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      • Inner Flower Child Books

        We present to you a rhino that actually once circled the earth in the spaceship, an artist cat from Paris known by everyone, the adventures, and wanderlust of a tiny house, and love stories kissed by the sun... Curious? If you are looking for children's books with a universal message of hope and connectedness, we'd love the opportunity to meet with you. Inner Flower Child Books is a children's book publisher founded in California in 2012 by the creative team of author Susan Schaefer Bernardo (M.A. English Languages and Literature, Yale University) and illustrator Courtenay Fletcher (BFA Advertising/Graphic Design, Art Center College of Design). These artists and their team produce profound, touching, and humorously inspiring books that have become very successful in the US. With wittiness, humor, and intelligence — with rhymes at times — they create stories that promote children's language and social capabilities development. Partly because of that, Susan’s and Courtenay's picture books are used nationwide by schools, children's charities, therapists, and families across the United States to help children and youth heal from problems, large and small. At a time when the whole world is being hit by the trauma of a pandemic, books such as “Sun Kisses and Moon Hugs” bring children and young people a comforting message of love and connection. The colorfully illustrated and inspiring picture books contain generally assignable topics such as healing trauma, bringing people closer to living a sustainable life, and the power of creative expression — predestined to be successful worldwide. (Speaking of worldwide distribution: one of Susan’s and Courtenay's books, “The Rhino Who Swallowed The Storm” was sent to the International Space Station to orbit the planet — and was read aloud by astronaut Kate Rubins as part of the innovative “Story Time From Space” program and broadcasted! Apart from that, “The Rhino” was also promoted by former, then-incumbent First Lady Michelle Obama and present presidential candidate Joe Biden. For more information, please visit our website!). All Inner Flower Child Books titles are currently only published in the United States. Susan and Courtenay are therefore pleased to be able to offer publication and subsidiary rights on all other world markets for the first time. On our book fair landing page, you can find book trailers and details about our work: We, the European representatives Anette and Leonie Waldeck, are happy to present the works of Inner Flower Child Books to you in the context of the Frankfurt book fair. Here we would like to meet in person or jump on an online video call to speak about publishing and foreign sub-rights options. Please contact us at +49 179 10 93 276 or via email to ask questions or to make an appointment. Thank you for your time.   Anette and Leonie Waldeck with international greetings from the US from Susan Bernardo and Courtenay Fletcher

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        Since its launch in 1981, Guangdong Flower City Publishing House Co., Ltd is one of the most influential literary presses in China. Flower City Publishing House is a subsidiary of Southern Publishing and Media Co.Ltd and has enlisted a large number of celebrated writers. Flower City Publishing House has published a wide variety of titles covering fiction and non-fiction, poems, proses, as well as translation works.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Die Wilden Hühner 5. Die Wilden Hühner und die Liebe

        by Cornelia Funke, Florentine Prechtel

        Im fünften Band der Serie, "Die Wilden Hühner und die Liebe", navigiert Cornelia Funke geschickt durch die turbulenten Gewässer der Jugendliebe und Freundschaft. Die beliebten Charaktere Sprotte, Frieda, Melanie, Trude und Wilma stehen vor neuen Herausforderungen, die ihre Bande auf die Probe stellen. Sprottes Mutter ringt mit der Entscheidung, ob sie wieder heiraten soll, während Trude ihre Vorliebe für schwarze Locken entdeckt. Frieda kämpft mit den Tücken einer Wochenendbeziehung, und Wilma erlebt ihre erste Liebe zu einem Mädchen. Dieser Band illustriert nicht nur die Komplexität jugendlicher Liebe, sondern auch die Stärke und den Zusammenhalt der Mädchenbande in Zeiten des Wandels. Mit neu illustrierten Ausgaben von Florentine Prechtel wird die Geschichte lebendig und spricht erneut eine junge Generation an, beweisend, dass die Themen Freundschaft, Liebe und Selbstfindung zeitlos sind. Beliebte Mädchenbande: Cornelia Funkes "Die Wilden Hühner" haben eine treue Fanbasis und sprechen Leserinnen an, die starke weibliche Charaktere und echte Freundschaften schätzen. Thematische Vielfalt: Das Buch behandelt relevante Themen wie erste Liebe, familiäre Entscheidungen und Selbstakzeptanz, die junge Leserinnen direkt ansprechen. Neu illustrierte Ausgaben: Die farbenfrohen Illustrationen von Florentine Prechtel bringen frischen Wind in die beliebte Serie und machen jedes Buch zu einem Sammlerstück. Zeitlose Werte: Trotz der sich ändernden Zeiten bleibt die Botschaft der Wilden Hühner über die Bedeutung von Freundschaft und Zusammenhalt aktuell und wichtig. Positive Rezensionen: Überwältigend positive Rückmeldungen von Leserinnen unterstreichen die anhaltende Beliebtheit der Serie und garantieren hohe Kundenzufriedenheit. Geeignet für Lesealter 9 bis 11 Jahre: Speziell für junge Leserinnen konzipiert, bietet das Buch altersgerechte Inhalte, die sowohl unterhalten als auch lehren. Erfolgsautorin: Mit über 26 Millionen weltweit verkauften Büchern steht Cornelia Funke für Qualität und fesselnde Geschichten, die junge Herzen erobern.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Die Wilden Hühner 6. Cornelia Funkes Die Wilden Hühner und das Leben

        by Thomas Schmid, Florentine Prechtel

        Mädels, verbündet euch! Deutschlands beliebteste Mädchen-Bande jetzt farbig illustriert. Sprotte und ihre Freundinnen kommen einfach nicht dazu, ihr Bandenleben zu genießen. Melanie befürchtet, schwanger zu sein. Frieda entdeckt, dass ihr Vater eine Freundin hat. Und Wilma will die Schule schmeißen, um Schauspielerin zu werden. „Es ist ein wunderbares Gefühl, in meinen Büchern Figuren erschaffen zu haben, die den Wandel der Zeit so unbeschadet überstehen, und die Illustrationen von Florentine Prechtel sind ein farbenfroher Beweis, wie sehr jede neue Generation sie zu ihren Freunden macht.“ (Cornelia Funke 2018 zur Neuerscheinung der Wilden Hühner)

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Der zauberhafte Wunschbuchladen 3. Schokotörtchen für alle!

        by Katja Frixe, Florentine Prechtel

        Geburtstagszauber! Clara ist total aufgeregt: Gemeinsam mit Frau Eule und ihrem Freund Leo plant sie ihre Geburtstagsparty, natürlich im zauberhaften Wunschbuchladen. Doch dann muss Frau Eule verreisen und Monsieur Hibou, ihre französische Vertretung, stellt den ganzen Buchladen um, hat eine zickige Perserkatze, eine geheimnisvolle Kristallkugel und statt Schokotörtchen gibt es Baguette mit Stinkekäse! Allerhand Aufregung, bis Frau Eule wieder zurück ist, und sie endlich alle zusammen Claras Geburtstag feiern können. Das perfekte Geburtstagsgeschenk für bücherverliebte Mädchen ab 8 Jahren Wunderschön schwarz-weiß illustriert von Florentine Prechtel ("Die Wilden Hühner") Band 3 der magischen Bestseller-Reihe

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Der zauberhafte Wunschbuchladen 3. Schokotörtchen für alle!

        by Katja Frixe, Florentine Prechtel, Frauke Schneider

        In "Der zauberhafte Wunschbuchladen 3: Schokotörtchen für alle!" plant Clara voller Aufregung ihre Geburtstagsparty im zauberhaften Wunschbuchladen, unterstützt von Frau Eule und ihrem Freund Leo. Die Vorfreude wird jedoch getrübt, als Frau Eule verreisen muss und ihre französische Vertretung, Monsieur Hibou, den Buchladen übernimmt. Monsieur Hibou bringt nicht nur seine zickige Perserkatze und eine geheimnisvolle Kristallkugel mit, sondern ersetzt auch die ersehnten Schokotörtchen durch Baguette mit Stinkekäse. Trotz dieser Herausforderungen und Veränderungen im Buchladen gelingt es Clara und ihren Freunden, sich den Herausforderungen zu stellen und am Ende eine unvergessliche Geburtstagsparty zu feiern, als Frau Eule zurückkehrt. Dieser dritte Band der magischen Bestseller-Reihe ist nicht nur ein perfektes Geburtstagsgeschenk für bücherverliebte Mädchen ab 8 Jahren, sondern überzeugt auch durch die wunderschönen schwarz-weiß Illustrationen von Florentine Prechtel. Die Geschichte vermittelt wichtige Werte wie Zusammenhalt, Freundschaft und die Fähigkeit, mit unerwarteten Situationen umzugehen, und macht "Schokotörtchen für alle!" zu einem unvergesslichen Leseerlebnis. Magische Geschichte rund um eine Geburtstagsparty im zauberhaften Buchladen, die ideal als Geburtstagsgeschenk geeignet ist. Spannende und humorvolle Erzählweise, die Kinder zum Lesen animiert und die Lesemotivation fördert. Liebevoll gestaltete, wunderschöne schwarz-weiß Zeichnungen von Florentine Prechtel bereichern das Leseerlebnis. Themen wie Freundschaft, Zusammenhalt und der Umgang mit Veränderungen werden kindgerecht behandelt. Ansprechend für junge Leserinnen und Leser ab 8 Jahren, die Abenteuer und Magie lieben. Teil einer erfolgreichen Buchreihe: Der dritte Band setzt die beliebte Geschichte um Clara und den zauberhaften Buchladen fort. Alle 6 Bände der Reihe sind sowohl als Hardcover als auch als E-Book verfügbar: Band 1: Der zauberhafte WunschbuchladenBand 2: Der hamsterstarke HarryBand 3: Schokotörtchen für alle!Band 4: Die wilden VierBand 5: Weihnachten mit Frau EuleBand 6: Eine Schule hält zusammen

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        Margaret Cavendish

        by Emma Rees

        Margaret Cavendish was one of the most prolific, complex and misunderstood writers of the seventeenth century. A contemporary of Descartes and Hobbes, she was fascinated by philosophical, scientific and imaginative advances, and struggled to overcome the political and cultural obstacles which threatened to stop her engagement with such discourses. Emma Rees examines how Cavendish engaged with the work of thinkers such as Lucretius, Plato, Homer and Harvey in an attempt to write her way out of the exile which threatened not only her intellectual pursuits but her very existence. What emerges is the image of an intelligent, audacious and intrepid early modern woman whose tale will appeal to specialists and general readers alike. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2024

        Ireland and the Renaissance court

        by David Edwards, Brendan Kane

        Ireland and the Renaissance court is an interdisciplinary collection of essays exploring Irish and English courts, courtiers and politics in the early modern period, c. 1450-1650. Chapters are contributed by both established and emergent scholars working in the fields of history, literary studies, and philology. They focus on Gaelic cúirteanna, the indigenous centres of aristocratic life throughout the medieval period; on the regnal court of the emergent British empire based in London at Whitehall; and on Irish participation in the wider world of European elite life and letters. Collectively, they expand the chronological limits of 'early modern' Ireland to include the fifteenth century and recreate its multi-lingual character through exploration of its English, Irish and Latin archives. This volume is an innovative effort at moving beyond binary approaches to English-Irish history by demonstrating points of contact as well as contention.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2014

        Court and civic society in the Burgundian Low Countries c.1420–1530

        by Andrew Brown, Graeme Small

        This volume is the first ever attempt to unite and translate some of the key texts which informed Johan Huizinga's famous study of the Burgundian court, The Waning of the Middle Ages, a work which has never gone out of print. It combines these texts with sources that Huizinga did not consider, those that illuminate the wider civic world that the Burgundian court inhabited and the dynamic interaction between court and city. Through these sources, and an introduction offering new perspectives on recent historiography, the book tests whether Huizinga's controversial vision of the period still stands. Covering subjects including ceremonial events, such as the spectacles and gargantuan banquets that made the Burgundian dukes the talk of Europe, the workings of the court, and jousting, archery and rhetoric competitions, the book will appeal to students of late medieval and early modern Europe and to those with wider interests in court culture, ritual and ceremony.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2020

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier, Emma Cave

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        A neoliberal revolution?

        Thatcherism and the reform of British pensions

        by Hugh Pemberton, James Freeman, Aled Davies

        This book examines the Thatcher government's attempt to revolutionise Britain's pensions system in the 1980s and create a nation of risk-taking savers with an individual stake in capitalism. Drawing upon recently-released archival records, it shows how the ideas motivating these reforms journeyed from the writings of neoliberal intellectuals into government and became the centrepiece of a plan to abolish significant parts of the UK's welfare state and replace these with privatised personal pensions. Revealing a government that veered between political caution and radicalism, the book explains why this revolution failed and charts the malign legacy left by the evolutionary changes that ministers salvaged from the wreckage of their reforms. The book contributes to understanding of policy change, Thatcherism, and international neoliberalism by showing how major reforms to social security could reflect neoliberal thought and yet profoundly disappoint their architects.

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        Medical & healthcare law
        August 2016

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier. Series edited by Simona Giordano

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2013

        Harte Jungs


        by Joop, Florentine

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016


        Eine Geschichte des veganen Lebens

        by Fritzen, Florentine

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2016

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier, Emma Cave, Rebecca Bennett, Simona Giordano

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

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