Association des éditeurs des Hauts de France
High quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
View Rights PortalHigh quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
View Rights PortalPublishing House specialized in Graphic Novels and cinema books. We've Biographies set in WWII and Spanish Civil War, Fantasy graphic novels and humour
View Rights PortalPresents the 1925 Paris Exhibition as a key moment in attempts to update the image of Paris as "capital of the 19th century". At the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris itself, as much as the commodity, was put on show. This text focuses on the Exhibition as a set of contesting representations of the modern city, stressing the importance of consumption and display for concepts of urban modernity. Here Le Corbusier's "Pavillon de L'Esprit Nouveau" with its "Plan Voisin" for the redesign of Paris confronted another equally up-to-date city - Paris "a woman's city", world centre of fashion and shopping. Taking as her starting point one of the most dramatic 1925 exhibits, the Rue des Boutiques which spanned the river Seine, the author analyzes the contemporary significance of the small Parisian luxury shop. She demonstrates how boutiques, conceived both as urbanism and as advertising, redefined Paris as the modern city. ;
Der Bestsellerautor André Stern begibt sich auf der Suche nach dem Wesen des Vertrauens durch eine Welt voller Grenzen, Trennungen und Misstrauen. Feinsinnig, philosophisch und zum Nachdenken anregend konfrontiert die Leser mit den uns selbstverständlich erscheinenden Erwartungen und Bewertungen, die das Vertrauen in uns selbst und in andere beeinflussen, schädigen oder stören können – immer verbunden mit dem tiefen inneren Wunsch jedes Menschen, so angenommen zu werden, wie wir sind. André Stern hält uns in diesem wahren Märchen in bildstarker, poetischer Sprache den Spiegel vor und er beleuchtet Seiten – Winkel, Details aber auch das große Ganze –, die wir so noch nicht gesehen haben. Dieses Buch ist ein Herzöffner.
1922: Hulda Gold is a midwife and she is smart, fearless and extremely popular in the neighbourhood since the fate of her female patients is extremely close to her heart. Especially as she encounters not only new life, but also death. In the notorious Bülowbogen, one of the city's many slums, Hulda looks after a pregnant woman. The young woman is devastated because her neighbour was found dead in the Landwehrkanal; allegedly a tragic accident. But why is the opaque detective commissioner Karl North so interested in the case? And why is Hulda so attracted to him? She investigates and gets deeper and deeper into the abysses of a city where shadow and light are so close together.
How do people seek security in relation to their sense of 'who they are'? How can one make sense of insecurity at the intersection of competing identity claims? Based on the voices of Mayan women, Stern critically re-considers the connections between security, subjectivity and identity. By engaging in a careful reading of how Mayan women 'speak' security in relation to the different contexts that inform their lives, she explores the multiplicity of both identity and security, and questions the main story of security imbedded in the modern 'paradox of sovereignty.' Her provocative analysis thus raises vital questions about what might constitute 'security', and the 'insecurity' that is its inevitable supplement. Her study also offers an innovative methodology that bridges many different disciplines and substantively develops the method of 'reading' politics as a 'textual practice'. It will be essential reading for students of security, identity politics, feminism, and Latin American studies.