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      • Hungry Tomato Ltd.

        Hungry Tomato designs and publishes children’s (5-11 years) non-fiction books that stimulate and encourage reading and learning with fun and engaging topics. We call this soft learning for educational markets. In just a few years, we have published over 200 titles, with 700+ titles licensed in 19 different languages across the world.  Our new pre-school (0 to 4 years) Tiny Tomato imprint launches in 2021 with books designed to promote learning through interaction. These books will feature tactile and engaging material to help nurture and encourage young children’s understanding, early learning and development  Beetle Books (US) and Hungry Banana (UK) are two imprints with books featuring some of the best artists and authors in the world today. We work with established and well-known illustrators as well, as is part of our ethos, new and exciting young talent. Together we produce beautiful books that become bookshelf favourites in homes schools and libraries all over the world. For those kids that prefer fact to fiction we produce books that will keep those pages turning.

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      • Kindberg

        Spanish literary fiction. House founded in 2015 in Valparaíso (Chile). We want to provide a haven for readers in times of storm. Now that the arrival of new titles is overwhelming, at Kindberg we are committed to a detailed rhythm, to slow-publishing instead of disposable titles. The books we choose are the ones we like and that is why we believe in them and we want other readers to like them. And yes, we only publish fiction, because "poetry, beauty, art, love are the things that keep us alive".

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Settlers at the end of empire

        Race and the politics of migration in South Africa, Rhodesia and the United Kingdom

        by Jean Smith

        Settlers at the end of empire traces the development of racialised migration regimes in South Africa, Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe) and the United Kingdom from the Second World War to the end of apartheid in 1994. While South Africa and Rhodesia, like other settler colonies, had a long history of restricting the entry of migrants of colour, in the 1960s under existential threat and after abandoning formal ties with the Commonwealth they began to actively recruit white migrants, the majority of whom were British. At the same time, with the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, the British government began to implement restrictions aimed at slowing the migration of British subjects of colour. In all three nations, these policies were aimed at the preservation of nations imagined as white, revealing the persistence of the racial ideologies of empire across the era of decolonisation.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Jüdisches Städtebild Budapest

        by Peter Haber, Alexander Bittmann

        "Budapest ist stark von seiner jüdischen Geschichte geprägt. In seiner Einführung zeichnet der Herausgeber die wechselvolle Geschichte des Budapester Judentums nach, von den Anfängen im Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Auch die in diesem Band versammelten literarischen und autobiographischen Texte erzählen von dieser Geschichte. Texte von György Konrád, György Dalos und Ágnes Heller stehen neben denen von heute vergessenen oder außerhalb Ungarns weniger bekannten ungarisch-jüdischen Autoren; viele der Texte erscheinen hier das erste Mal auf deutsch."

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        August 2025

        Negotiating in/visibility

        Women, science, engineering and medicine in the twentieth century

        by Amelia Bonea, Irina Nastasa-Matei

        This volume brings together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to discuss how women contributed to the making, pedagogy, institutionalisation and communication of scientific knowledge in the twentieth century, and to reflect on the theoretical and methodological challenges of documenting such hidden contributions. Featuring examples from China, former Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Romania, the United Kingdom and the United States, the contributors discuss women's engagement with science across different institutional and non-institutional sites, ranging from the laboratory and the school to the clinic, the home and the media. The volume moves beyond the professional scientist model to enlarge our understanding of women's participation in twentieth-century science and document the complex combination of factors that rendered such contributions (in)visible to contemporaries and future generations.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2025

        Rückkehr nach Budapest

        Roman | Eine Liebe, die nicht sein darf – und eine Frau, die endlich frei sein will

        by Nikoletta Kiss

        Nikoletta Kiss erzählt stimmungsvoll von einer intensiven Frauenfreundschaft und einem Liebesdreieck in den Wirren der Vorwendezeit – von alten Wunden und der Erfahrung, dass es für Heilung nie zu spät ist. Márta wächst im sozialistischen Budapest auf, am Plattensee, wo sie herrliche Sommer mit ihrer Cousine Theresa verbringt. Doch ohne Theresa ist es einsam, und nach ihrem Schulabschluss entflieht Márta dem trinkenden Vater und reist zu ihr nach Ost-Berlin. Die Freundin nimmt sie mit in die Welt der künstlerischen Boheme, in Hinterhauswohnungen und verrauchte Kneipen, zur Lesung des jungen, regimekritischen Schriftstellers Konstantin. Er ist umwerfend, rätselhaft, gequält. Beide verlieben sich in ihn, und natürlich ist die extrovertierte und selbstsichere Theresa die Glückliche – bis sie durch einen verhängnisvollen Umstand verhaftet wird. Zwischen den Verbliebenen entsteht eine gefährliche Nähe, ein Verrat liegt in der Luft, der Márta noch Jahrzehnte später verfolgen wird. Aber waren sie damals nicht alle gleichermaßen unschuldig? Und wird es ihr jemals gelingen, aus Theresas Schatten zu treten?

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        States of enmity

        The politics of hatred in the early modern Kingdom of Naples

        by Stephen Cummins

        State of enmity explores how relations of hatred and enmity played political and social roles in the early modern Kingdom of Naples. Exploring the pervasive notion of enmity and practices of reconciliation, the book provides new insight into the social dynamics of southern Italy in the early modern period. In particular, widespread banditry and the violent tenor of local politics are analysed through a wide variety of criminal trials and other sources.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2012

        The activation of citizenship in Europe

        by Thomas Pfister, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen

        This instructive study examines how a transnational discourse on 'modern' social policy - based the guiding principles of 'activation' and an 'activating welfare state' - intervenes in the concepts and practices of citizenship. What are the consequences of this reorientation for citizenship? How does it relate to patterns of exclusion and inequality inherent in each historical citizenship formation? What exactly is the EU's role in this context? The detailed qualitative study focuses on the European Employment Strategy - and in particular its gender equality dimension - as a central process where the activation agenda is constructed and equipped with meanings. It traces how this discourse is received and translated into practices of citizenship in three EU member states - Germany, the UK, and Hungary. The activation of citizenship in Europe will be principally of interest to academics and practitioners in the fields of European integration, social policy, and citizenship. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States

        Power, identity and strategy in the Persian Gulf triangle

        by Luíza Cerioli

        This book offers a nuanced snapshot of the complex geopolitical dynamics in the Persian Gulf, underlining the interaction between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the US. Examining their interwoven relations since the 1970s, Luíza Cerioli's framework reveals how changes in US-Saudi ties have ripple effects on Iran-US and Iran-Saudi relations and vice versa. Using a historical lens, she explores how enduring US-Saudi connections hinge on order expectations, delves into the cognitive factors shaping US-Iran enmity and traces the source of oscillation in the Saudi-Iran ties. Employing Neoclassical Realism, the book investigates status-seeking, national identities and leadership preferences, offering a deeper understanding of the region's multipolar system. By combining International Relations and Middle East Studies, Cerioli's work contributes to both fields, unravelling the intricate interplay between international structures, regional nuances and agency in shaping Persian Gulf geopolitics.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2022

        The Kingdom

        Das Erwachen der Seele

        by Jess Rothenberg, Reiner Pfleiderer

        Jess Rothenbergs "The Kingdom" entführt Leser in einen atemberaubenden Erlebnispark der Zukunft, in dem Träume scheinbar Wirklichkeit werden. Im Zentrum steht der Vergnügungspark "The Kingdom", eine Welt voller Wunder und Magie, in der biomechanische Lebewesen – die sieben Prinzessinnen – die Hauptattraktionen sind. Diese Wesen, an der Grenze zwischen Technologie und Menschlichkeit, sind programmiert, um den Besuchern jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen. Doch die perfekte Fassade beginnt zu bröckeln, als Prinzessin Ana, eine der Prinzessinnen, vor Gericht steht, angeklagt, einen Parkangestellten aus Liebe ermordet zu haben. Diese Anklage wirft grundlegende Fragen auf: Kann eine künstliche Intelligenz Gefühle wie Liebe empfinden? Und ist sie fähig, aus Liebe zu töten? Die Geschichte ist nicht nur ein spannender Thriller, sondern berührt auch tiefgründige Themen wie die Natur der Liebe, die Grenzen künstlicher Intelligenz und die ethischen Implikationen menschlichen Schaffens. Leser werden in eine Welt gezogen, die zugleich faszinierend und beunruhigend ist, und dazu angeregt, über die Konsequenzen nachzudenken, die unser Streben nach Perfektion und Kontrolle mit sich bringt. Atemberaubender Fantasy-Erlebnispark: Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der Träume Wirklichkeit werden, mit biomechanischen Wesen, die jeden Wunsch erfüllen. Spannender Thriller mit Tiefgang: Folge der packenden Geschichte von Prinzessin Ana, die vor Gericht steht, angeklagt einen Mord aus Liebe begangen zu haben. Aktuelle Themen in einer faszinierenden Welt: Erforsche Fragen um künstliche Intelligenz, Ethik, und die Grenzen zwischen Mensch und Technologie. Einzigartige Charaktere und Wendungen: Begegne den sieben Prinzessinnen und entdecke eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, Liebe und Verrat. Zum Nachdenken anregende Fragen: Was bedeutet es, Mensch zu sein? Kann eine Maschine Gefühle haben und moralische Entscheidungen treffen? Für Fans von Black Mirror und Westworld: Ideal für Leser, die fesselnde Geschichten über die Schattenseiten technologischer Fortschritte lieben. Romantik trifft auf Wissenschaft: Eine ungewöhnliche Liebesgeschichte in einem Setting, das Romantikfans und Technikbegeisterte gleichermaßen fesselt. Moralische Dilemmata und ethische Fragen: Ein Buch, das zum Diskutieren über Perfektion, Kontrolle und die Konsequenzen unseres Handelns einlädt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Revolution in China and Russia

        Reorganizing empires into nation states

        by Luyang Zhou

        Most scholars believe that China's nationality policy, like that of other socialist states, imitated the Soviet nationality model, a system which has been termed an "affirmative action empire." This book offers two contributions to the literature which run counter to this convention. First, it argues that the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Soviet Union (USSR) were different; while the PRC was aimed to build an ideal-typical nation-state, the USSR was an open union of nation-states that was only temporarily confined to a physical territory. Second, while scholars who have noted this difference attribute it to contextual factors, such as ethnic structure, geopolitical status, and Russia's intervention into the Chinese Revolution, this book contends that context shaped the Sino-Soviet difference, yet it did not determine it. Rather, there was significant leeway between the implications of the contextual factors, and what the policy-designers ultimately established. This book probes who held agency, and how these individuals bridged this gap.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2014

        Roger II and the creation of the Kingdom of Sicily

        by Graham Loud

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Der Einfluss der Schicksalsgöttinnen

        Lebensphasen als Entwicklungschancen

        by Budapest, Zsuzsanna E

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2024

        Capitalism in contemporary Iran

        Capital accumulation, state formation and geopolitics

        by Kayhan Valadbaygi

        By situating Iran within the neoliberal global capitalism and resulting geopolitics, this book traces the patterns of capital accumulation and transformations in class and state formation emanating from it. It shows that Iranian neoliberalisation has brought about two capital fractions, namely the internationally-oriented capital fraction and the military-bonyad complex. It substantiates that the co-existence of these competing class fractions with different accumulation strategies has generated hybrid neoliberalism. The book further demonstrates how this new class formation has reorganised the function and operation of state institutions and transformed state ideology. By documenting the ways in which Iranian neoliberalisation has reshaped the subaltern classes and formed Iran's volatile foreign policy, it also provides a novel account of major events and processes in contemporary Iran, such as the post-2017 wave of uprisings, the nuclear programme and international sanctions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field, Christopher Breward

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        The imperial Commonwealth

        Australia and the project of empire, 1867-1914

        by Wm. Matthew Kennedy

        From the late 1800s to the early 1900s, Australian settler colonists mobilised their unique settler experiences to develop their own vision of what 'empire' was and could be. Reinterpreting their histories and attempting to divine their futures with a much heavier concentration on racialized visions of humanity, white Australian settlers came to believe that their whiteness as well as their Britishness qualified them for an equal voice in the running of Britain's imperial project. Through asserting their case, many soon claimed that, as newly minted citizens of a progressive and exemplary Australian Commonwealth, white settlers such as themselves were actually better suited to the modern task of empire. Such a settler political cosmology with empire at its center ultimately led Australians to claim an empire of their own in the Pacific Islands, complete with its own, unique imperial governmentality.

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