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      • Callisto Media

        Callisto Media’s scientific approach marries data and technology with deep publishing expertise to accurately identify unmet demand and create exactly the book that consumers are seeking.

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      • Calixta Editores

        Calixta Editores is a Colombian publishing house, creative and avant-garde, whose main objective is to support and promote literary culture and to generate cultural spaces, where opportunities are created to share new projects and opinions.We are a company that has been consolidating itself in the market for six years as a proper publisher, well-known for the publication of new authors, especially Colombians. Our purpose is to spread and encourage the culture of reading and writing to generate active participation from authors in the cultural and artistic movement of the country.Divided into five thematic lines, we have more than 100 titles and 70 authors, what makes us one of the most active independent publishing on the market.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        The Arts
        May 2020

        Empires of light

        Vision, visibility and power in colonial India

        by Niharika Dinkar

        Light was central to the visual politics and imaginative geographies of empire, even beyond its role as a symbol of knowledge and progress in post-Enlightenment narratives. This book describes how imperial mappings of geographical space in terms of 'cities of light' and 'hearts of darkness' coincided with the industrialisation of light (in homes, streets, theatres) and its instrumentalisation through new representative forms (photography, film, magic lanterns, theatrical lighting). Cataloguing the imperial vision in its engagement with colonial India, the book evaluates responses by the celebrated Indian painter Ravi Varma (1848-1906) to reveal the centrality of light in technologies of vision, not merely as an ideological effect but as a material presence that produces spaces and inscribes bodies.

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        The Arts
        October 2015

        Film light

        Meaning and emotion

        by Lara Thompson

        In one of the first monographs of its kind to focus on the aesthetic and emotional impact of lighting in cinema, Lara Thompson looks at the way light informs the cinematic experience, from constructing star identities, sculpting natural light and creating imaginary worlds, to the seductive power of darkness, fading representations of the past and arresting twilight encounters. This groundbreaking and accessible introductory study offers a unique insight into the way illumination has transcended its diffuse functional boundaries and been elevated to a position of narrative and emotional importance, transforming it from an unobtrusive element of film style to an expressive and essential component. It includes analyses of over fifty renowned international films, discussed in inventive and illuminating combinations, from cinema's earliest moments to its most recent digital manifestations, and is essential reading for all those who want to understand what film light means and how it makes us feel. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Eternal light and earthly concerns

        Belief and the shaping of medieval society

        by Paul Fouracre

        In early Christianity it was established that every church should have a light burning on the altar at all times. In this unique study, Eternal light and earthly concerns, looks at the material and social consequences of maintaining these 'eternal' lights. It investigates how the cost of lighting was met across western Europe throughout the whole of the Middle Ages, revealing the social organisation that was built up around maintaining the lights in the belief that burning them reduced the time spent in Purgatory. When that belief collapsed in the Reformation the eternal lights were summarily extinguished. The history of the lights thus offers not only a new account of change in medieval Europe, but also a sustained examination of the relationship between materiality and belief.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        Crown of Light and Darkness

        by Jana Schikorra, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Der Kampf um die Sonnenkrone beginnt In Lavandria fristen die Menschen ein Dasein in ewiger Dunkelheit – so auch die 20-jährige Astoria. Nur einmal im Jahr öffnen sich die Pforten zum Sonnenreich der Sidhe, einem magischen Elfenvolk. Wer mutig genug ist, kann in diesen raren Stunden um die Sonnenkrone des jungen Königs Ronas kämpfen, denn ein Sieg würde den Menschen das Licht zurückbringen. Doch als Astoria und Ronas sich in einem erbitterten Duell gegenüberstehen, zögert der sonst so skrupellose König, sie zu töten … Die mitreißende Romantasy für New Adult Fans ab 16 Jahren erzählt von der spannenden Suche nach der Sonnenkrone, die über das Schicksal zweier Reiche entscheidet – und die die junge Astoria und den skrupellosen König Ronas unerwartet einander näher bringt. Ein Muss für alle Romantasy-Fans, die Geschichten voller Magie, Emotionen und spannender Wendungen lieben. Crown of Light and Darkness: Magisch-empowernde Fantasy vom Feinsten High Fantasy trifft auf Romantasy: Eine packende Geschichte voller Licht, Schatten und Liebe für junge Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Eine mutige Heldin: Die junge Astoria will den skrupellosen König Ronas besiegen und den Menschen das Licht zurückbringen. Mitreißend und dramatisch: Eine magische Romantasy voller unerwarteter Wendungen. Voll angesagt: Romantasy für Fans von Lexi Ryan und Holly Black. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. „Crown of Light and Darkness“ erzählt eine atemberaubende Geschichte über den Kampf gegen die Dunkelheit und den skrupellosen Elfenkönig. Ein spannender New-adult-Roma ab 16 Jahren, der seine Leser*innen in eine fantastische Welt entführt und bis zur letzten Seite fesselt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Linn’s Light

        Ein Mutmach-Buch für Kinder mit einer Depression

        by Mira Rzany, Leonie Heindel, Lukas Maelger, Alina Senßfelder

        Linn lives in the land of lights. Everyone who lives there carries a light within them that changes color depending on how he/she feels. Lately, Linn’s parents have been arguing a lot and her school grades are going down. Linn goes out less and less, and she spends a lot of time alone in her room. Her inner light is almost always only grey. She can also no longer see all the beautiful colors. With the help of her teacher, her parents, Mr. Fire-Eater and her friend, Linn gradually manages to take off the grey cloak. This means there are once again days when the light shines very brightly within her and she can feel all the colors clearly. This book aims to help children affected by depression understand their current situation. It shows them they are not alone and how they can overcome their depression. The book provides important information on this topic for children, their parents, siblings, and therapists as well as practical tasks and exercises. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12) who suffer fromdepression• parents• relatives• therapists

      • Trusted Partner


        Schatten und Licht

        by Anne Stern

        1922: Hulda Gold is a midwife and she is smart, fearless and extremely popular in the neighbourhood since the fate of her female patients is extremely close to her heart. Especially as she encounters not only new life, but also death. In the notorious Bülowbogen, one of the city's many slums, Hulda looks after a pregnant woman. The young woman is devastated because her neighbour was found dead in the Landwehrkanal; allegedly a tragic accident. But why is the opaque detective commissioner Karl North so interested in the case? And why is Hulda so attracted to him? She investigates and gets deeper and deeper into the abysses of a city where shadow and light are so close together.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Wo wir uns wohlfühlen

        Mitteilungen aus Italien und Poschiavo

        by Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Dietmar Pleyer, Dietmar Pleyer

        Für Italien, das Land, »dessen Nationalcharakteristica ihm am meisten liegen« und das er schon früh kennenlernte, hat Wolfgang Hildesheimer immer wieder Worte gefunden, die über Empathie und Herzlichkeit weit hinausgingen: Worte der Faszination, ja der Liebe. Zweimal werden Hildesheimer und seine Frau Silvia jenseits der Alpen seßhaft: in der Cal Masante di Sopra bei Urbino und im graubündischen Poschiavo, »das eigentlich geographisch zu Italien gehört«. Hier wird er so lange leben wie an keinem anderen Ort. Es ist ein guter, fruchtbarer Boden für Hildesheimers Schreiben und Malen, aber auch für den unmittelbaren Genuß des Lebens: der Begegnung mit den Menschen, ihrer Landschaft und, nicht zuletzt, ihrer Küche. Dietmar Pleyer läßt Hildesheimers Beziehung zu Italien und Poschiavo in diesem abwechslungsreich komponierten Buch anschaulich werden. Ausgewählte Textstellen aus Notaten, Schriften, Gesprächen und vielen unveröffentlichten Briefen sowie die zahlreichen bislang unpublizierten Abbildungen ergänzen sich zu einer liebenswerten Hommage Hildesheimers an Land, Sprache und Menschen, an »eine geradezu horazische Idylle, wie sie eigentlich nicht mehr erlaubt ist«.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Lebe leicht

        Im Innen Platz schaffen, um im Außen frei zu sein

        by Watkins, Light

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Judith Elze

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        20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
        January 2014

        Cricket and community in England

        by Peter Davies, Robert Light

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        The Arts
        September 2017

        Film light

        by Lara Thompson

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        April 1999

        Clothed in Purple Light

        Studies in Vergil and in Latin Literature. Including Aspects of Philosophy, Religion, Magic, Judaism, and the New Testament Background

        by Brenk, Frederick E.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Shining Light on the Dark Side of Personality

        by Peter Karl Jonason

        Learn which dark side of personality assessment to use and when • Introduces different assessment tools• Highlights the nuances between tests• Presents the relevant psychometric properties• Explores findings about human nature This volume explores the latest research on the assessment of the dark personality traits, including the dark triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy, and more. The internationally renowned group of contributors provide a comprehensive, evidence- based overview of the personality traits currently being explored and the instruments used to measure them. This convergence of research from various measures can provide a broad mosaic of information about people colloquially called psychopaths, narcissists, spiteful, Machiavellian, and sadists. For:• researchers and students of test development• practitioners

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