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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2007

        The art of poverty

        Irony and ideal in sixteenth-century beggar imagery

        by Tom Nichols

        The art of poverty is the first book in English to analyse depictions of beggars in sixteenth-century European art. Featuring works from Germany, the Low Countries, Britain, France and Italy, it discusses a diverse body of imagery in many different media, from crude woodcuts to monumental church altarpieces. It develops a striking thesis, arguing that these works largely conformed to two paradoxical, though mutually supportive, representational approaches. The earlier chapters follow the emergence of a trenchantly negative approach in Northern art, in which beggars are shown as vagabonds, whose idleness and thievery threatened the values of sixteenth-century society (especially its growing emphasis on the need to work). In the other predominant visual mode, beggars are exalted as examples of sacred purity. In many Italian religious paintings, beggars are morally exalted with reference to sacred texts, and made formally beautiful with reference to revered artistic models. Though these approaches reflect the impact of religious reform, it is shown that, by the end of the century, they happily co-existed within Protestant and Catholic cultures. The final part of the book is concerned with the issue of artistic style and with the growing tendency of the beggar image to mediate and dissolve the didactic traditions through which it had originally been defined. The art of poverty will be of special interest to scholars and students of Renaissance art history, and its progressive approach and cross-disciplinary theme and perspective will also make it vital reading for those concerned with the development of early modern European culture. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2006

        The experience of urban poverty, 1723–82

        Parish, charity and credit

        by Alannah Tomkins

        This comparative study of urban poverty is the first to chart the irregular pulse of poverty's encounters with officialdom. It exploits an unusual methodology to secure new perspectives from familiar sources. The highly localised characteristics of the welfare economy generated a peculiarly urban environment for the poor. Separate chapters examine the parameters of workhouse life when the preconceptions of contemporaries have been stripped away; the reach of institutional charities such as almshouses, schools and infirmaries; and the surprisingly broad clientele of urban pawnbrokers. Detailed analysis of the poor is achieved via meticulous matching of individuals who fell within the purview of two or more authorities. The result is a unique insight into the survival economics of urban poverty, arising not from a tidy network of welfare but from a loose assembly of options, where the impoverished positioned themselves repeatedly to fit official, philanthropic, or casual templates of the 'deserving'. This book will be essential reading for historians of English poverty and welfare, and eighteenth-century social and economic life. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2009

        Charity and poverty in England, c.1680–1820

        Wild and visionary schemes

        by Sarah Lloyd

        This book explores responses to poverty in eighteenth-century England, with an eye to some of the odder manifestations of charity and poor relief. Whether discussing proposals for vast inland colonies or cosy firesides, men and women demonstrated that imagination, excitement and experiment were as important as systematic argument in making early-modern social policy. Ceremonies and material objects encapsulated ideas and attracted supporters; energy poured into realising imagined prospects in buildings, streetscapes and landscapes across England and beyond. Charity and Poverty in England aims to shed fresh light on ideas and lived experience, on cultural worlds in which social relations were unevenly worked out. It analyses the settings in which gentlemen, magistrates, officials, pamphleteers, ladies and neighbours reacted to the poverty of others, and poor people asserted their own beliefs and experiences. The book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of eighteenth-century cultural history and the history of social policy. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2000

        Poverty and Welfare in England, 1700–1850

        A regional perspective

        by Steve King

        The first comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the literature on poverty, communal welfare systems and alternative welfare strategies. Offers a new perspective on how we should conceptualise poverty and how ordinary families and communities responded to that poverty.. Indicates the need for new directions in the study of poverty and welfare using previously unpublished results form one of the biggest poor law databases in existence.. Argues that welfare historians have paid too little attention to the complexities of defining and measuring poverty, and a variety of primary source material is used to reconsider the extent of poverty in the period 1700-1850.. Provides the first systematic attempt to discuss the regional dimensions of the welfare system in an English context. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Molly und Mary

        Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft. Roman

        by Rendle-Short, Francesca

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        First World War
        November 2009

        Poverty, philanthropy and the state

        Charities and the working classes in London, 1918–79

        by Katharine Bradley

        This book looks at a number of charities in London between 1918 and 1979, and the ways in which they negotiated the growth of the welfare state and changes in the communities around them.These charities - the 'university settlements'- were founded in the 1880's and 1890's and brought young graduates such as William Beveridge & Clement Attlee to deprived areas of cities to undertake social work. It is of interest to those who wish to know more about the complexities of the relationships between charities, the welfare state and individuals in the course of the twentieth century. Bradley argues that whilst the settlements often had difficulties in sustaining their work with the vulnerable, they remained an important factor between the individual and the impacts of poverty. Aimed at scholars in the fields of history, social policy, sociology and criminology this book will also be of interest to practitioners in the voluntary sector and government.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2016

        Poverty, philanthropy and the state

        Charities and the working classes in London, 1918–79

        by Katharine Bradley

        This book looks at a number of charities in London between 1918 and 1979, and the ways in which they negotiated the growth of the welfare state and changes in the communities around them.These charities - the 'university settlements'- were founded in the 1880's and 1890's and brought young graduates such as William Beveridge & Clement Attlee to deprived areas of cities to undertake social work. It is of interest to those who wish to know more about the complexities of the relationships between charities, the welfare state and individuals in the course of the twentieth century. Bradley argues that whilst the settlements often had difficulties in sustaining their work with the vulnerable, they remained an important factor between the individual and the impacts of poverty. Aimed at scholars in the fields of history, social policy, sociology and criminology this book will also be of interest to practitioners in the voluntary sector and government. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2009

        The making of the Irish poor law, 1815–43


        by Peter Gray

        The making of the Irish poor law, 1815-43 examines the debates preceding and surrounding the 1838 act on the nature of Irish poverty and the responsibilities of society towards it. It traces the various campaigns for a poor law from the later eighteenth century. The nature and internal frictions of the great Irish poor inquiry of 1833-36 are analysed, along with the policy recommendations made by its chair, Archbishop Whately. It considers the aims and limitations of the government's measure and the public reaction to it in Ireland and Britain. Finally, it describes the implementation of the Poor Law between 1838 and 1843 under the controversial direction of George Nicholls. It will be of particular importance to those with a serious interest in the history of social welfare, of Irish social thought and politics, and of British governance in Ireland in the early nineteenth century. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2011

        Three seventeenth-century plays on women and performance

        by Paul Edmondson, Hero Chalmers, Julie Sanders, Sophie Tomlinson, Martin White

        This is a ground-breaking edition of three seventeenth-century plays that all engage in diverse and exciting ways with questions of gender and performance. The collection, edited by three pioneering scholars of elite female culture and early modern drama, makes the texts of three much-discussed plays - John Fletcher's The Wild-Goose Chase, James Shirley's The Bird in a Cage and Margaret Cavendish's The Convent of Pleasure - available together in a full scholarly edition for the first time. The Wild Goose Chase (1621) and The Bird in a Cage (1633) were both performed in the commercial London theatres in the Jacobean and Caroline periods respectively. The Convent of Pleasure (1668) is a so-called 'closet' drama, designed primarily for reading but drawing on a tradition of aristocratic theatricals. In a wide-ranging co-authored introduction to the volume, the editors explore the concerns of these playtexts in relation to contemporary debates surrounding popular festivity and anti-theatricalism, as well as the agency of elite female culture in the Stuart period and the emergence of the professional female actor in the Restoration. The volume will be an invaluable teaching and research tool for students and scholars of early modern drama, women's writing and performance studies more generally, as well as providing a rich sourcebook for the reader interested in seventeenth-century theatrical culture. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Sickness, medical welfare and the English poor, 1750-1834

        by Steven King, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        At the core of this book are three central contentions: That medical welfare became the totemic function of the Old Poor Law in its last few decades; that the poor themselves were able to negotiate this medical welfare rather than simply being subject to it; and that being doctored and institutionalised became part of the norm for the sick poor by the 1820s, in a way that had not been the case in the 1750s. Exploring the lives and medical experiences of the poor largely in their own words, Sickness, medical welfare and the English poor offers a comprehensive reinterpretation of the so-called crisis of the Old Poor Law from the later eighteenth century. The sick poor became an insistent presence in the lives of officials and parishes and the (largely positive) way that communities responded to their dire needs must cause us to rethink the role and character of the poor law.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Lawyers for the poor

        Legal advice, voluntary action and citizenship in England, 1890–1990

        by Katherine Bradley

        From the 1890s onwards, social reformers, volunteer lawyers, and politicians increasingly came to see access to affordable or free legal advice as a critical part of helping working-class people uphold their rights with landlords, employers, and retailers - and, from the 1940s, with the welfare state. Whilst a state scheme was launched in 1949, it was never fully implemented and help from a lawyer remained out of the reach of many people. Lawyers for the poor is the first full-length study of the development of voluntary action and mutual schemes to make the law more accessible, and the pressure put on the legal profession and governments to bring in further reforms. It offers new insights of the role of access to the law in shaping ideas about citizenship and civil rights in the twentieth century.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        Do good unto all

        by Timothy G. Fehler, Jared B. Thomley

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Hero und Leander

        by Musaios, Marion Giebel, Marion Giebel

        Hero, von den Eltern zur Priesterin bestimmt, lebt allein in Sestos am nördlichen Ufer der Dardanellen. Im gegenüberliegenden Abydos stürzt sich auf der asiatischen Seite Leander allnächtlich in die Fluten, um, geleitet von der Öllampe, die Hero ins Fenster ihres Wohnturms stellt, zu ihr zu gelangen – bis eines Nachts im Sturm die Flamme verlischt. Die Sage von den zwei Königskindern, die zusammen nicht kommen können, weil das Wasser viel zu tief ist, hat schon Ovid gestaltet, ihre vollendete Fassung, auf die sich auch Bearbeiter wie Schiller und Grillparzer beziehen, findet sich aber in dem Versepos des Musaios, der um 500 nach Christus lebte. In der neuen, eleganten Prosaübertragung von Marion Giebel wird dieser anrührende Text, mit bildnerischen Darstellungen des Mythos aus verschiedenen Zeiten sowie einem die geschichtlichen Zusammenhänge erläuternden Nachwort versehen, wieder auf deutsch zugänglich gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Blessed & Broken. Die Kraft des Klangs

        by Anne-Marie Jungwirth, Moon Notes

        In Anne-Marie Jungwirths "Blessed & Broken" dreht sich alles um Livia, eine junge Frau mit einer besonderen Gabe, die es ihr ermöglicht, durch Klang und Schall Materie zu bewegen. Diese seltene Fähigkeit, die in ihrem Königreich Palente nur wenigen Frauen zuteilwird, bringt Livia jedoch in eine prekäre Lage, da ihr Vater die Nutzung dieser Kraft verbietet. Der Grund dafür ist tragisch: Ihre Mutter kam aufgrund dieser Gabe ums Leben. Als ihre Familie in Not gerät – der Vater verliert seine Bürgerrechte und Livias schwangere Schwester benötigt dringend eine Mitgift –, sieht Livia keine andere Wahl, als einen gefährlichen Pakt mit dem attraktiven Kriegsherrn Cristan einzugehen. Dieser Handel könnte die Rettung ihrer Familie bedeuten, doch er stellt Livias Prinzipien und ihre bisherige Lebensweise infrage. "Blessed & Broken" entführt die Leser in eine Welt voller Magie, in der Livia sich zwischen der Pflicht gegenüber ihrer Familie und dem Verbot ihres Vaters hin- und hergerissen fühlt. Ihre Entscheidung, sich Cristan anzuschließen, bringt sie nicht nur auf das Schlachtfeld, sondern zwingt sie auch, sich ihrer Gabe und deren Konsequenzen zu stellen. Im Verlauf der Geschichte entwickelt sich Livia zu einer mutigen und starken Protagonistin, die für ihre Ziele kämpft und dabei nie ihre Familie aus den Augen verliert. Die Romanze zwischen ihr und Cristan entwickelt sich langsam und ist geprägt von gegenseitigem Respekt und wachsendem Vertrauen, auch wenn diese Beziehung ihre Höhen und Tiefen hat. "Blessed & Broken" ist somit eine fesselnde Mischung aus Fantasy und Romantik, die die Leser mit ihrem einzigartigen Magiesystem und der starken Charakterentwicklung begeistert. Erlebe eine Welt, in der Frauen durch Klang und Schall Materie beherrschen können, eine seltene und faszinierende Gabe, die "Segnung" genannt wird. Begleite Livia, eine mutige und entschlossene junge Frau, die trotz familiärer Verbote und persönlicher Risiken ihre außergewöhnliche Gabe einsetzt, um ihre Familie zu retten. Spannung und Intrigen erwarten dich, als Livia einen Pakt mit dem attraktiven und mächtigen Kriegsherrn Cristan eingeht, der ihre Welt auf den Kopf stellt. Verfolge die sich langsam entwickelnde und komplexe romantische Beziehung zwischen Livia und Cristan, geprägt von gegenseitigem Respekt, Vertrauen und unerwarteten Gefühlen. Lass dich in das Königreich Palente entführen, eine atemberaubende Fantasy-Welt voller Magie, Geheimnisse und einer tiefgreifenden Geschichte, die durch einen detailreichen und bildgewaltigen Schreibstil zum Leben erweckt wird. Epische Schlachten und mutige Entscheidungen: Sei dabei, wenn Livia an der Seite Cristans in epische Schlachten zieht und dabei ihre eigene Kraft und ihren Mut entdeckt. Einzelband mit Suchtpotenzial: Genieße eine abgeschlossene Geschichte voller Spannung, Magie und Romantik, die dich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite fesseln wird.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        The social world of the school

        by Hester Barron

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