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      • World for kids

        Our passion is to show kids, how colourful and fascinating the world is. There is not only one way to live but so many. We love curious children and we do the books they need to explore the world. So we do travel books for kids and novels for the journey in a hammock.

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      • Fenek's World

        WE BELIEVE THAT THE GOOD TRIUMPHS Where did the idea to make children’s educational tales that are different from the rest come from? One day, we decided to create a character who would be loved by thousands of children. We looked at our youngest and realised how much depends on us, adults.   It dawned on us that if we bring up our children to become good and noble people, there is a big chance that they will do the same in the future. They will pass the love they got from us on to their children, who will then do the same, and so on…

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Insel-Kalender für das Jahr 2024

        Mit 15 Aquarellen des Dichters

        by Hermann Hesse, Volker Michels

        Ein literarischer Begleiter durch das Jahr: Der Insel-Kalender 2024 versammelt wie jedes Jahr Gedanken, Geschichten und Gedichte Hermann Hesses über das Leben und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Mit einem Kalendarium, das Raum bietet für eigene Notizen und neben Geburtstagen wichtiger Autorinnen und Autoren auch die Mondphasen verzeichnet. Im Anhang finden sich ein Übersichtskalender der Jahre 2024 und 2025, eine Tabelle der Schulferien sowie ein Adress- und ein Telefonverzeichnis. Lassen Sie sich von diesem wunderbaren Band durchs Jahr begleiten.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        CalenDarium 2024 (Box mit 10 Exemplaren)

        Mit dreizehn Aquarellen und Gedanken über den Eigensinn

        by Hermann Hesse

        Das handliche CalenDarium mit Hermann Hesses farbenfrohen Kleinaquarellen auf den Frontseiten bringt für das Jahr 2024 auf den Rückseiten eine Auswahl von Gedanken des Autors über den Eigensinn: In Prosa und mit farbigen Reproduktionen seiner Aquarelle enthält dieses CalenDarium viel von dem, was die Eigenart und den unverwechselbaren Reiz der zwölf Monate ausmacht.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2022

        Everyday foreign policy

        by Elizaveta Gaufman

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2017

        England and the 1966 World Cup

        by John Hughson

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        August 2023

        Kalender 2024

        Mit dreizehn Aquarellen des Dichters sowie Stellungnahmen zum Thema Krieg und Frieden

        by Hermann Hesse

        Hermann Hesses expressionistisch-farbenfrohe Aquarelle sind mittlerweile zu einem begehrten Objekt für Sammler und Kunstfreunde in aller Welt geworden. Aus dem Fundus von mehr als 2000 Bildern, in denen der Autor und Maler seine Tessiner Wahlheimat dargestellt hat, zeigt dieser Kalender dreizehn Aquarelle sowie Stellungnahmen zum Thema Krieg und Frieden.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        CalenDarium 2024

        Mit dreizehn Aquarellen und Gedanken über den Eigensinn

        by Hermann Hesse

        Das handliche CalenDarium mit Hermann Hesses farbenfrohen Kleinaquarellen auf den Frontseiten bringt für das Jahr 2024 auf den Rückseiten eine Auswahl von Gedanken des Autors über den Eigensinn: In Prosa und mit farbigen Reproduktionen seiner Aquarelle enthält dieses CalenDarium viel von dem, was die Eigenart und den unverwechselbaren Reiz der zwölf Monate ausmacht.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Sport and diplomacy

        by J Simon Rofe, Giles Scott-Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Tooor! Die 15 treffsichersten Fußballgeschichten

        by Rüdiger Bertram, Regina Hegner, Alexander Bux, Melanie Garanin

        15 packende Geschichten für kleine Fußballfans, deren Herz fürs Kicken schlägt. In diesem Sammelband stecken viele spannende Fußball-Abenteuer, kleine und große Geschichten, die zwischen Anpfiff und Elfmeterschießen, zwischen Fußballtraum und Pokalsieg spielen. Benno, der von allen „Superkicker“ genannt wird, muss heute einfach ins Tor treffen, egal wie. Denn das Derby gegen Fortuna Bockshorn ist schon zu oft schlecht für seine Mannschaft ausgegangen. Werden sie es diesmal schaffen zu gewinnen? Mit dem Glücksbringer von Lena könnte es vielleicht klappen. Auch Paul hat für seine Lieblingsmannschaft einen Glücksbringer – so gehört es sich schließlich als echter Fan. Und einige tausend Kilometer weit entfernt hat Samuel ganz andere Sorgen: Soll er erfolgreicher Fußballstar in Europa werden oder lieber zu Hause bei seiner Familie bleiben? Tooor! Die 15 treffsichersten Fußballgeschichten passend zur Fußball-EM 2024 in Deutschland. Du spielst Fußball für dein Leben gern und freust dich schon auf die EM 2024? Dann werden die Fußball-Abenteuer in diesem Sammelband deine Vorfreude noch ein bisschen größer machen. Ob Nachwuchs-Torhüter*in oder Dribbelstar, ob du in der Verteidigung spielst oder zum flinken Sturm zählst – hier findet jeder kleine Fußballfan ab 4 Jahren seine Lieblingsgeschichte. Fast 100 Seiten Fußball-Stories zum Vorlesen und Mitfiebern oder zum ersten Selberlesen. Von Rüdiger Bertram, dem Erfinder der lustigen Comicserien „Coolman und ich“ und „Die Jungs vom S.W.A.P.“.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        At the Very Bottom of the System

        How migrant workers ensure prosperity for us

        by Sascha Lübbe

        The author reveals structural problems and offers solutions – an urgently necessary book, not least with a view to the acute shortage of skilled workers 450,000 migrant workers toll on German construction sites, work in sometimes inhumane conditions in meat factories or as truck drivers, and let’s not forget the hordes of cleaners in German hotels and companies. They are systematically exploited and cheated out of their wages. Sascha Lübbe exposes the octopus-like network of partly criminal companies in a shadowy world where the boundary between the legal and the illegal is blurred. In his evocative book with interviews with those aff ected, he reveals how a parallel system has established itself in the German working world, but also how those affected resist.

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        Literature: history & criticism
        November 2016

        The Burley manuscript

        by Edited by Peter Redford. Series edited by J. B. Lethbridge

        England and the 1966 World Cup presents a cultural analysis of what is considered a key 'moment of modernity' in the nation's post-war history. Regarded as having an importance beyond its primary sporting purpose, the World Cup in England is examined within the complexity of the cultural, social and political changes that characterised the mid-1960s. Yet, although addressing the importance of non-sport related connections, the book maintains a focus on football, discussing it as a 'cultural form' and presenting an original perspective on the aesthetic accomplishment in football tactics by England's manager, Alf Ramsey. The study considers the World Cup in relation to the cup tradition, England as the World Cup host nation, the England squad and masculinity, the modernism of England's manager Alf Ramsey, design and commercial aspects of the World Cup, a critical engagement within existing academic accounts, and an examination of how England's victory has been remembered and commemorated.

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        20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
        December 2016

        The stadium century

        Sport, spectatorship and mass society in modern France

        by Robert W. Lewis. Series edited by Maire Cross, David Hopkin

        The stadium century traces the history of stadia and mass spectatorship in modern France from the vélodromes of the late nineteenth century to the construction of the Stade de France before the 1998 soccer World Cup. As the book demonstrates, the stadium was at the centre of debates over public health and urban development and proved to be a key space for mobilising the urban crowd for political rallies and spectator sporting events alike. After 1945, the transformed French stadium constituted part of the process of postwar modernisation but also was increasingly connected to global transformations to the spaces and practices of sport. Drawing from a wide range of sources, the stadium century links the histories of French urbanism, mass politics and sport through the stadium in an innovative work that will appeal to historians, students of French history and the history of sport, and general readers alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        How to be multiple

        The philosophy of twins

        by Helena de Bres, Julia de Bres

        In How to be multiple, Helena de Bres - a twin herself - argues that twinhood is a unique lens for examining our place in the world and how we relate to other people. The way we think about twins offers remarkable insights into some of the deepest questions of our existence, from what is a person? to how should we treat one another? Deftly weaving together literary and cultural history, philosophical enquiry and personal experience, de Bres examines such thorny issues as binary thinking, objectification, romantic love and friendship, revealing the limits of our individualistic perspectives. In this illuminating, entertaining book, wittily illustrated by her twin sister, de Bres ultimately suggests that to consider twinhood is to imagine the possibility of a more interconnected, capacious human future.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2025

        Implementing a global health programme

        Smallpox and Nepal

        by Susan Heydon

        Worldwide eradication of the devastating viral disease of smallpox was devised as a distant global policy, but success depended on implementing a global vaccination programme within nation states. How this was achieved remains relevant and topical for responding to today's global communicable disease challenges. The small and poor Himalayan kingdom of Nepal faced enormous geographical and infrastructure challenges if it was going to succeed in a nationwide vaccination programme. This book acknowledges the key role of the WHO but disrupts the top-down, centre-led standard narrative. Against a background of widespread internal political and social change, Nepal's programme was expanded, effectively decentralised and a vaccination strategy introduced that aligned with people's beliefs. Few foreign personnel were involved.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World, c. 650-c. 1450

        by Janet Hamilton, Bernard Hamilton

        Christian dualism originated in the reign of Constans II (641-68). It was a popular religion, which shared with orthodoxy an acceptance of scriptual authority and apostolic tradition and held a sacramental doctrine of salvation, but understood all these in a radically different way to the Orthodox Church. One of the differences was the strong part demonology played in the belief system. This text traces, through original sources, the origins of dualist Christianity throughout the Byzantine Empire, focusing on the Paulician movement in Armenia and Bogomilism in Bulgaria. It presents not only the theological texts, but puts the movements into their social and political context.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Manchester minds

        A university history of ideas

        by Stuart Jones

        A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history. The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas. This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

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        The Arts
        October 2023

        Windows for the world

        Nineteenth-century stained glass and the international exhibitions, 1851–1900

        by Jasmine Allen

        Windows for the world explores the display and reception of nineteenth-century British stained glass in a secular exhibition context. International in scope, the book focuses on the global development of stained glass in this period as showcased at, and influenced by, these exhibitions. It recognises those who made and exhibited stained glass and demonstrates the long-lasting impact of the classification and modes of display at these events. A number of exhibits are illustrated in colour and are analysed in relation to stylistic developments, techniques and material innovations, as well as the broader iconographies of nation and empire in the nineteenth century.

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