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      • Edizioni Horti di Giano

        We are looking for that flame that ignites our authors’ emotions. We dream of an editorial world where those who deserve can express themselves freely and not thanks to a payment. Horti di Giano offers books with attention to the smallest detail, where Editing is the heart of a work done with passion and the publications are enriched by several hand-made illustrations, in order to give life to a book which is an artistic and complete experience. in every respect. You can find Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, Crime and Mistery, Coming-on-age novel, Poetry and Graphic Novel.

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      • Artech House Books Horizon House Publications Ltd.

        A leading technical book publisher, Artech House provides today’s professionals and students with cutting-edge books and software from the world’s top authorities. From RF/microwave design, wireless communications, radar engineering, and electronic defense, to GPS/GNSS, power engineering, computer security, and building technology, Artech House publishes the forward-looking titles that engineers and managers need to excel. Artech House is a subsidiary of Horizon House Publications, Inc., publisher of the internationally acclaimed magazine Microwave Journal®.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        January 2012

        Tote Mädchen


        by Richard Calder, Hannes Riffel, Dietmar Dath

        Großbritannien 2071. Ein Virus verwandelt pubertierende Mädchen in bluthungrige Cyborgs, »tote Mädchen«. Wer von ihnen gebissen wird, zeugt selbst vampirische Wesen. Die regierende Partei »Human Front« ruft zum Massaker an den Puppen auf und riegelt London hermetisch ab. Doch der junge Ivan Zwakh weigert sich, seine Geliebte, die Sexpuppe Primavera, zu verlassen, auch wenn ihre Liebesbeweise ihn fast das Leben kosten. Den beiden gelingt die Flucht nach Bangkok, aber ihre Verfolger sind ihnen dicht auf den Fersen … Richard Calder entwirft eine düstere Zukunftswelt, in der Gelüste nach Sex, Schmerz und Macht die Existenz der Menschheit aufs Spiel setzen. Ein temporeich erzählter, fesselnder Roman über den Versuch einer unmöglichen Liebe im Cyborgzeitalter.

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        July 1990

        Schatten über Innsmouth

        Eine Horrorgeschichte

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Rudolf Hermstein, Franz Rottensteiner

        "Der Erzähler dieser recht aparten Geschichte des Grauens flieht in den Morgenstunden des 16. Juli 1927, von Grauen geschüttelt, Hals über Kopf aus der verschlafenen Hafenstadt Innsmouth; sein verzweifeltes Drängen führt zu einer behördlichen Untersuchung durch die Bundesregierung, zu zahlreichen Verhaftungen und zur Sprengung oder dem Niederbrennen einer Anzahl alter Häuser. Erst lange, nachdem alles vorbei ist, von quälenden Träumen geplagt, in denen irrwitzig alptraumhafte Lebewesen vorkommen wie die entsetzlichen Schoggothen, entschließt er sich zu berichten, was er in jenem »von bösen Schatten erfüllten Hafen des Todes und der blasphemischen Abnormität« erlebte. Er wurde damals Zeuge einer ruchlosen Zeremonie der Anhänger des Fischgottes Dagon und des noch schrecklicheren Cthulhu."

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        Children's & YA

        The Magical Pharmacy (4). The Contest of a Thousand Talents

        by Anna Ruhe/ Claudia Carls

        A world full of scents – and an adventure full of magic, racing hearts and dangers! Luzie Alvenstein can sense it right down to her fingertips: there is something wrong with the invitation she is holding in her hand. Her rival Elodie de Richemont has invited her to enter the “Contest of a thousand talents” – a competition for the world’s finest scent pharmacists. Of course the only thing Elodie is interested in is finding new talents to run her scent pharmacies. But Luzie has no choice. Together with Mats, Leon and Daan de Bruijn she goes to England in order to take part in the competition. What begins as a great game soon develops into a fight for survival – and this threatens to rob Luzie of everything she has ever loved… This is the fourth volume in the bestselling series of children’s books for boys and girls aged 10+. Written by the highly successful author Anna Ruhe and with atmospheric and beautifully detailed black-and-white illustrations by Claudia Carls.

      • May 1987


        by Bram Stoker

        Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy. The novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and of the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and a woman led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.

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        The Arts
        June 2017

        Terence Fisher

        by Peter Hutchings

        Terence Fisher is best known as the director who made most of the classic Hammer horrors - including The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Devil Rides Out. But there is more to Terence Fisher than Hammer horror. In a busy twenty-five-year career, he directed fifty films, not just horrors but also thrillers, comedies, melodramas and science-fiction. This book offers an appreciation of all of Fisher's films and also gives a sense of his place in British film history. Looking at Fisher's career as a whole not only underlines his importance as a film-maker but also casts a new, interesting light on the areas in which he worked - Gainsborough melodrama, the 1950s B film, 1960s science-fiction and, of course, Hammer, one of the most successful independent film companies in the history of British cinema.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2015

        Chronicles of the Investiture Contest

        by T. J. H. McCarthy

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        The Arts
        June 2017

        Terry Gilliam

        by Peter Marks

        Terry Gilliam presents a sustained examination of one of cinema's most challenging and lauded auteurs, proposing fresh ways of seeing Gilliam that go beyond reductive readings of him as a gifted but manic fantasist. Analysing Gilliam's work over nearly four decades, from the brilliant anarchy of his Monty Python animations through the nightmarish masterpiece Brazil to the provocative Gothic horror of Tideland, it critically examines the variety and richness of Gilliam's sometimes troubled but always provocative output. The book situates Gilliam within the competing cultural contexts of the British, European and American film industries, examining his regular struggles against aesthetic and commercial pressures. He emerges as a passionate, immensely creative director, whose work encompasses a dizzying array of material: anarchic satire, childhood and adult fantasy, dystopia, romantic comedy, surrealism, road movie, fairy tale and the Gothic. The book charts how Gilliam interweaves these genres and forms to create magical interfaces between reality and the illuminating, frightening but liberating worlds of the imagination. Scrutinising the neglected importance of literature and adaptation in Gilliam's career, this study also observes him through the lenses of auteurism, genre, performance, design and national culture, explaining how someone born in Minnesota and raised in California came to be one of British television and film's most compelling figures.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2022

        William Blake's Gothic imagination

        by Chris Bundock, Elizabeth Effinger

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1995

        Die Literatur der Angst

        Zur Geschichte der Phantastik

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Michael Koseler, Franz Rottensteiner

        1927 erschien seine Studie Supernatural Horror in Literature, die nach wie vor als eine der besten literarhistorischen Hinführungen in die Phantastik gelten kann. Die kompakte und kenntnisreiche Darstellung zeichnet die Entwicklung des Genres von den Anfängen des »gotischen« Romans im 18. Jahrhundert bis zu den modernen Meistern der Gruselliteratur wie Arthur Machen, M. R. James und Algernon Blackwood nach.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2007

        Heute keine Konferenz

        Texte für die Zeitung

        by Dietmar Dath

        Dietmar Dath hat seit 1990 einen ganzen Haufen – nun: journalistische, satirische und essayistische Texte veröffentlicht und sich damit eine eigene Fangemeinde erschrieben. Wie wenigen gelingt es ihm, Buffy und Bourdieu, Popkultur und Philosophie zu verknüpfen. Unter Rubriken wie Horror, Marx und Schauspielerinnen versammelt der Band seine besten Artikel und eine Einleitung des Autors über die schriftstellerische »Arbeit für den Tag«.

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