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        November 2021

        The Forest of the Future – A New Reality

        Understanding the ecosystem

        by Hans Jürgen Böhmer

        What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992

        Future Management

        Europäische Unternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb

        by Steger, Ulrich

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        March 2024

        Future Family

        Familien am Limit - neue Impulse für mehr Vereinbarkeit

        by Hoffmeister, Ana

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        May 2017

        Future Sex

        Wie wir heute lieben. Ein Selbstversuch

        by Emily Witt, Hannes Meyer

        Emily Witts Prognose für die weibliche Sexualität lautet: selbstbewusst, frei und unerschrocken. Mit einem wachen Blick, großer Begeisterungsfähigkeit und einer außergewöhnlichen Beobachtungsgabe erforscht die New Yorker Journalistin die neuen Formen weiblicher Sexualität, von Tinder über Feminist Porn bis hin zur Orgasmic Meditation. Emily Witt ist Mitte dreißig, Single und lebt in Brooklyn. Die ideale Voraussetzung für ein bewegtes Liebes- und Sexleben. Könnte man meinen. Doch eigentlich hat auch Witt trotz all der schillernden Angebote ein ganz bestimmtes Ziel im Visier: Ehemann, Kinder und ein Eigenheim. Um die Möglichkeitswelt jenseits der tradierten Ideale zu erkunden, entschließt sich die Journalistin zu einer Reise nach San Francisco, der Hochburg der freien Liebe und der digitalen wie libidinösen Zukunft. Sie durchstreift die Sphären des Internetdatings, feiert auf einer Hochzeit von Polyamoristen, spricht mit der Königin eines feministischen Kinky-Porn-Unternehmens, sie sondiert und überschreitet ihre eigenen Grenzen bei dem legendären Exzessfestival »Burning Man« und begibt sich ins Zentrum der »Orgasmic Meditation«. Am Ende ihrer Reise steht eine überraschende Erkenntnis.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Europe for Future

        95 Thesen, die Europa retten – was jetzt geschehen muss (Das europäische Manifest im Wahljahr 2021)

        by Herr, Vincent-Immanuel & Speer, Martin

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        The Past, Present, and Future of Tontines.

        A Seventeenth Century Financial Product and the Development of Life Insurance.

        by Herausgegeben von Hellwege, Phillip

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Digital Competence and Future Skills

        How companies prepare themselves for the digital future

        by Ramin, Philipp

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2010

        Globalisation, Integration and the Future of European Welfare States

        by Theodora-Ismene Gizelis, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen

        This book argues that the welfare state cannot be understood purely as a set of social policy arrangements, but must be seen as a political institution, intended to achieve certain political objectives. The political dimension of the welfare state is essential for understanding its initial emergence as well as assessing its ability to deal with contemporary challenges. Governments use welfare transfers to decrease the risk of political instability that may be politically disruptive and threaten to undermine social cohesion. The success of welfare institutions stems from their ability to foster a redistribution of resources and political consensus that has enabled long-term political stability and economic development. The book develops a general model that looks at the interactive effects between welfare transfers, political instability and state capacity. It provides a unique theoretical contribution to the study of welfare spending in the context of globalisation and integration, analyses the key politial rationale for welfare programmes, namely their role in preserving social cohesion and governance and demonstrates clearly that welfare policies can be successfully adopted to meet new challenges and that retrenchment of the welfare state is not inevitable, using Scandinavia as a leading example of modern thinking policies. ;

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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2003

        Apprenticeship Training: A Model for the Future?

        Zeitschrift Konjunkturpolitik, 48. Jg. (2002), Heft 3-4 (S. 229-389).

        by Winkelmann, Rainer

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Memory and the future of Europe

        by Peter J. Verovšek

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Renunciation and Freedom

        Survivial in the future

        by Jean-Pierre Wils

        The situation in our society is precarious. The ecological shocks are omnipresent. The mere continuation of our lifestyles fixated on expansion and self-development has long since reached its limits. As if intoxicated by ourselves, we consume our world voraciously and without restraint. We need moderation and frugality that lead us out of the ecological and social dead ends and hold both the individual and Politics to account. We are by no means powerless and are perfectly capable of leading a life that offers prospects for a humane future. However, our idea of freedom needs urgent correction. For this endeavour to succeed, we need the courage to face reality and the willingness, in a spirit of solidarity, to say goodbye to a false life and join the alliance of renunciation and freedom. Then we will be free – differently and better.

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