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        September 2017

        Die dunklen Wasser von Exeter


        by Marten, Paul

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        The Arts
        November 2017

        Vivien Leigh

        Actress and icon

        by Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This edited volume provides new readings of the life and career of iconic actress Vivien Leigh (1913-67), written by experts from theatre and film studies and curators from the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The collection uses newly accessible family archives to explore the intensely complex relationship between Vivien Leigh's approach to the craft of acting for stage and screen, and how she shaped, developed and projected her public persona as one of the most talked about and photographed actresses of her era. With key contributors from the UK, France and the US, chapters range from analyses of her work on stage and screen to her collaborations with designers and photographers, an analysis of her fan base, her interior designs and the 'public ownership' of Leigh's celebrity status during her lifetime and beyond.

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        January 2018

        Drachen haben nichts zu lachen

        by Sklenitzka, Franz S.

        Dieses Buch spielt zu der Zeit, als Ritter noch brutal gegen Drachen kämpften und Drachenzähne als Schmuck oder Drachenfleisch als Leckerbissen sehr begehrt waren. Um die Tiere vor dem Aussterben zu retten, hat der listenreiche Minnesänger Archibald Exeter eine Idee: Er schickt den friedliebenden, kurzsichtigen Ritter Ottokar von Zipp zu einem hochkarätigen Turnier.

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        The Arts
        June 2016

        The British monarchy on screen

        by Mandy Merck

        Moving images of the British monarchy are almost as old as the moving image itself, dating back to an 1895 American drama, The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots. And from 1896, actual British monarchs appeared in the new 'animated photography', led by Queen Victoria. Half a century later the 1953 coronation of Elizabeth II was a milestone in the adoption of television, watched by 20 million Britons and 100 million North Americans. At the century's end, Princess Diana's funeral was viewed by 2.5 billion worldwide. In the first book length examination of film and television representations of this enduring institution, distinguished scholars of media and political history analyze the screen representations of royalty from Henry VIII to 'William and Kate'. Seventeen essays by Ian Christie, Elisabeth Bronfen, Andrew Higson, Karen Lury, Glynn Davies, Jane Landman and other international commentators examine the portrayal of royalty in the 'actuality' picture, the early extended feature, amateur cinema, the movie melodrama, the Commonwealth documentary, New Queer Cinema, TV current affairs, the big screen ceremonial and the post-historical boxed set. A long overdue contribution to film and television studies, this book will be essential reading for scholars and students of British media and political history.

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        The Arts
        April 2011


        The projected image in contemporary art

        by Amelia Jones, Tamara Trodd, Marsha Meskimmon

        Projected-image art occupies an increasingly important place in the contemporary art-world. But does the projected image have its own specificity, beyond the histories of experimental film and video on the one hand, and installation art on the other? What is a projected image, and what is the history of projected-image art? These questions and others are explored in this thoughtful collection of nine essays by leading international scholars of film and projected-image art. Clearly structured in three sections - 'Histories', 'Screen', 'Space' - the book argues for recognition of the projected image as a distinctive category in contemporary art, which demands new critical and theoretical approaches. The contributors explore a range of interpretive perspectives, offering new insights into the work of artists including Michael Snow, Carolee Schneemann, Pipilotti Rist, Stan Douglas, Gillian Wearing, Tacita Dean, Jane and Louise Wilson, amongst others. The Introduction supplies a concise summary of the history of projected-image art and its interpretation, and there is a focus throughout the book on detailed analysis of individual artworks. ;

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        The Arts
        March 2000

        From page to screen

        Adaptations of the classic novel

        by Erica Sheen, Robert Giddings

        This book critically examines the long established tradition of adapting classic novels to film or TV screen.. An emerging area of interest - the relationship between film and literature and the way cinema and television have translated classic novels into moving pictures from the 30s to the 90s.. A wide-ranging but focused collection that is bang up to date and free of media jargon that looks at both the film and the book.. Includes discussion of: The English Patient, Pride and Prejudice and Middlemarch, Pickwick Papers, Dracula, Dickens, Conrad, Hardy and Waugh. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2021

        Rebel angels

        Space and sovereignty in Anglo-Saxon England

        by Jill Fitzgerald

        Over six hundred years before John Milton's Paradise Lost, Anglo-Saxon authors told their own version of the fall of the angels. This book brings together various cultural moments, literary genres and relevant comparanda to recover that version, from the legal and social world to the world of popular spiritual ritual and belief. The story of the fall of the angels in Anglo-Saxon England is the story of a successfully transmitted exegetical teaching turned rich literary tradition. It can be traced through a range of genres - sermons, saints' lives, royal charters, riddles, devotional and biblical poetry - each one offering a distinct window into the ancient myth's place within the Anglo-Saxon literary and cultural imagination.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2018

        Shakespeare for the wiser sort

        by Steve Sohmer

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        Chemistry Workbook

        by Marion Romer, Silke Dittmar, Dr. DorotheeFamulla-Weber and Claudia Huppertz

        We all have been there: you understand everything in the textbook, but then face a total blackout during the exam. But that’s over now! In more than 600 exam-proven crossword, syllable or picture puzzles, word search games, gap texts or riddles on inorganic and organic chemistry, the authors bundle what you have learned in order to apply it to new problems. And they do so in a highly entertaining way: variety is guaranteed due to the diversity of tasks! The section „Well connected, safely remembered“ helps to link knowledge. „Now it is getting tricky“ encourages you to deal with the subject matter even more intensively, and „Playfully repeated“ offers tips and suggestions for learning in a group. With this workbook, you can check your knowledge, consolidate the contents, and find the gaps in your knowledge well before the exam. This way you‘ll be one hundred percent fit when it counts. The workbook is suitable for accompanying consolidation of the contents of the authors‘ textbook „Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Technicians“, but is also ideally suited for independent study. Includes solutions to download

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material
        February 2022


        by Ursula Poznanski / SaBine Büchner

        A Whole Universe of Numbers   Picture book story about funny characters, with number riddles for playful learning and discovery of numbers from 1 to 10   On the way to an important mission, Yrg and Galumphodil get caught in a star storm with their spaceship. Thanks to the Speedi Scoot acceleration engine, they are able to escape at the last second, but now the ship's computer is spitting out confusing numerical puzzles. No matter how desperately Galumphodil whirls his 6 arms through the air while Yrg twists his 2 stalk eyes - they must solve the puzzles to make the computer repair itself. At the same time, there's another adventure, because the dangerous Gruntwobbly has it in for their spaceship! Yrg and Galumphodil manage to avert the danger, and eventually solve all the puzzles. The mission is saved!   • Exciting and original story by bestselling author Ursula Poznanski (#1 for German YA) • Detailed illustrations to discover and learn to count • Following the bestseller “Letter Jungle” (over 50,000 copies sold since 2019)

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        January 1977

        Marbode of Rennes' (1035–1123) "De lapidibus"

        Considered as a Medical Treatise with Text, Commentary and C. W. King's Translation. Together with Text and Translation of Marbode's Minor Works on Stones Together with text and transl. of Marbode's Minor works on stones by John M. Riddle

        by Herausgegeben von Riddle, John M.

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        September 2002



        by James Hamilton-Paterson, Ebba D. Drolshagen

        James Hamilton-Paterson wurde 1941 als erstes Kind einer Arztfamilie - der Vater war Neurologe, die Mutter Anästhesistin - geboren. Seine Kindheit verbrachte er in Footscray in Kent. Seinen Schulabschluß machte er an der King´s School in Canterbury, wo er seine Liebe zur Musik entdeckte, komponierte und Stunden am Klavier improvisierte. Dort begann er auch, seine ersten Gedichte zu schreiben. 1961 wurde er zum Studium der Literatur am Exeter College in Oxford aufgenommen. Während dieser Zeit publizierte er zwei Gedichtbände, Option Three und Dutch Alps. Wie vor ihm schon Oscar Wilde wurde er hierfür im Alter von 23 Jahren in seinem letzten Studienjahr in Oxford mit dem Newdigate Prize for poetry ausgezeichnet. Nachdem er die Universität 1964 verlassen hatte, zog es ihn ins Ausland und er nahm seinen ersten Job als Sprachlehrer in Libyen an. Als Resultat einer Reise durch Südamerika, insbesondere Bolivien, Ende der sechziger Jahre schrieb er einen Bericht, der schließlich im New Statesman veröffentlicht wurde. Das Interesse an weiteren Artikeln bedeutete den Beginn seiner Tätigkeit als freier Journalist, die ihn unter anderem nach Vietnam führte, um während des Kriegs von dort zu berichten, sowie in alle wichtigen Länder der Region, die in den Vietnam-Konflikt aktiv verwickelt waren. Zudem schrieb er für das Times Literary Supplement und war Redakteur des Magazins Nova. Während dieser Zeit entstand ein Kinderbuch sowie das politische Sachbuch A very personal war. Zurück in England schrieb er in den siebziger Jahren Drehbücher für Videoreklame in Cambridge und verbrachte sogar einige Zeit als Pfleger am St Stephen`s Hospital, "to kill the medical bug", den Arztinstinkt, der ihm von seinen Eltern vererbt worden war. 1979 entdeckte er die Philippinen, den einzigen Platz in Südostasien, den er noch nicht besucht hatte. Nach anfänglicher Befremdung - "it felt completely Coca-Colaised" - verliebte er sich in Landschaft und Bevölkerung und beschloß, dort zu bleiben. Er lernte die Sprache sowie Sitten und Gebräuche des Landes, wie Fische mit der Lanze zu fangen und Häuser aus Bambus zu bauen. 1981 erwarb er zudem von einem Freund ein kleines Haus in der Toskana, wo er seitdem neun Monate des Jahres verbringt, wenn er nicht auf den Philippinen ist. Die Karriere von James Hamilton-Paterson, Mitglied der Royal Geographical Society, als Romancier und Sachbuchautor begann nach der ersten Publikation von Kurzgeschichten 1986 unter dem Titel The View from Mount Dog mit der Veröffentlichung von Playing with Water 1987, einem autobiographischen Werk über das alltägliche Leben auf den Philippinen. 1989 erscheint dann sein erster Roman Gerontius, der von einigen Kritikern als der beste englische Roman der achtziger Jahre bezeichnet wurde. Er wurde im gleichen Jahr mit dem Whitbread First Novel Award ausgezeichnet. Für das Radio dramatisiert gewann er auf dem International Radio Festival of New York 1990 die Goldmedaille. Es folgen weitere erfolgreiche Sachbücher (Seven-Tenths 1992, Three Miles Down 1998) und Romane, wie 1990 The Bell-Boy (der Titel der amerikanischen Ausgabe wurde auf Wunsch des Verlags geändert in That Time in Malomba, mit der Begründung, daß der Begriff "bellboy" für die Amerikaner seine Bedeutung verloren hätte), 1993 Griefwork und 1994 schließlich 1994 Ghosts of Manila, der 1998 als erster Roman von ihm in deutscher Übersetzung beim Insel Verlag erschien.

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        The Arts
        September 2022

        Screen borders

        by Michael Gott

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