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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2008

        Kiwi Paradise

        Reise in ein verdammt gelassenes Land

        by Petz, Ingo

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        October 2014

        Kiwi, Kaffee, Kardamom

        Exotik frisch auf den Tisch

        by Kremer, Bruno P.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        New Zealand's empire

        by Katie Pickles, Catharine Coleborne

        This edited collection investigates New Zealand's history as an imperial power, and its evolving place within the British Empire. It revises and expands the history of empire within, to and from New Zealand by looking at the country's spheres of internal imperialism, its relationship with Australia, its Pacific empire and its outreach to Antarctica. The book critically revises our understanding of the range of ways that New Zealand has played a role as an imperial power, including the cultural histories of New Zealand inside the British Empire, engagements with imperial practices and notions of imperialism, the special significance of New Zealand in the Pacific region, and the circulation of ideas of empire both through and inside New Zealand over time. The essays in this volume span social, cultural, political and economic history, and in testing the concept of New Zealand's empire, the contributors take new directions in both historiographical and empirical research.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2010

        Scottishness and Irishness in New Zealand since 1840

        by Angela McCarthy, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        This book examines the distinctive aspects that insiders and outsiders perceived as characteristic of Irish and Scottish ethnic identities in New Zealand. When, how, and why did Irish and Scots identify themselves and others in ethnic terms? What characteristics did the Irish and the Scots attribute to themselves and what traits did others assign to them? Did these traits change over time and if so how? Contemporary interest surrounding issues of ethnic identities is vibrant. In countries such as New Zealand, descendants of European settlers are seeking their ethnic origins, spurred on in part by factors such as an ongoing interest in indigenous genealogies, the burgeoning appeal of family history societies, and the booming financial benefits of marketing ethnicities abroad. This fascinating book will appeal to scholars and students of the history of empire and the construction of identity in settler communities, as well as those interested in the history of New Zealand. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Religion and life cycles in early modern England

        by Caroline Bowden, Emily Vine, Tessa Whitehouse

        Religion and life cycles in early modern England assembles scholars working in the fields of history, English literature and art history to further our understanding of the intersection between religion and the life course in the period c. 1550-1800. Featuring chapters on Catholic, Protestant and Jewish communities, it encourages cross-confessional comparison between life stages and rites of passage that were of religious significance to all faiths in early modern England. The book considers biological processes such as birth and death, aspects of the social life cycle including schooling, coming of age and marriage and understandings of religious transition points such as spiritual awakenings and conversion. Through this inclusive and interdisciplinary approach, it seeks to show that the life cycle was not something fixed or predetermined and that early modern individuals experienced multiple, overlapping life cycles.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Rethinking settler colonialism

        History and memory in Australia, Canada, Aotearoa New Zealand and South Africa

        by Annie Coombes

        Rethinking settler colonialism focuses on the long history of contact between indigenous peoples and the white colonial communities who settled in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. It interrogates how histories of colonial settlement have been mythologised, narrated and embodied in public culture in the twentieth century (through monuments, exhibitions and images) and charts some of the vociferous challenges to such histories that have emerged over recent years. Despite a shared familiarity with cultural and political institutions, practices and policies amongst the white settler communities, the distinctiveness which marked these constituencies as variously, 'Australian', 'South African', 'Canadian' or 'New Zealander', was fundamentally contingent upon their relationship to and with the various indigenous communities they encountered. In each of these countries these communities were displaced, marginalised and sometimes subjected to attempted genocide through the colonial process. Recently these groups have renewed their claims for greater political representation and autonomy. The essays and artwork in this book insist that an understanding of the political and cultural institutions and practices which shaped settler-colonial societies in the past can provide important insights into how this legacy of unequal rights can be contested in the present. It will be of interest to those studying the effects of colonial powers on indigenous populations, and the legacies of imperial rule in postcolonial societies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Distant sisters

        Australasian women and the international struggle for the vote, 1880–1914

        by James Keating

        In the 1890s Australian and New Zealand women became the first in the world to win the vote. Buoyed by their victories, they promised to lead a global struggle for the expansion of women's electoral rights. Charting the common trajectory of the colonial suffrage campaigns, Distant Sisters uncovers the personal and material networks that transformed feminist organising. Considering intimate and institutional connections, well-connected elites and ordinary women, this book argues developments in Auckland, Sydney, and Adelaide-long considered the peripheries of the feminist world-cannot be separated from its glamourous metropoles. Focusing on Antipodean women, simultaneously insiders and outsiders in the emerging international women's movement, and documenting the failures of their expansive vision alongside its successes, this book reveals a more contingent history of international organising and challenges celebratory accounts of fin-de-siècle global connection.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1995

        Key-Account-Management im Zuliefergeschäft.

        Eine theoretische und empirische Untersuchung.

        by Götz, Peter

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Room for Love 2. Three with a Key

        by Laura Labas, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Bronwyn und Nick – Es ist kompliziert. Was denkst du über Friends with Benefits, über Freundschaft plus? Kann klappen, ja, aber nur, wenn die Liebe nicht dazwischen funkt. Das genau scheint bei Bronwyn und Nick das (ziemlich knisternde) Problem zu sein. Die beiden sind seit ihren Kindertagen in Louisiana befreundet, nun sind sie mit ihrer gemeinsamen Freundin Claire nach New York gezogen, raus aus den beengten Verhältnissen in den Südstaaten. Heimlich schlägt Bronwyns Herz schon lange für ihren Freund, den attraktiven Stuntman Nick. Doch ein vor Jahren geschlossener Pakt macht ihre Liebe unmöglich: als Vierzehnjährige schwören sich Bronwyn, Nick und Claire für immer Freunde zu bleiben, ohne andere Gefühle. Nachdem Claire New York wieder verlassen hat und nach Louisiana zurückgegangen ist, bekommen Bronwyn und Nick überraschend eine Einladung zu ihrer Hochzeit. Zurück in der Kleinstadt, in der alles begann, müssen die beiden sich endlich ihren Gefühlen und der Frage stellen: Wagen sie den gefährlichen Sprung von der Freundschaft in die Liebe? Room for Love 2. Three with a Key: Kann aus Freundschaft Liebe werden? Für Fans der New Adult Romane Room for Love von Laura Labas Three with a Key (Band 2) als Fortsetzung von Two in a Room (Band 1) Neue Gefühle zwischen alten Freunden – eine Lovestory, in die du dich verlieben wirst. Deine Lieblings-Tropes Slow Burn, Liebe gegen alle Widerstände und Forbidden Love. Andere Leser*innen liebten die authentischen Figuren der Young Adult Bücher und die intensive Spannung zwischen den Protagonist*innen. Traum-Setting zwischen dem coolen New York und Amerikas schwülen Südstaaten.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Elma van Vliet Deine Kindersprüche

        Ein Festhaltebuch

        by Vliet, Elma van

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        Protestant missionary children's lives, c.1870-1950

        by Hugh Morrison

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1983

        Die Couch

        Ihre Bedeutung in der Psychotherapie

        by Stern, Harold / Englisch Ade, Hartmut

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Nicht den Drachen wecken

        by Bianca Schulze, Samara Hardy

        "Nicht den Drachen wecken" von Bianca Schulze ist eine interaktive und bezaubernde Gute-Nacht-Geschichte, die Kinder in ein sanftes Abenteuer entführt, in dem sie direkt einbezogen werden. Vorsichtig müssen die Seiten umgeblättert werden, um den tief schlafenden Drachen nicht zu wecken. Doch das Vorhaben gestaltet sich schwieriger als gedacht, denn in der Drachenburg herrscht reges Treiben. Ein Koch sorgt mit klirrenden Töpfen für Aufruhr, und eine laute Party droht die Ruhe endgültig zu stören. Kinder werden dazu animiert, den Drachen sanft zu streicheln, die Partygäste zur Ruhe zu bitten und das Buch zu wiegen, in der Hoffnung, dass der Drache weiterschläft. Als der Drache doch aufwacht, müssen die kleinen Leser eine Lösung finden, um die Situation zu retten. Mit seinen liebevollen Illustrationen und der Aufforderung zur Interaktion ist dieses Buch nicht nur eine Bereicherung für das abendliche Vorlesen, sondern entwickelt sich schnell zum Lieblingsritual für Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen. Interaktive Elemente: Regt Kinder ab 4 Jahren an, durch Handlungen wie Streicheln, Pusten und Schütteln des Buches aktiv teilzunehmen. Fördert die Feinmotorik und Vorstellungskraft: Durch die Mitmach-Aufforderungen werden motorische Fähigkeiten und die Kreativität der Kinder spielerisch gefördert. Spannendes Abenteuer zur Schlafenszeit: Perfekt als Einschlafritual, das Kinder sanft auf die Nacht einstimmt. Bunter und lebhafter Illustrationsstil: Die farbenfrohen und detailreichen Bilder fesseln die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder und unterstützen das Erzählte visuell. Macht Lust auf mehr: Durch das interaktive Erlebnis werden Kinder ermutigt, sich weiter mit Büchern zu beschäftigen und das Lesen als aktive und spannende Tätigkeit zu entdecken.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Distant sisters

        by James Keating, Lynn Abrams

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2021

        Worlding the south

        by Sarah Comyn, Porscha Fermanis

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