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      • Guangdong Science & Technology Press Co., Ltd.

        Guangdong Science and Technology Press, founded in May,1978, is one of the earliest regional press in China. Now it has developed into a comprehensive enterprise of technology press with a well-trained professional team and with an annual putout of 1000 books. We mainly publishes technology books in the fields of science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economic management, daily science, etc.

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      • Guangxi Science & Technology Publishing House Co., Ltd.

        Guangxi Science & Technology Publishing House Co., Ltd.was founded in 1988 and have developed over 30 years. We were rated as "Copyright Importing and Exporting Excellent Company "in 2012. We keep selling books’copyrights of Chinese culture, medicine, agriculture, education, children's books with the publishers from U.S.A.,Canada,France,Germany,Japan, Korea, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Indonesia.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Technology, health and the patient consumer in the twentieth century

        by Rachel Elder, Thomas Schlich

        Technology and consumerism are two characteristic phenomena in the history medicine and healthcare, yet the connections between them are rarely explored by scholars. In this edited volume, the authors address this disconnect, noting the ways in which a variety of technologies have shaped patients' roles as consumers since the early twentieth century. Chapters examine key issues, such as the changing nature of patient information and choice, patients' assessment of risk and reward, and matters of patient role and of patient demand as they relate to new and changing technologies. They simultaneously investigate how differences in access to care and in outcomes across various patient groups have been influenced by the advent of new technologies and consumer-based approaches to health. The volume spans the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, spotlights an array of medical technologies and health products, and draws on examples from across the United States and United Kingdom.

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        July 2000

        Negative Dialektik

        by Theodor W. Adorno

        Theodor W. Adorno wurde am 11. September 1903 in Frankfurt am Main geboren und starb am 06. August 1969 während eines Ferienaufenthalts in Visp/Wallis an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts. Von 1921 bis 1923 studierte er in Frankfurt Philosophie, Soziologie, Psychologie und Musikwissenschaft und promovierte 1924 über Die Transzendenz des Dinglichen und Noematischen in Husserls Phänomenologie. Bereits während seiner Schulzeit schloss er Freundschaft mit Siegfried Kracauer und während seines Studiums mit Max Horkheimer und Walter Benjamin. Mit ihnen zählt Adorno zu den wichtigsten Vertretern der »Frankfurter Schule«, die aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt hervorging. Sämtliche Werke Adornos sind im Suhrkamp Verlag erschienen.

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        Geography & the Environment
        May 2023

        Carbon colonialism

        by Laurie Parsons

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        Health & Personal Development
        June 2016

        Studying Successfully with ADHD

        A Pratical Guide for Parents

        by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund

        For children with ADHD and their parents, the school years are often difficult. Children may avoid homework they dislike, involve their parents in endless discussions of the point or pointlessness of particular exercises, dawdle and daydream their time away, or explode with frustration if they get something wrong or cannot do something.   This book provides parents with concrete and practical help. It shows you how you can:   • improve your child’s concentration and stamina• increase your child’s motivation to learn and study• reduce frustration, arguments, and tears over homework• control chaos and forgetfulness• help your child succeed by using smart learning methods• develop your child’s strengths• help your child cope with failure and maintain self-confidence• establish a good relationship with the school.     For: • parents / relatives of children with ADHD• therapists• learning coaches• teachers

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015

        Negative Produktinformation.

        Die Rechtmäßigkeit von staatlichen, staatlich finanzierten und privaten negativen Produktinformationen.

        by Boddenberg, Bastian

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        February 1997

        Negative Informationsfreiheit.

        Zugleich ein Beitrag zur negativen Grundrechtsfreiheit.

        by Fenchel, Jörg

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1992

        Negative Politik.

        Zur Grundlegung der Politischen Philosophie aus der Daseinsanalytik und ihrer Bewährung in den Politischen Schriften Martin Heideggers 1933/34.

        by Gebert, Sigbert

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        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

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        Politics & government
        November 2012

        Understanding AS-Level Government and Politics

        Second edition

        by Moyra Grant

        This is a clearly written, comprehensive and topical textbook on UK government and politics for AS and A Level students. It is suitable for the A Level Edexcel, OCR and AQA exam boards. The content of the book is structured according to the boards' specifications. It covers: political power, participation and democracy; the UK constitution; elections and referenda; MPs, parties and pressure groups; Parliament and government; the courts, judges and civil liberties; local government and devolution; and the European Union. All key terms and concepts are highlighted and succinctly defined. The book has an accessible style and very user-friendly format. It includes sample exam questions with answers, and fun quizzes with answers, plus features such as 'Talking Point' and 'Analyse This' to encourage class discussion and exploration of core topics. Each chapter begins with a summary of contents and ends with sample exam questions and useful websites.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Science and Technology Studies

        Klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven

        by Susanne Bauer, Torsten Heinemann, Thomas Lemke

        In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ist mit den Science and Technology Studies (STS) ein Forschungsfeld entstanden, das eine grundlegende Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft vornimmt. Der vorliegende Band versammelt erstmals zentrale Texte der STS in deutscher Sprache, u. a. von Bruno Latour, David Bloor, Michel Callon, Donna Harraway oder Karen Barad, und bietet zudem Überblicksdarstellungen aller wichtigen Forschungsgebiete und Theoriepositionen. Entstanden ist so eine grundlegende Einführung in diese innovative Forschungsrichtung, die darüber hinaus auch eine Zwischenbilanz der Entwicklung der STS zieht und aktuelle Herausforderungen und Debatten auslotet.

      • Trusted Partner

        Negative Theologie der Zeit

        by Michael Theunissen

        Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Arbeiten sind Zwischenergebnisse eines work-in-progress, dessen Ziel im Titel angegeben ist. Der erste Beitrag, »Möglichkeiten des Philosophierens heute«, umreißt die Erkenntnisansprüche des Projekts von Michael Theunissen. Der zweite Beitrag, der nach den Bedingungen von Glück in einem von der Zeit beherrschten Dasein fragt, steckt die zu untersuchenden Gegenstandsbereiche ab. Die beiden folgenden Beiträge greifen Stücke aus der Geschichte der Zeitphilosophie heraus: Überlegungen zu Parmenides markieren den Ausgangspunkt einer Metaphysik, die sich in der Abstraktion von der archaischen Herrschaftserfahrung gebildet hat: Interpretationen zu Sartre bedenken ein Ende, das Elemente eines Neubeginns enthält. Der fünfte und sechste Beitrag bringen Beispiele für das von der Herrschaft der Zeit verursachte Leiden: »Die Gegenwart des Todes im Leben« exemplifiziert das normale Leiden. »Melancholisches Leiden unter der Herrschaft der Zeit« das abnorme. Das übergreifende Thema des siebten und achten Beitrags (»Freiheit von der Zeit. Ästhetisches Anschauen als Verweilen« und »Zeit des Lebens«) ist der vom Leiden mobilisierte Widerstand. Der Abschluß des Bandes bildet ein religionsphilosophischer Aufsatz, der gewissermaßen die Keimzelle des Theunissenschen Projekts darstellt.

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        Audio Engineering

        for special events techniciansin training and on the job

        by Christoph Grzesinski. Founded by Dr. Volker Smyrek

        We all know that audio engineering is more than just acronyms. But what do they all mean? This practical textbook is designed to meet the special needs of events technicians. The textbook stands out from the crowd because it is designed specifically with the university curriculum and professional needs in mind, making it not only an excellent companion in the classroom, but a useful reference for on the job as well. The author, himself an instructor for special events technicians, covers the ground from physical fundamentals of acoustics and electronics to setting up mixing consoles and sound systems, providing a multitude of useful tips without confusing the reader with extraneous details. A chapter on video technology rounds off the book. Sample calculations put the material in a practical context, and sample problems at the end of each chapter (with solutions in the appendix) help review what has been learned and inspire further thought. Entertaining guest essays provide a broader perspective.

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