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      • Dreamspace Publishing

        At Dreamspace Publishing we specialize in children's and YA fiction and non-fiction in the Body-Mind-Spirit section to support young readers in maintaining and developing a strong connection to their inner power and source of natural vitality. We provide resources that help young ones, as well as adults who accompany them on their life's journey, to navigate through life in a balanced and grounded way. We draw from a strong link to indigenous worldviews and values. Especially in Western societies where the focus lies on physical and mental development, our publications bring balance and guidance by also including emotional and spiritual aspects and rising awareness of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams

        by Laura Marcus

        Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1900, has been one of the most influential texts of the modern era, fundamentally changing the ways in which people have thought about their waking lives as well as their dreams. This book, more than any other in Freud's massive oeuvre, has shaped a vast amount of work in linguistics and semiotics, literary studies, film theory, psychology, philosophical hermeneutics and the history of ideas. This influence is reflected in the editor's introduction, which includes a substantial discussion of the theory and practice of representation, and the six essays specially commissioned for this volume. The contributors are renowned for their knowledge of Freudian theory and for their interdisciplinary expertise in a wide range of fields. They examine, for example, the relationship of Freud's text to theories of interpretation, autobiography and literary production. The book as a whole gives a clear sense both of the context of Freud's text and of its influence throughout the twentieth century. This volume is an ideal introduction to Freud's work for students and teachers of English and other literatures, philosophy and social and cultural studies, as well as the wider audience concerned with psychoanalysis and its cultural ramifications. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Relics, dreams, voyages

        World baroque

        by Peter Davidson

        Relics, Dreams,Voyages is a closely focused sequence of studies of worldwide connections in all the arts in the baroque period. Drawing on original research in libraries, collections, and archives in five countries, and in as many languages, this book draws many astonishing, unfamiliar and beautiful texts, things and events, into a cartography of the secret and strange patterns of baroque cultures worldwide. The visual arts are examined across a wide temporal and geographical span, and many subversive iconographies are decoded: at the French and English courts, in remote Scotland, in Nagasaki, in Valladolid. This books offers a new, extraordinary cultural geography of the baroque world, opening doors to many rich and strange cultural artefacts, from 'China to Peru.'

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Journal

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

        Willst du Sängerin werden oder Boxer, Wissenschaftlerin oder Bürgerrechtsaktivist – oder hast du einen ganz anderen Traum? In diesem wunderschön gestalteten Journal und Mitmachbuch kannst du das und vieles mehr herausfinden. Entdecke, was dich einzigartig macht und was du in deinem Leben machen willst, mit Seiten zum Ausmalen, Listen zum Vervollständigen, Feldern zum Zeichnen und vielem mehr. Wenn du am Ende des Buches angelangt bist, wirst du all deine Stärken kennen und genau wissen, was du tun kannst, damit deine Träume wahr werden. Für alle Fans der Serie Little People, BIG DREAMS – und für alle, die es noch werden wollen. - Mit zahlreichen Mitmach-Aktivitäten - Inklusive Zitate und Illustrationen aus der Erfolgsreihe - Hochwertige Ausstattung für den täglichen Gebrauch - Featuring Frida Kahlo, Muhammad Ali, David Bowie, Rosa Parks und vielen mehr

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Das Malbuch

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

        Los geht’s! Schnapp dir Buntstifte, Bleistifte, Filzstifte oder Kreide und fang einfach an. Auf jeder Seite findest du ein großes freundliches Gesicht und einen aufregenden Hintergrund zum Ausmalen. Außerdem gibt es zu deinen Heldinnen und Helden spannende Hintergrundinformationen, damit du ganz nebenbei sogar noch Neues lernst. Für alle Fans der Serie Little People, BIG DREAMS – und für alle, die es noch werden wollen. - Mit 15 Heldinnen und Helden zum Ausmalen - Inklusive Kurzbiografien von Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King, Frida Kahlo, Bruce Lee und vielen mehr

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Sticker-Mitmach-Buch

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

        Ein Buch zum Sticker kleben und Mitmachen. Entwirf ein Bühnenoutfit für David Bowie, rette mit Greta Thunberg unseren Planeten, bring den Sternenhimmel mit Stephen Hawking zum Leuchten und probier dich an chemischen Experimenten mit Marie Curie. Und entdecke kleine Heldinnen und Helden, die mit ihren großen Träumen die Welt veränderten. Mit extra vielen Stickern für noch mehr Klebespaß. Für alle Fans der Serie Little People, BIG DREAMS – und für alle, die es noch werden wollen. - Mit 100 Stickern und weiteren Mitmach-Aktivitäten - Featuring Marie Curie, David Bowie, Vivienne Westwood, Muhammad Ali und vielen mehr

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Bottom's Dream

        by Arno Schmidt, John E. Woods

        35 Jahre lang hat John E. Woods Arno Schmidt übersetzt, fast das gesamte literarische Werk des deutschen Schriftstellers übertrug der Amerikaner in seine Muttersprache. Die erste Schmidt-Lektüre war für ihn eine »Explosion« – mit Schmidts »Evening Edged in Gold« (»Abend mit Goldrand«) hat der preisgekrönte Übersetzer seine Karriere einst begonnen, dessen wichtigstes und umfangreichstes Werk hob sich Woods bis zum Schluss auf: Jetzt liegt der Überroman »Zettel’s Traum« endlich auf Englisch vor. Schmidts Sprachspiele, eine Herausforderung für jeden Übersetzer, hat Woods immer kreativ in die flexible englische Sprache übertragen, und manchmal ist seine Lösung witziger als das Original. John E. Woods über Bottom’s Dream: »›I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was,‹ says Bottom. ›I have had a dream, and I wrote a Big Book about it,‹ Arno Schmidt might have said. Schmidt’s rare vision is a journey into many literary worlds. First and foremost it is about Edgar Allan Poe, or perhaps it is language itself that plays that lead role; and it is certainly about sex in its many Freudian disguises, but about love as well, whether fragile and unfulfilled or crude and wedded.«

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2003

        A Midsummer Night's Dream

        Second edition

        by Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        A Midsummer Night's Dream is Shakespeare's most enchanting comedy, and in the twentieth century it has become perhaps his most popular play. It contains some of Shakespeare's loveliest poetry and is one of his most complex and effective dramatic structures. After an historical survey of the Dream from Shakespeare's time through to the nineteenth century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on twentieth century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max Reinhardt, Peter Hall, Robert Lepage, and especially to Peter Brook's landmark production in 1970 and the reactions to it. Using a wealth of personal experience, as well as original promptbooks and critical reviews, Halio shows how differently but still very effectively the play may be staged, as the wide variety of plays he records. This second, enlarged edition contains three new chapters on Adrian Noble's RSC production and film, Michael Hoffman's film, and the Dream in China. Written in clear, jargon-free language, this is the only book so far in print that offers an extended study of major twentieth-century productions of the Dream in their historical context.

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        February 2021

        Sweet Dreams

        Rücksturz in die Achtziger

        by Goosen, Frank

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        December 2022

        Twisted Dreams

        by Ana Huang

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        May 2020

        New Dreams


        by Lucas, Lilly

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