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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2015

        Surviving Kinsale

        Irish emigration and identity formation in early modern Spain, 1601–40

        by Ciaran O'Scea, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        In the aftermath of the Battle of Kinsale in 1601 as many as 10,000 Irish emigrated from Ireland to Galicia in the north-west of Spain. Between 1601 and 1608 the brunt of this immigration fell on the city of La Coruña, which became a virtual encampment of starving homeless Irish nobles, soldiers, women, children, elderly and poor. This is the story of that community and how its members adapted to their new circumstances, and how they themselves, their social structures and beliefs were transformed by their immigrant experience. Through an examination of the community across a broad range of social cultural aspects such as family, literacy, material culture, the acquisition of honours, religious sentiment, and social ascent, important new insights into Irish socio-cultural history have been uncovered. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2000

        Kazuo Ishiguro

        by Barry Lewis, John Thieme

        How Japanese is Ishiguro? What role does memory and unreliability play in his narratives? Why was The Unconsoled (1995) perceived to be such a radical break from the earlier novels?. The first complete study to consider all of Ishiguro's work from A pale view of the hills (1982) to When we were Orphans (2000), including his short stories and television plays. Explores the centrality of dignity and displacement in Ishiguro's vision, and teases out the connotations of home and homelessness in his fictions. Invaluable for students at all levels, especially as The Remains of the Day by Ishiguro is a set text at GCSE and A Level. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2009

        Mientras los hombres mueren

        Carmen Conde

        by Catherine Davies, Jean Andrews

        Carmen Conde is a major figure in twentieth-century Spanish poetry. Though neglected up to now, Mientras los hombres mueren is the most important collection of war poetry to emerge from the Spanish Civil War. It was first published, in a limited edition, in Italy in 1953. Though it has been included in its entirety in anthologies of her work published in Spain in 1967, 1986 and 2007, this is the first free-standing edition since 1953 and the first ever critical edition. The collection was written in 1938-39, in Valencia, then the seat of the Republican Government. In prose poetry densely packed with imagery of nightmarish destruction, Conde gives voice to the experience of women and children suffering bombardment from air and sea, hunger and homelessness, and the loss of husbands, brothers and fathers at the front. The second half of the collection, 'A los niños muertos en la guerra', is an extended elegy for all those children killed in bombing raids during the war. This edition will be of interest to students and scholars of the Civil War and lovers of Spanish poetry in general. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Political oppression & persecution
        July 2014

        Co-memory and melancholia

        Israelis memorialising the Palestinian Nakba

        by Ronit Lentin

        The 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel also resulted in the destruction of Palestinian society when some 80 per cent of the Palestinians who lived in the major part of Palestine upon which Israel was established became refugees. Israelis call the 1948 war their 'War of Independence' and the Palestinians their 'Nakba', or catastrophe. After many years of Nakba denial, land appropriation, political discrimination against the Palestinians within Israel and the denial of rights to Palestinian refugees, in recent years the Nakba is beginning to penetrate Israeli public discourse. This book, available at last in paperback, explores the construction of collective memory in Israeli society, where the memory of the trauma of the Holocaust and of Israel's war dead competes with the memory claims of the dispossessed Palestinians. Against a background of the Israeli resistance movement, Lentin's central argument is that co-memorating the Nakba by Israeli Jews is motivated by an unresolved melancholia about the disappearance of Palestine and the dispossession of the Palestinians, a melancholia that shifts mourning from the lost object to the grieving subject. Lentin theorises Nakba co-memory as a politics of resistance, counterpoising co-memorative practices by internally displaced Israeli Palestinians with Israeli Jewish discourses of the Palestinian right of return, and questions whether return narratives by Israeli Jews, courageous as they may seem, are ultimately about Israeli Jewish self-healing rather than justice for Palestine.

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