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        The Arts
        November 2023

        Colouring the Caribbean

        Race and the art of Agostino Brunias

        by Mia L. Bagneris

        Colouring the Caribbean offers the first comprehensive study of Agostino Brunias's intriguing pictures of colonial West Indians of colour - so called 'Red' and 'Black' Caribs, dark-skinned Africans and Afro-Creoles, and people of mixed race - made for colonial officials and plantocratic elites during the late-eighteenth century. Although Brunias's paintings have often been understood as straightforward documents of visual ethnography that functioned as field guides for reading race, this book investigates how the images both reflected and refracted ideas about race commonly held by eighteenth-century Britons, helping to construct racial categories while simultaneously exposing their constructedness and underscoring their contradictions. The book offers provocative new insights about Brunias's work gleaned from a broad survey of his paintings, many of which are reproduced here for the first time.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        From Jack Tar to Union Jack

        Representing naval manhood in the British Empire, 1870–1918

        by Mary A. Conley

        Jack Tar to Union Jack examines the intersection between empire, navy, and manhood in British society from 1870 to 1918. Through analysis of sources that include courts-martial cases, sailors' own writings, and the HMS Pinafore, Conley charts new depictions of naval manhood during the Age of Empire, a period which witnessed the radical transformation of the navy, the intensification of imperial competition, the democratisation of British society, and the advent of mass culture. Jack Tar to Union Jack argues that popular representations of naval men increasingly reflected and informed imperial masculine ideals in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Conley shows how the British Bluejacket as both patriotic defender and dutiful husband and father stood in sharp contrast to the stereotypic image of the brave but bawdy tar of the Georgian navy. This book will be essential reading for students of British imperial history, naval and military history, and gender studies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean

        Interdisciplinary perspectives

        by Finola O'Kane, Ciarán O'Neill

        Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean is a complex and ground-breaking collection of essays. Grounded in history, it integrates perspectives from art historians, architectural and landscape historians, and literary scholars to produce a genuinely interdisciplinary collection that spans from 1620-1830: the high point of European colonialism. By exploring imperial, national and familial relationships from their building blocks of plantation, migration, property and trade, it finds new ways to re-create and question how slavery made the Atlantic world.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jack Clayton

        by Neil Sinyard

        In François Truffaut's opinion The Innocents was 'the best English film after Hitchcock goes to America'. Tennessee Williams said of The Great Gatsby: 'a film whose artistry even surpassed the original novel'. The maker of both films was Jack Clayton, one of the finest English directors of the post-war era and perhaps best remembered for the trail-blazing Room at the Top which brought a new sexual frankness and social realism to the British screen. This is the first full-length critical study of Clayton's work. The author has been able to consult and quote from the director's own private papers which illuminate Clayton's creative practices and artistic intentions. In addition to fresh analyses of the individual films, the book contains new material on Clayton's many unrealised projects and valuably includes his previously unpublished short story 'The Enchantment' - as poignant and revealing as the films themselves. This is a personal and fascinating account of the career and achievement of an important, much-loved director that should appeal to students and film enthusiasts.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        The sea in Russian strategy

        by Andrew Monaghan, Richard Connolly

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2009

        Beyond The Spanish Tragedy

        A study of the works of Thomas Kyd

        by Lukas Erne, Paul Edmondson, Martin White

        Kyd is arguably Shakespeare's most important tragic predecessor. Brilliantly fusing the drama of the academic and popular traditions, Thomas Kyd's plays are of central importance for understanding how the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries came about. Called 'an extraordinary dramatic . genius' by T.S. Eliot, Thomas Kyd invented the revenge tragedy genre that culminated in Shakespeare's Hamlet some twelve years later. In this study, The Spanish Tragedy - the most popular of all plays on the English Renaissance stage - receives the extensive scholarly and critical treatment it deserves, including a full reception and modern stage history. Yet as Erne shows, Thomas Kyd is much more than the author of a single masterpiece. Don Horatio (partly extant in The First Part of Hieronimo), the lost early Hamlet, Soliman and Perseda, and Cornelia all belong to what emerges in this work as a coherent dramatic oeuvre. This groundbreaking study is now in paperback. ;

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        October 1981

        Literalität in traditionalen Gesellschaften

        by Jack Goody, Friedhelm Herborth, Thomas Lindquist, Jack Goody

        "Der vorliegende Band enthält eine Reihe von Fallstudien, die die Nutzung der Literalität in traditionalen Gesellschaften illustrieren; es werden nicht nur Gesellschaften untersucht, in denen es seit langem eine partielle Literalität gibt, die Untersuchung bezieht sich auch auf den Einfluß der Schrift in nicht-literalen Gesellschaften. Zusätzlich zu den Fallstudien enthält der Band die inzwischen berühmt gewordene Studie von Jack Goody und lan Watt über »Konsequenzen der Literalität«."

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Killer's Choice

        by Louis Begley

        Ex-Marine und Bestsellerautor Jack Dana könnte eigentlich ein ruhiges Leben führen: Er hat seinen Erzfeind Abner Brown zu Fall gebracht, ist glücklich liiert mit der schönen Anwältin Heidi Krohn und hat gerade begonnen, sein neues Buch zu schreiben. Doch dann werden sein Freund Simon Lathrop und dessen Frau auf brutalste Weise ermordet. Jack vermutet sogleich, dass die Tat mit Abner Brown in Verbindung stehen könnte, schließlich hatte Lathrop Jack geholfen, Abner zu Fall zu bringen. Als dann auch noch sein Laptop gehackt und er massiv bedroht wird, besteht für Jack kein Zweifel mehr daran, dass hier einer Abners Tod rächen will – jemand, der Abner sehr nahegestanden haben muss. Er nimmt die Herausforderung an, um Heidis und sein eigenes Leben zu retten, und gerät in große Gefahr … Louis Begleys neuer Roman verstrickt den Leser tief in die Machenschaften eines international agierenden Syndikats gewissenloser Gangster.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Killer's Choice

        by Louis Begley, Christa Krüger

        Ex-Marine und Bestsellerautor Jack Dana könnte eigentlich ein ruhiges Leben führen: Er hat seinen Erzfeind Abner Brown zu Fall gebracht, ist glücklich liiert mit der schönen Anwältin Heidi Krohn und hat gerade begonnen, sein neues Buch zu schreiben. Doch dann werden sein Freund Simon Lathrop und dessen Frau auf brutalste Weise ermordet. Jack vermutet sogleich, dass die Tat mit Abner Brown in Verbindung stehen könnte, schließlich hatte Lathrop Jack geholfen, Abner zu Fall zu bringen. Als dann auch noch sein Laptop gehackt und er massiv bedroht wird, besteht für Jack kein Zweifel mehr daran, dass hier einer Abners Tod rächen will – jemand, der Abner sehr nahegestanden haben muss. Er nimmt die Herausforderung an, um Heidis und sein eigenes Leben zu retten, und gerät in große Gefahr … Louis Begleys neuer Roman verstrickt den Leser tief in die Machenschaften eines international agierenden Syndikats gewissenloser Gangster.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        Frontiers of the Caribbean

        by Philip Nanton, Gurminder Bhambra

        This book argues that the Caribbean frontier, usually assumed to have been eclipsed after colonial conquest, remains a powerful but unrecognised element of Caribbean island culture. Combining analytical and creative genres of writing, it explores historical and contemporary patterns of frontier change through a case study of the little-known Eastern Caribbean multi-island state of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Modern frontier traits are located in the wandering woodcutter, the squatter on government land and the mountainside ganja grower. But the frontier is also identified as part of global production that has shaped island tourism, the financial sector and patterns of migration.

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        Child & developmental psychology

        The Captain Nemo Stories

        by Ulrike Petermann

        Even at a primary school age, children can suffer from anxiety and stress with symptoms ranging from feeling tense to problems concentrating or sleeping. The stories of Captain Nemo help children relax and learn to let go of their anxiety and restlessness. The relaxation stories, written for children ages 5-12, can be either read aloud to the child or by the children themselves. The main character, Captain Nemo, invites the children to come along for his adventures on his submarine the Nautilus. The stories take the children to visit a coral forest, ride a giant tortoise, or explore the lost city of Atlantis. Through the stories, the children learn strategies to calm themselves and relax which they can then re-use in difficult situations in their daily lives. This widely successful book can be used at home, by teachers, social workers, school psychologists, child and adolescentpsychotherapists, and psychiatrists. For:• child and adolescent psycho-therapistsand psychiatrists,social workers, school psychologists,teachers, parents

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        November 2015

        Aurora Sea

        Romantic Fantasy Roman

        by Stenglein, Nadine

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