Tunué is an Italian publishing house of Comics, Graphic novels and Illustrated books. It is one of the leaders in the Italian Graphic novel for Children's Market.
View Rights PortalTunué is an Italian publishing house of Comics, Graphic novels and Illustrated books. It is one of the leaders in the Italian Graphic novel for Children's Market.
View Rights Portal»Licht am Ende des Tunnels« ist, so betont Morselli, keine Utopie, sondern ein Gegenstück zu vergangener Wirklichkeit, zur Historie, »eine Alternativ-Realität«. Morselli behauptet – und beweist auf ungemein spannende Weise –, daß durch den heimlichen Bau eines Alpentunnels 1916 ein Überraschungsangriff der Österreicher gegen die Italiener erfolgreich verlaufen wäre. Wenn die deutsche Armee sodann den Stellungskrieg in Frankreich aufgegeben und ähnlich operiert, wenn auch die deutsche Flotte mittels massiver U-Boot-Angriffe auf die britischen Öltanker die doppelt so große britische Seestreitmacht besiegt, ein britischer Pilot dagegen Wilhelm II. entführt hätte, wäre der Erste Weltkrieg im Westen noch im selben Jahre zugunsten Deutschlands entschieden, beendet und vielleicht nicht vom Zweiten Weltkrieg gefolgt worden. Deutschland hätte auf Gebietsgewinne und Reparationen verzichtet und als Demokratie durch seinen ersten Kanzler: Walter Rathenau Italien, Frankreich, und Belgien bewogen, eine sozialdemokratisch orientierte westeuropäische Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Eine Gemeinschaft zunächst der vier, der sich weitere Länder angeschlossen hätten, eine Gemeinschaft, die »den Austausch mit Lenins Sozialismus« gepflegt hätte. Österreich allerdings hätte gleichwohl aufgehört, eine Doppelmonarchie zu sein. Und Adolf Hitler wäre ein obskurer Maler geblieben.
Ancoats, in Manchester, was once unimaginably different. One of the world's earliest industrial suburbs, it was dark and dense, noisy, frenetic, violent and unhealthy. It was also vibrant and creative. It had a striking vapour, sound and feel. The area today has undergone a striking regeneration. New streets, pavements and civic spaces have been laid down. A series of installations, known as The Peeps, have been created for the area. Built into the fabric of the buildings, the brass peep holes offer a fleeting glimpse of a walled-in space, a tunnel, a disused toilet, a bell tower, a gauge. Dan Dubowitz, given the title of 'cultural masterplanner', records through photographs, interviews, commentary and contemporaneous texts, the recent past and the current regeneration of the suburb. It is a fascinating, beautifully illustrated and designed volume that eloquently depicts the common narrative of industrialisation, slow decay and rebirth.
‘We will not stop demonstrating,’ writes Franziska Wessel in a guest column in the Berliner Zeitung. Franziska is pursuing a goal. Decisive measures must finally be taken to protect the climate. While that is not happening she spends every Friday on the streets, gives interviews and puts pressure on politicians. But climate change isn’t the only thing threatening our future. There is so much suffering, injustice and destruction in the world. Something must be done about it. And as a climate activist, Franziska knows exactly how to be active. Together with her father, the journalist and author, Günther Wessel, she explains: How do I start a petition? How do I organise a campaign? How does lobbying work? So that everyone knows how they can make things happen.
Juli can’t wait for the holidays. His cousin Jenny and he can once more go to her uncle’s Superhero Hotel. Maybe the next superhero adventure will be awaiting them there? Indeed it is: the evil Snakeman has created an army of mutated giant rabbits, whose underground tunnels threaten one city after another with complete collapse. And as the real superheroes are still lazing around at the swimming pool, and Bruce suddenly has to go and defend the world against an alien invasion, it’s once more left to Juli and Jenny to prevent this disaster! Armed with nothing more than a cheap pair of X-ray laser glasses with which they can see through walls, doors and even people’s clothes (villains in underpants – not a pretty sight!). And while Juli is still asking “What on earth are we doing here?” he and Jenny find themselves in the middle of a crazy adventure that takes them all round the world – across the desert, through London, and on to Paris! Can Juli and Jenny stop the evil villain and his giant rabbits in time?
The situation in our society is precarious. The ecological shocks are omnipresent. The mere continuation of our lifestyles fixated on expansion and self-development has long since reached its limits. As if intoxicated by ourselves, we consume our world voraciously and without restraint. We need moderation and frugality that lead us out of the ecological and social dead ends and hold both the individual and Politics to account. We are by no means powerless and are perfectly capable of leading a life that offers prospects for a humane future. However, our idea of freedom needs urgent correction. For this endeavour to succeed, we need the courage to face reality and the willingness, in a spirit of solidarity, to say goodbye to a false life and join the alliance of renunciation and freedom. Then we will be free – differently and better.
The dream of the ideal city is as old as the city itself. Since real cities often develop chaotically, the idea of perfecting them, even tearing them down if necessary, and rebuilding them according to the prevailing patterns of thought is an obvious one. The latest manifestation of this utopia is the smart city - the intelligent city, packed with the latest technology and extensively digitised. But will air taxis and hyperloops, ubiquitous sensors, access control systems and data-driven management really make the city of the future a better place to live? Are they the answer to the enormous challenges facing today's fast-growing metropolises? Or will the supposed administrative paradise ultimately mutate into a digital juggernaut?
TUUUUHUUUUT! Zum Geburtstag der ältesten U-Bahn der Welt wird eine historische Dampflok aus dem Transport-Museum geholt. Doch die wertvolle U-Bahn wird plötzlich vor den Augen der wartenden Fahrgäste entführt! Die Olchi-Detektive versprechen, alles zu tun, um die Lok zurückzuholen. Aber sie zu finden ist nicht einfach, denn das alte U-Bahn-Netz ist weit verzweigt, und es gibt sogar stillgelegte Geisterbahnhöfe … Ganz schön gruselig! Band von Erhard Dietls "Die Olchi-Detektive". Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern.