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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        States of enmity

        The politics of hatred in the early modern Kingdom of Naples

        by Stephen Cummins

        State of enmity explores how relations of hatred and enmity played political and social roles in the early modern Kingdom of Naples. Exploring the pervasive notion of enmity and practices of reconciliation, the book provides new insight into the social dynamics of southern Italy in the early modern period. In particular, widespread banditry and the violent tenor of local politics are analysed through a wide variety of criminal trials and other sources.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2004

        Theatre and religion

        Lancastrian Shakespeare

        by Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Richard Wilson

        This important collection of essays focuses on the place of Roman Catholicism in early modern England, bringing new perspectives to bear on whether Shakespeare himself was Catholic. In the Introduction, Richard Wilson reviews the history of the debate over Shakespeare's religion, while Arthur Marotti and Peter Milward offer current perspectives on the subject. Eamon Duffy offers a historian's view of the nature of Elizabethan Catholicism, complemented by Frank Brownlow's study of Elizabeth's most brutal enforcer of religious policy, Richard Topcliffe. Two key Catholic controversialists are addressed by Donna Hamilton (Richard Vestegan) and Jean-Christophe Mayer (Robert Parsons). Robert Miola opens up the neglected field of Jesuit drama in the period, whilst Sonia Fielitz specifically proposes a new, Jesuit source-text for Timon of Athens. Carol Enos (As You Like It), Margaret Jones-Davies (Cymbeline), Gerard Kilroy (Hamlet) and Randall Martin (Henry VI 3) read individual plays in the light of these questions, while Gary Taylor's essay fittingly investigates the possible influence of religious conflicts on the publication of the Shakespeare First Folio. Theatre and religion: Lancastrian Shakespeare as a whole represents a major intervention in this fiercely contested current debate. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1986

        Sade. Fourier. Loyola

        by Roland Barthes, Maren Sell, Jürgen Hoch

        »Nicht aus Lust am Provozieren sind Sade, Fourier und Loyola in ein und demselben Buch zusammengestellt worden, sondern weil alle drei Klassifikatoren, Sprachbegründer waren: der verfemte Schriftsteller begründete eine Sprache des erotischen Vergnügens, der utopische Philosoph eine Sprache des sozialen Glücks und der heilige Jesuit eine Sprache der Anrufung Gottes. Zeichen erfinden und nicht, wie wir es alle tun, nur konsumieren heißt paradoxerweise in den Bereich jenes Nachhinein des Sinns einzutreten, der das signifiant darstellt, kurz, eine Schreibweise praktizieren. Daher beschäftigt sich dieses Buch auch nicht mit dem Inhalt der Schriften dieser drei Autoren (…), sondern es behandelt Sade, Fourier und Loyola als Formulierer, Erfinder von Schreibweisen, Textoperateure.« Roland Barthes

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        Witnessing to the faith

        by Shanyn Altman

      • Trusted Partner

        Last Paths to Freedom. French Girl Guides in resistance to Nazi Germany

        by Thomas Seiterich

        Summer 1940. Nazi Germany annexes Alsace, but not without resistance: in the Catholic parish of St. Jean, very close to the Great Synagogue, six French Girl Guides opened an underground border crossing for opponents of the regime, Jews, Communists and the military. They explored and found secret routes across the Vosges to the west, and south to Switzerland. By the time the Gestapo picked them up in 1942, they had brought around 500 people to safety. Freisler tried them in 1943 and sentenced six of them to death by guillotine. Pope Pius XII demanded that the women be spared. And Hitler did indeed pardon them – with the proviso that they were not allowed to know. They all survived.

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