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      • FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange

        FILI, founded in 1977, is a centre for the export of literature. FILI promotes the export of literature from Finland by facilitating professional contacts and serving as a “home base” for translators of Finnish literature. We deal with fiction, children’s and young adult books, non-fiction, poetry, comics and graphic novels written in Finnish, Finland-Swedish and Sámi. FILI serves as a support organisation for the export of literature, while publishers and literary agencies handle the sale of translation rights. FILI is a department of the Finnish Literature Society, and around 80% of our funding comes from public sources.   FILI distributes approx. €700,000 in translation grants, travel grants and promotional grants for over 400 different projects annually organises Editors’ Week events for publishers to visit Finland from abroad participates in publishing trade fairs abroad acts as a focal point for translators of Finnish literature maintains a database of translations of Finnish literature published in other languages and collects data on translation rights sold abroad. You are welcome to contact us: if you want more information about our grants programmes (Grants Wizard) to let us know about a publisher abroad that’s interested in Finnish literature if you are a translator from Finnish/Finland-Swedish/Sámi and you’re not in our records yet to tell us about a new translation of a Finnish book that’s not in our database if you have questions about literary exports.   Networks FILI constitutes part of the NordLit network, along with similar organisations from the other Nordic countries. We hold regular meetings together where we plan our future operations and joint projects. We have a shared Nordic presence at some publishing trade events, such as the London Book Fair. In 2015 NordLit had a joint Nordic stand at the Beijing International Book Fair and the Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair. In Finland, FILI is a member of the TAIVE network of arts information centres. Unlike Finnish information centres for many other artistic genres, FILI does not have a mandate or specific duties to perform here in Finland; instead, our focus is on activities outside Finland. Thus we refer to ourselves in Finnish as a literary export organisation.

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      • Editora FiloCzar

        "Editora FiloCzar aims to promote intellectual and artistic production, making it accessible to the most diverse audiences. Its purpose is to provide access to culture, to that end, it publishes books on peripheral literature, poetry, philosophy, psychology, psychodrama, education, veganism, technology, among others, establishing bridges between academic production and peripheral languages. "Goals * Favor the perception of possible worlds to anyone; * Enable situations that provide a taste for self-care and the other; * Implement actions that allow the construction in the collective of a new form of conviviality that makes the pleasure of the meeting common; * Cultivate a taste for knowledge. To meet these objectives, Editora FiloCzar is composed of: For a Publisher: It aims to promote intellectual and artistic production, making it accessible to the most diverse audiences, with the purpose of providing access to culture. Address: Rua Durval Guerra de Azevedo, 511 - Parque Santo Antônio - São Paulo-SP. For a Bookstore - which aims to sell the most diverse titles, in all areas, containing in its catalog, in addition to our authors, independent authors and books produced by other publishers. Currently we have the virtual bookstore and the street store, which is located at Rua Durval Guerra de Azevedo, 511 - Parque Santo Antônio - São Paulo-SP. For a School - Free School of Philosophy, Science and Art - For this we have space for courses, events and for art in general. As a fixed activity, we have some ongoing courses, painting exhibitions, the Cineclube Navegantes and Cinefilosofia. Address: Rua Durval Guerra de Azevedo, 511 - Parque Santo Antônio - São Paulo-SP. For a Library open to the community - Otaviano Mendes Library - For this purpose we have physical space for the collection currently available for local consultation. Address: Rua Durval Guerra de Azevedo, 511 - Parque Santo Antônio - São Paulo-SP Contacts editor's email: Phone: 11 5512-1110

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2024

        Queer cinema in contemporary France

        Five directors

        by Todd Reeser

        Jacques Martineau, Olivier Ducastel, Alain Guiraudie, Sébastien Lifshitz and Céline Sciamma. The films of these five major French directors exemplify queer cinema in the twenty-first century. Comprehensive in scope, Queer cinema in contemporary France traces the development of the meaning of queer across these directors' careers, from their earliest, often unknown films to their later, major films with wide international release. Whether having sex on the beach or kissing in the high school swimming pool, these cinematic characters create or embody forward-looking, open-ended and optimistic forms of queerness and modes of living, loving and desiring. Whether they are white, beur or black, whether they are lesbian, gay, trans* or queer, they open up hetero- and cisnormativity to new ways of being a gendered subject.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Coming in

        by Koen Slootmaeckers

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        Revolutionary bodies

        by Michael G. Cronin

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Japan's new security partnerships

        by Wilhelm Vosse, Paul Midford

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1998

        Tatort Manila

        Entführt, verkauft, missbraucht - Tourismus und Kinderprostitution

        by Herausgegeben von Block, Martin

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2009

        Exploring the explorers

        Spaniards in Oceania, 1519–1794

        by Mercedes Camino

        Exploring the Explorers: Spaniards in Oceania 1519-1794 is the first study of cross-cultural engagements between the indigenous peoples of the Pacific and Spanish explorers during the early modern period. Bridging disciplines, the book sets out to analyse in detail eight main voyages and their aims and outcomes, looking at the different patterns of contact and the use of gift-giving and bartering as social cement. This fascinating and original study will broaden the investigation of world exploration and Pacific ethnography, as many of the sources from these voyages are scarcely known and have not been translated before. It will also expand an understanding of Spanish and world exploration, developing the history of the Spanish Pacific beyond the long-standing colony of the Philippines. The study will be of particular interest to scholars and students of Early Modern European history as well as anthropologists, ethnographers and those interested in stories of exploration and discovery throughout history. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Guardians of Empire

        The Armed Forces of the Colonial Powers, C.1700-1964

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, David Killingray

        For imperialists, the concept of guardian is specifically to the armed forces that kept watch on the frontiers and in the heartlands of imperial territories. Large parts of Asia and Africa, and the islands of the Pacific and the Caribbean were imperial possessions. This book discusses how military requirements and North Indian military culture, shaped the cantonments and considers the problems posed by venereal diseases and alcohol, and the sanitary strategies pursued to combat them. The trans-border Pathan tribes remained an insistent problem in Indian defence between 1849 and 1947. The book examines the process by which the Dutch elite recruited military allies, and the contribution of Indonesian soldiers to the actual fighting. The idea of naval guardianship as expressed in the campaign against the South Pacific labour trade is examined. The book reveals the extent of military influence of the Schutztruppen on the political developments in the German protectorates in German South-West Africa and German East Africa. The U.S. Army, charged with defending the Pacific possessions of the Philippines and Hawaii, encountered a predicament similar to that of the mythological Cerberus. The regimentation of military families linked access to women with reliable service, and enabled the King's African Rifles to inspire a high level of discipline in its African soldiers, askaris. The book explains the political and military pressures which drove successive French governments to widen the scope of French military operations in Algeria between 1954 and 1958. It also explores gender issues and African colonial armies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2022

        Female Fortune

        by Jill Liddington

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2012

        Bekenntnisse eines friedfertigen Terroristen

        by Alex Gilvarry

        Laufsteg nach Guantánamo Seine Religion sind Glamour, Sex und Drogen. Wenn es um Geschmack geht, ist er radikal. Aber nicht deswegen findet sich Modedesigner Boy Hernandez von einem Tag auf den anderen in Guantánamo wieder. Was allerdings die wahren Gründe dafür sind, wieso aus seinem Traum, der größte Designer aller Zeiten zu werden, der absolute Alptraum geworden ist, kann sich Boy selbst am allerwenigsten erklären. Boy Hernandez hat es von der Modeschule in Manila nach New York geschafft. Seine Kreationen werden in einem Atemzug mit Comme des Garçons und Vivienne Westwood genannt. Nun sitzt er in Guantanamo. Die Anklage: Beteiligung an einer islamistischen Verschwörung. Dabei ist Boy nicht einmal religiös – jedenfalls solange Glamour, Sex und Drogen nicht als Religion gelten. Und radikal ist er nur, wenn es um guten Geschmack geht. Dennoch scheinen alle an seine Schuld zu glauben: Die Presse nennt ihn »Fashion-Terrorist«, seine Ex feiert mit ihrem Stück »Im Bett mit dem Feind« Erfolge am Broadway. Nur Boy selbst versucht verzweifelt zu begreifen, wie aus seinem Traum, der größte Designer aller Zeiten zu werden, der absolute Alptraum werden konnte.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2002



        by James Hamilton-Paterson, Ebba D. Drolshagen

        James Hamilton-Paterson wurde 1941 als erstes Kind einer Arztfamilie - der Vater war Neurologe, die Mutter Anästhesistin - geboren. Seine Kindheit verbrachte er in Footscray in Kent. Seinen Schulabschluß machte er an der King´s School in Canterbury, wo er seine Liebe zur Musik entdeckte, komponierte und Stunden am Klavier improvisierte. Dort begann er auch, seine ersten Gedichte zu schreiben. 1961 wurde er zum Studium der Literatur am Exeter College in Oxford aufgenommen. Während dieser Zeit publizierte er zwei Gedichtbände, Option Three und Dutch Alps. Wie vor ihm schon Oscar Wilde wurde er hierfür im Alter von 23 Jahren in seinem letzten Studienjahr in Oxford mit dem Newdigate Prize for poetry ausgezeichnet. Nachdem er die Universität 1964 verlassen hatte, zog es ihn ins Ausland und er nahm seinen ersten Job als Sprachlehrer in Libyen an. Als Resultat einer Reise durch Südamerika, insbesondere Bolivien, Ende der sechziger Jahre schrieb er einen Bericht, der schließlich im New Statesman veröffentlicht wurde. Das Interesse an weiteren Artikeln bedeutete den Beginn seiner Tätigkeit als freier Journalist, die ihn unter anderem nach Vietnam führte, um während des Kriegs von dort zu berichten, sowie in alle wichtigen Länder der Region, die in den Vietnam-Konflikt aktiv verwickelt waren. Zudem schrieb er für das Times Literary Supplement und war Redakteur des Magazins Nova. Während dieser Zeit entstand ein Kinderbuch sowie das politische Sachbuch A very personal war. Zurück in England schrieb er in den siebziger Jahren Drehbücher für Videoreklame in Cambridge und verbrachte sogar einige Zeit als Pfleger am St Stephen`s Hospital, "to kill the medical bug", den Arztinstinkt, der ihm von seinen Eltern vererbt worden war. 1979 entdeckte er die Philippinen, den einzigen Platz in Südostasien, den er noch nicht besucht hatte. Nach anfänglicher Befremdung - "it felt completely Coca-Colaised" - verliebte er sich in Landschaft und Bevölkerung und beschloß, dort zu bleiben. Er lernte die Sprache sowie Sitten und Gebräuche des Landes, wie Fische mit der Lanze zu fangen und Häuser aus Bambus zu bauen. 1981 erwarb er zudem von einem Freund ein kleines Haus in der Toskana, wo er seitdem neun Monate des Jahres verbringt, wenn er nicht auf den Philippinen ist. Die Karriere von James Hamilton-Paterson, Mitglied der Royal Geographical Society, als Romancier und Sachbuchautor begann nach der ersten Publikation von Kurzgeschichten 1986 unter dem Titel The View from Mount Dog mit der Veröffentlichung von Playing with Water 1987, einem autobiographischen Werk über das alltägliche Leben auf den Philippinen. 1989 erscheint dann sein erster Roman Gerontius, der von einigen Kritikern als der beste englische Roman der achtziger Jahre bezeichnet wurde. Er wurde im gleichen Jahr mit dem Whitbread First Novel Award ausgezeichnet. Für das Radio dramatisiert gewann er auf dem International Radio Festival of New York 1990 die Goldmedaille. Es folgen weitere erfolgreiche Sachbücher (Seven-Tenths 1992, Three Miles Down 1998) und Romane, wie 1990 The Bell-Boy (der Titel der amerikanischen Ausgabe wurde auf Wunsch des Verlags geändert in That Time in Malomba, mit der Begründung, daß der Begriff "bellboy" für die Amerikaner seine Bedeutung verloren hätte), 1993 Griefwork und 1994 schließlich 1994 Ghosts of Manila, der 1998 als erster Roman von ihm in deutscher Übersetzung beim Insel Verlag erschien.

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