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We are a publishing company for audio books in German. We also have our own studios and produce audio for clients such as other publishing houses, museums, etc.
View Rights PortalWe are a publishing company for audio books in German. We also have our own studios and produce audio for clients such as other publishing houses, museums, etc.
View Rights PortalLeo Löwenthal (1900-1993) gehört zu den Mitbegründern der Kritischen Theorie, ist Mitautor der Dialektik der Aufklärung und gilt als Pionier der Literatursoziologie sowie der Massenkommunikationsforschung. Von 1925 bis Ende der 1940er Jahre war er für das Institut für Sozialforschung tätig, zunächst in Frankfurt am Main, später – nach der Schließung des Instituts durch die Nationalsozialisten und der erzwungenen Emigration – in New York. 1949 wurde Löwenthal Direktor der Forschungsabteilung des Senders Voice of America, ab 1955 bis zu seiner Emeritierung war er Professor für Soziologie an der University of California at Berkeley. 1982 erhielt er die Goetheplakette der Stadt Frankfurt, 1989 den Theodor-W.-Adorno-Preis.
Populism is a powerful force today, but its full scope has eluded the analytical tools of both orthodox and heterodox 'populism studies'. This book provides a valuable alternative perspective. It reconstructs in detail for the first time the sociological analyses of US demagogues by members of the Frankfurt School and compares these with contemporary approaches. Modern demagogy emerges as a key under-researched feature of populism, since populist movements, whether 'left' or 'right', are highly susceptible to 'demagogic capture'. The book also details the culture industry's populist contradictions - including its role as an incubator of modern demagogues - from the 1930s through to today's social media and 'Trumpian psychotechnics'. Featuring a previously unpublished text by Adorno on modern demagogy as an appendix, it will be of interest to everyone concerned about the rise of demagogic populism today.
Populism is a powerful force today, but its full scope has eluded the analytical tools of both orthodox and heterodox 'populism studies'. This book provides a valuable alternative perspective. It reconstructs in detail for the first time the sociological analyses of US demagogues by members of the Frankfurt School and compares these with contemporary approaches. Modern demagogy emerges as a key under-researched feature of populism, since populist movements, whether 'left' or 'right', are highly susceptible to 'demagogic capture'. The book also details the culture industry's populist contradictions - including its role as an incubator of modern demagogues - from the 1930s through to today's social media and 'Trumpian psychotechnics'. Featuring a previously unpublished text by Adorno on modern demagogy as an appendix, it will be of interest to researchers and students in critical theory, sociology, politics, German studies, philosophy and history of ideas, as well as all those concerned about the rise of demagogic populism today.
Fünf Bände in Kassette: Literatur und Massenkultur; Das bürgerliche Bewußtsein in der Literatur; Falsche Propheten; Judaica, Vorträge, Briefe