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      • Cataplum Libros

        Good books are like meek animals that stretch when we caress their backs, and that show us their bellies so we go and play with them; but they also do not hesitate to give us a good bite to free us from the claws of routine. To create these noble creatures, in Cataplum we dig like moles through the collective memory and explore the roots that connect us as Latin-Americans; thus, we recover our oral tradition, our playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities. As truffle-seeking pigs, we have developed an acute nose to find texts of authors from past and actual times. As rabbits we jump here and there tracking down illustrators with new proposals. And as eagles we strive to see, from a distance, how image and texts can coexist in harmony. In sum, our catalogue has been conceived as a living creature; one that begun as something very little, like bear cubs, but capable of becoming a fabulous living being; one that combines the best qualities of noble animals and have the power to captivate us.

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      • Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)

        Welcome International Rights Agents and Publishers!The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), representing 3,600 independent publishers from the U.S., has been attending the Frankfurt International Book Fair for more than 30 years. While we wish we could be meeting with you in person this year, we are excited to present to you some new and innovative titles from our members all the same, some of which are certain to be of interest to your company.   If you would like to set up an appointment to meet with us, or are interested in a review copy of any of the books listed in this online catalog, please contact Terry Nathan at

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Critical theory and Independent Living

        by Teodor Mladenov

        Critical theory and Independent Living explores intersections between contemporary critical theory and disabled people's struggle for self-determination. The book highlights the affinities between the Independent Living movement and studies of epistemic injustice, biopower, and psychopower. It discusses in depth the activists' critical engagement with welfare-state paternalism, neoliberal marketisation, and familialism. This helps develop a pioneering comparison between various welfare regimes grounded in Independent Living advocacy. The book draws on the activism of disabled people from the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) by developing case studies of the ENIL's campaigning for deinstitutionalisation and personal assistance. It is argued that this work helps rethink independence as a form of interdependence, and that this reframing is pivotal for critical theorising in the twenty-first century.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary Spanish cinema

        by Barry Jordan, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas

        Contemporary focus, right up to date with material from 1980s and 90s. Wide-ranging analyses of major directors, themes, genres and issues, including historical film, genre cinema, women in film and autonomies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        The independent man

        Citizenship and gender politics in Georgian England

        by Matthew McCormack, Pamela Sharpe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie

        'Independence' was an important ideal for men in Georgian England. In this period, however, the word meant much more than simply the virtues of self-sufficiency and impartiality. Most people believed that obligations absolutely compromised freedom and conscience, whereas 'independence' was associated with manly virtue and physical vigour. Fundamentally, the political world was thought to consist of 'independent men', exercising their consciences and standing up for the general good. As such, Georgians thought about political action and masculine virtue very differently to the ways in which we do today. In study, newly available in paperback, Matthew McCormack establishes the links between the histories of masculinity and politics, highlighting the centrality of 'manly' ideals in the political world and - conversely - the role of politics in the operation of gender ideology. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Independent Kashmir

        by Christopher Snedden

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2010

        Towards a regional political class?

        Professional politicians and regional institutions in Catalonia and Scotland

        by Klaus Stolz

        Focussing on professional politicians Klaus Stolz investigates the interrelationship between political career patterns and political institutions in two of the most widely discussed cases of regionalism: Catalonia and Scotland. The study deals with two different yet closely related sets of questions: Firstly, how do professional politicians pursue their careers in the regional context. And secondly, how do they shape and reshape the political institutions in which they pursue these careers. The monograph is based on extensive empirical research including a comprehensive data set on the careers of Catalan and Scottish parliamentarians, systematic surveys of regional representatives as well as in-depth interviews of a wide range of politicians and experts in both regions. Exploring the effects of political professionalisation on regional democracy, Stolz goes way beyond traditional studies of regionalism and decentralization, while his focus on the regional career arena introduces a much needed territorial dimension to the study of political careers. Rich original data, innovative theoretical concepts and a strictly comparative approach are the basis for a study that considerably deepens and enhances our understanding of the tremendous political changes both Catalonia and Scotland are undergoing. Thus, the book is of interest to the still growing number of scholars concerned with devolution in the UK, the Spanish autonomous communities as well as to those interested in regional politics and regionalisation in general. Furthermore, its theoretical focus makes it highly relevant for scholars working on political careers, political professionalisation and democratic theory. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        Monarchies and decolonisation in Asia

        by Robert Aldrich, Cindy McCreery

        With original case studies of a more than a dozen countries, Monarchies and decolonisation in Asia offers new perspectives on how both European monarchs who reigned over Asian colonies and Asian royal houses adapted to decolonisation. As colonies became independent states (and European countries, and other colonial powers, lost their overseas empires), monarchies faced the challenges of decolonisation, republicanism and radicalism. These studies place dynasties - both European and 'native' - at the centre of debate about decolonisation and the form of government of new states, from the sovereigns of Britain, the Netherlands and Japan to the maharajas of India, the sultans of the East Indies and the 'white rajahs' of Sarawak. It provides new understanding of the history of decolonisation and of the history of modern monarchy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Marital violence in post-independence Ireland, 1922–96

        by Cara Diver

      • Trusted Partner
        Film, TV & radio
        November 2014

        Spanish cinema 1973–2010

        Auteurism, politics, landscape and memory

        by Edited by Maria M. Delgado and Robin Fiddian

        This collection offers a new lens through which to examine Spain's cinema production following the isolation imposed by the Franco regime. The seventeen key films analysed in the volume span a period of thirty-five years that have been crucial in the development of Spain, Spanish democracy and Spanish cinema. They encompass different genres (horror, thriller, melodrama, social realism, documentary), both popular (Los abrazos rotos/Broken Embraces, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) and more select art house fare (En la ciudad de Sylvia/In the City of Sylvia, El espíritu de la colmena/Spirit of the Beehive) and are made in English (as both first and second language), Basque, Castilian, Catalan and French. Offering an expanded understanding of 'national' cinemas, the volume explores key works by Guillermo del Toro and Lucrecia Martel alongside an examination of the ways in which established auteurs (Almodóvar, José Garci, Carlos Saura) and the younger generations of filmmakers (Cesc Gay, Amenábar, Bollaín) have harnessed cinematic language towards a commentary on the nation-state.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        I want to break free

        by Matt Qvortrup

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2003

        'Other' Spanish theatres

        Erasure and inscription on the twentieth-century Spanish stage

        by Maria M. Delgado

        'Other' Spanish theatres challenges established opinions on modern Iberian theatre by considering the roles of contrasting figures and companies who have impacted upon both the practice and the perception of Spanish and European stages. In questioning the primacy of the dramatist, this pioneering study offers a new interpretation of a nation's theatrical culture that has been viewed primarily through the prisms of a select number of playwrights. Accordingly many of the conclusions reached are new ones, and the case, for acknowledging the wide influence of Spanish practitioners on theatre in Europe and the Americas is made in persuasive terms. Through a bold documentation and interrogation of key productions and their reception both at home and abroad, 'Other' Spanish theatres focuses on the doing of performance, asking provocative questions around how performances are tested against the texts that remain. In a broad and detailed study Delgado selects six case studies which map out alternative readings of a nation's theatrical innovation through the twentieth century: muse and mentor to Federico Garcia Lorca, Margarita Xirgu; theatrical innovator and influence on Orson Welles, Enrique Rambal; tragedienne Maria Casares feted by George Craig Camus, Genet and Cocteau; actress, producer and director Nuria Espert; international director Lluis Pasqual and Catalan performance company La Cubana. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016


        by Gisela von Wysocki

        Die Geschichte der Annäherung an ein Faszinosum. Und die skurrilen, vergeblichen Versuche, seiner Anziehung zu entkommen. Wie ein magisches Geschehen erscheint der Salzburger Schülerin Hanna Werbezirk die Stimme eines Autors, der im Nachtstudio von Radio Wien zu hören ist. Es ist die des in Frankfurt am Main lebenden Philosophen, Soziologen und Komponisten Th. W. Adorno. Das unausgeführte »W« seines Namens, das für »Wiesengrund« steht, wird zur poetischen Einstiegsstelle in einen Roman, der sich an die Fersen der jungen Hanna Werbezirk heftet. Um Wiesengrund in natura zu erleben, geht sie als Philosophiestudentin nach Frankfurt am Main, wo sie in gänzlich neue Sphären hineingerät. Nicht nur in die politischen Turbulenzen der Zeit, sondern vor allem in jenes magische Feld, das sie selbst um den hazardeurhaften Denker errichtet hat. Über die Begegnungen mit ihm erzählt das Buch in einer Vielzahl von emblematischen Miniaturen. Und vom Denken eines Musikers, eines Poeten der Moderne, der die europäische Aufklärung auf seine Weise weiterschreibt.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2006


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Karlheinz Braun, Siegfried Diehl, Uwe Dettmar

        Frankfurt am Main – eine Stadt mit vielen Gesichtern: Finanzhochburg, Sitz der Börse, internationales Messezentrum, liebevoll restaurierte Bürgerhäuser stehen neben neuen Bankentürmen. Goethe und der Struwwelpeter wurden hier geboren, Theodor W. Adorno, Marie Luise Kaschnitz lebten hier, und Hölderlin traf seine Diotima. Auf acht Spaziergängen führt dieser Reisebegleiter auf den Spuren der Dichter und Denker durch die Stadt und gibt dabei auch Einblicke in bislang weniger bekannte Seiten der Mainmetropole.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Ireland, India and empire

        by Kate O'Malley

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016


        by Gisela Wysocki

        Sterne sind aus Plasma und Gas gemacht. Der Vater muss es wissen, ein weit über Salzburg hinaus bekannter Astrophysiker. Hanna Werbezirk hält sie trotzdem für ewig. Und hat wenig Lust, ihm als Assistentin in seinem astronomischen Labor zu dienen. Im Nachtstudio hört sie heimlich die Vortragsfolge eines Autors, dessen Name sie sich merken wird. Wiesengrund. Er könnte hilfreich sein, für sie die Frage nach der Beschaffenheit der Sterne zu klären. Seine Worte, wendig und wandlungsfähig, eröffnen ihr den Blick in eine Welt mit eigenen Gesetzen. Das Gefühl einer Komplizenschaft mit dem radiophonen Mitternachtsbesucher macht aus der Lektüre seiner Schriften ein von Herzklopfen begleitetes Ereignis. Als Studentin der Philosophie reist Hanna einige Jahre später nach Frankfurt am Main, um Wiesengrund in natura zu erleben – und gerät in gänzlich neue Sphären. Die politischen Turbulenzen der Zeit wirken auch in ihre neuen Lebensverhältnisse hinein. Vor allem aber steht sie jenem magischen Feld gegenüber, das sie selbst um den hazardeurhaften Denker errichtet hat. Wiesengrund ist der zweite Roman der Schriftstellerin, Essayistin und Theaterautorin Gisela von Wysocki nach ihrem gefeierten Romandebüt Wir machen Musik. Er handelt von der Annäherung an ein Faszinosum. Und beschreibt die komischen, skurrilen Versuche, aber auch die Vergeblichkeit, seinem beklemmenden Zauber zu entkommen.

      • Trusted Partner
        British & Irish history
        January 2013

        Irish Journalism Before Independence

        by Edited by Kevin Rafter

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