provides fresh insight into how borders, borderscapes, and migration are imagined and narrated in public and private spheres. Offering new ways to approach the political aesthetics of the border and its ambiguities, this volume makes a valuable contribution to the methodological renewal of border studies and presents ways of discussing cultural representations of borders and related processes. Influenced by the thinking of philosopher Jacques Rancière, this timely volume argues that narrated and mediated images of borders and borderscapes are central to the political process, as they contribute to the public negotiation of borders and address issues such as the in/visiblity of migrants and the formation of alternative borderscapes. The contributions analyse narratives and images in literary texts, political and popular imagery, surveillance data, border art, and documentaries, as well as problems related to borderland identities, migration, and trauma. The case studies provide a highly comparative range of geographical contexts ranging from Northern Europe and Britain, via Mediterranean and Mexican-USA borderlands, to Chinese borderlands from the perspectives of critical theory, literary studies, social anthropology, media studies, and political geography.

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        March 1983

        Borderline-Störungen und pathologischer Narzißmus

        by Otto F. Kernberg, Hermann Schultz

        Otto F. Kernberg gibt in diesem Buch zunächst eine umfassende systematische Übersicht über die symptomatologischen, ich-strukturellen und dynamisch-genetischen Merkmale der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Danach geht er auf typische Übertragungs-Gegenübertragungs-Konstellationen bei Borderline-Patienten ein und stellt eine besondere modifizierte Form analytischer Psychotherapie als Behandlungsmethode der Wahl vor. Eine ausführliche Erörterung prognostischer und differentialdiagnostischer Fragen schließt sich an. Dem bei Borderline-Patienten so häufigen inneren Leeregefühl ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Im zweiten Teil des Buches entwickelt Kernberg ein eigenes Konzept narzißtischer Persönlichkeitsstörungen, deren Ursache er in einer pathologischen Abwehrorganisation sieht, die tiefliegende archaische Trieb- und Beziehungskonflikte verdeckt. Die abschließenden Kapitel behandeln praktisch-klinische Probleme bei narzißtischen Persönlichkeitsstörungen und versuchen eine Klärung der Unterschiede zwischen normalem und pathologischem Narzißmus.

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        July 2020

        Mein Geburtstags-Set. Spannende Schatzsuche

        by Blossier, Guillaume

        Der Kindergeburtstag steht vor der Tür - Spannung und Abenteuer sind gefragt! Das Geburtstags-Set enthält nicht nur Einladungen und Diplome für 12 mutige Schatzsucher, sondern auch die komplette Schatzsuche mit abwechslungsreichen Rätseln und Knobelaufgaben. Nur schnell die Hinweise entsprechend der Anleitung platzieren und los geht’s auf die wilde Jagd nach dem Schatz der Piraten! Ausgelegt auf 45 Minuten Spielspaß, führen Meerjungfrauen, Ninjas und Prinzessinnen die Spieler durch Raum und Zeit. Am Ende lockt der Piratenschatz! Und für die Eltern bleibt etwas Zeit, auch ein Stückchen Kuchen zu genießen.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Relics, dreams, voyages

        World baroque

        by Peter Davidson

        Relics, Dreams,Voyages is a closely focused sequence of studies of worldwide connections in all the arts in the baroque period. Drawing on original research in libraries, collections, and archives in five countries, and in as many languages, this book draws many astonishing, unfamiliar and beautiful texts, things and events, into a cartography of the secret and strange patterns of baroque cultures worldwide. The visual arts are examined across a wide temporal and geographical span, and many subversive iconographies are decoded: at the French and English courts, in remote Scotland, in Nagasaki, in Valladolid. This books offers a new, extraordinary cultural geography of the baroque world, opening doors to many rich and strange cultural artefacts, from 'China to Peru.'

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        African cities and collaborative futures

        Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics

        by Michael Keith, Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos, Susan Parnell

        This groundbreaking volume brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss the infrastructure, energy, housing, safety and sustainability of African cities, as seen through local narratives of residents. Drawing on a variety of fields and extensive first-hand research, the contributions offer a fresh perspective on some of the most pressing issues confronting urban Africa in the twenty-first century. At a time when the future of the region as a whole will be determined in large part by its cities, the implications of these developments are profound. With case studies from cities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania, this volume explores how the rapid growth of African cities is reconfiguring the relationship between urban social life and its built forms. While the most visible transformations in cities today can be seen as infrastructural, these manifestations are cultural as well as material, reflecting the different ways in which the city is rationalised, economised and governed. How can we 'see like a city' in twenty-first-century Africa, understanding the urban present to shape its future? This is the central question posed throughout this volume, with a practical focus on how academics, local decision makers and international practitioners can collaborate to meet the challenge of rapid growth, environmental pressures and resource gaps.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 1999

        The Irish and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939

        by Robert Stradling

        The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War threw Irish politics, north and south of the border, into turmoil. Tragic events in Spain aroused emotive responses across the spectrum of Irish society. In contrast to most other communities of the British Isles, citizens of the Irish Free State were mainly pro-Franco. But many on the left felt a strong identification with the plight of the Republic. Ireland sent large organized bodies of men to fight on opposite sides in the Spanish Civil War. The International Brigade volunteers were led by the IRA warrior, Frank Ryan. Their rivals, who became a battalion of Franco's Foreign Legion were mostly members of the semi-facist Blueshirts, and were commanded by the ex-leader of that movement, General Eoin O'Duffy. In late 1936, two enemy crusades - Communist and Catholic - left Ireland to fight it out in Spain. This book, illuminated by personal histories, tells the story of what happened to those two sides. Starting with their eventful journey to Spain, it follows their footsteps across the battlefields of Spain. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2014

        Transforming conflict through social and economic development

        Practice and policy lessons from Northern Ireland and the Border Counties

        by Sandra Buchanan

        Transforming conflict through social and economic development examines lessons learned from the Northern Ireland and Border Counties conflict transformation process through social and economic development and their consequent impacts and implications for practice and policymaking, with a range of functional recommendations produced for other regions emerging from and seeking to transform violent conflict. It provides, for the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the region's transformation activity, largely amongst grassroots actors, enabled by a number of specific funding programmes, namely the International Fund for Ireland, Peace I, II and III and INTERREG I, II and IIIA. These programmes have been responsible for a huge increase in grassroots practice which to date has attracted virtually no academic analysis; this book seeks to fill this gap. In focusing on the politics of the socioeconomic activities that underpinned the elite negotiations of the peace process, key theoretical transformation concepts are firstly explored, followed by an examination of the social and economic context of Northern Ireland and the border counties. The three programmes and their impacts are then assessed before considering what policy lessons can be learned and what recommendations can be made for practice. This is underpinned by a range of semi-structured interviews and the author's own experience as a project promoter through these programmes in the border counties for more than a decade. The book will be essential reading for students, practitioners and policymakers in the fields of peace and conflict studies, conflict transformation, peacebuilding, post-agreement reconstruction and the political economy of conflict and those interested in contemporary developments in the Northern Ireland peace process. ;

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        June 2007

        Studying and working in France

        A student guide

        by Russell Cousins, Russell Cousins, Ron Hallmark, Ian Pickup

        Replacing the highly-acclaimed first edition, this second, newly-researched, fully-revised, expanded and updated edition now includes details of 29 major University centres and their Institutions of Higher Education. It takes full advantage of the recent technological revolution, highlighting a whole range of internet sites for job opportunities, course registration, accommodation, tourism and leisure. The practical help and advice are based on the authors' many years of experience as year abroad tutors at the University of Birmingham. Whether spending a few weeks on a vacation course or a half- or a full year in academic study, or as an English assistant or on a work experience placement, the visiting student and, doubtless many a parent, will draw considerable comfort from the information and advice contained within these pages. ;

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