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        Drugs and Medical Devices in Nursing

        Training for nurses and carers

        by Dr. Constanze Schäfer

        What applies when storing potatoes is also good for drugs and medical devices! But this is where the similarities end. If medicines are not stored correctly or used properly, they may not be effective. Pharmacists - the experts on medicines - explain to the nursing team: - How light, air and temperature can cause damage - Where the pitfalls lie in the use of tablets, drops etc. - What makes medical devices so different from drugs New in the 3rd edition: Improved overview of the types of use. Clearer comparison of drugs and medical devices. Video clips on the use of specific dosage forms can now be directly launched from the presentation. 36 editable PowerPoint slides, videos and a complete text of the presentation are available on CD-ROM and for download

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        October 2024

        ‘Everyday health’, embodiment, and selfhood since 1950

        by Tracey Loughran, Hannah Froom, Kate Mahoney, Daisy Payling

        What is the history of 'everyday health' in the postwar world, and where might we find it? This volume moves away from top-down histories of health and medicine that focus on states, medical professionals, and other experts. Instead, it centres the day-to-day lives of people in diverse contexts from 1950 to the present. Chapters explore how gender, class, 'race', sexuality, disability, and age mediated experiences of health and wellbeing in historical context. The volume foregrounds methodologies for writing bottom-up histories of health, subjectivity, and embodiment, offering insights applicable to scholars of times and places beyond those represented in the case studies presented here. Drawing together cutting-edge scholarship, the volume establishes and critically interrogates 'everyday health' as a crucial concept that will shape future histories of health and medicine.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Payment and philanthropy in British healthcare, 1918–48

        by George Campbell Gosling, Keir Waddington

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. At a time when payment is claiming a greater place than ever before within the NHS, this book provides the first in-depth investigation of the workings, scale and meaning of payment in British hospitals before the NHS. There were only three decades in British history when it was the norm for patients to pay the hospital; those between the end of the First World War and the establishment of the National Health Service in 1948. Payment played an important part in redefining rather than abandoning medical philanthropy, based on class divisions and the notion of financial contribution as a civic duty. With new insights on the scope of private medicine and the workings of the means test in the hospital, as well as the civic, consumer and charitable meanings associated with paying the hospital, Gosling offers a fresh perspective on healthcare before the NHS and welfare before the welfare state.

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        November 2024

        Technology, health and the patient consumer in the twentieth century

        by Rachel Elder, Thomas Schlich

        Technology and consumerism are two characteristic phenomena in the history medicine and healthcare, yet the connections between them are rarely explored by scholars. In this edited volume, the authors address this disconnect, noting the ways in which a variety of technologies have shaped patients' roles as consumers since the early twentieth century. Chapters examine key issues, such as the changing nature of patient information and choice, patients' assessment of risk and reward, and matters of patient role and of patient demand as they relate to new and changing technologies. They simultaneously investigate how differences in access to care and in outcomes across various patient groups have been influenced by the advent of new technologies and consumer-based approaches to health. The volume spans the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, spotlights an array of medical technologies and health products, and draws on examples from across the United States and United Kingdom.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        Spectacles and the Victorians

        Measuring, defining and shaping visual capacity

        by Gemma Almond-Brown

        This is the first full-length study of spectacles in the Victorian period. It examines how the Victorians shaped our understanding of functional visual capacity and the concept of 20:20 vision. Demonstrating how this unique assistive device can connect the histories of medicine, technology and disability, it charts how technology has influenced our understanding of sensory perception, both through the diagnostic methods used to measure visual impairment and the utility of spectacles to ameliorate its effects. Taking a material culture approach, the book assesses how the design of spectacles thwarted ophthalmologists' attempts to medicalise their distribution and use, as well as creating a mainstream marketable device on the high street.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Belfast punk and the Troubles: An oral history

        by Fearghus Roulston

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        May 2021

        The Humane Idea

        Rudolf Virchow and Hermann von Helmholtz. The legacy of the Charité

        by Ernst Peter Fischer, Detlev Ganten

        Two of today’s leading scientists, Ernst Peter Fischer and Detlev Ganten, reconfirm the legacy of two influential 19th-century researchers. To mark the 200th birthday of Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902) and Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894), they explain why pioneering research and holistic thinking are still relevant for health science and practice, and for a sustainable balance of people, society and the environment. The historical achievement of Virchow and Helmholtz continues today with the work of researchers like Emmanuelle Charpentier and Christian Drosten, so ensuring that the humane idea continues to be fruitful in the future. An insight into the history of medical science.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2023

        Law and healing

        by Margaret Brazier

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2025

        Medical care, humanitarianism and intimacy in the long Second World War, 1931-1953

        by Marie-Luce Desgrandchamps, Laure Humbert, Bertrand Taithe, Raphaële Balu

        This book offers a micro-global history of humanitarianism and medical care during the 'long' Second World War, which challenges the traditional and Eurocentric chronological boundaries of 1939/1945. It takes as its starting point the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, which led to the progressive dislocation of the League of Nations, with the Japanese, German and Soviet departures in the 1930s. It ends with the termination of the Korean War in 1953, and the subsequent dismantlement of the first United Coalition and UN Peace enforcement operation. It considers the slow, messy and ambivalent transformation of humanitarian actors' relations to the suffering of distant others through a study of humanitarian encounters, practices, spaces and affects. Paying close attention to a variety of actors, such as French colonial doctors, Swiss ICRC delegates, Egyptian relief workers, Chinese-style physicians, Peruvian and Ecuadorian nurses or American member of the Unitarian Service Committee, the book provides a more holistic story of humanitarianism.

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        Material culture
        January 2002

        The study of dress history

        by Lou Taylor

        Over the past ten years the study of dress history has finally achieved academic respectability. This book shows how the fields of dress history and dress studies are now benefitting from the adoption of new multi-disciplinary approaches and outlines the full range of these approaches which draw on material culture, ethnography, and cultural studies. Raises a series of frank and fresh issues surrounding approaches to the history of dress, including analysis of the academic gender and subject divides that have riven it in the past. Comprehensive, engaging and trenchant, this will become the benchmark volume in the study of dress history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2025

        An unorthodox history

        British Jews since 1945

        by Gavin Schaffer

        A bold, new history of British Jewish life since the Second World War. Historian Gavin Schaffer wrestles Jewish history away from the question of what others have thought about Jews, focusing instead on the experiences of Jewish people themselves. Exploring the complexities of inclusion and exclusion, he shines a light on groups that have been marginalised within Jewish history and culture, such as queer Jews, Jews married to non-Jews, Israel-critical Jews and even Messianic Jews, while offering a fresh look at Jewish activism, Jewish religiosity and Zionism. Weaving these stories together, Schaffer argues that there are good reasons to consider Jewish Britons as a unitary whole, even as debates rage about who is entitled to call themselves a Jew. Challenging the idea that British Jewish life is in terminal decline. An unorthodox history demonstrates that Jewish Britain is thriving and that Jewishness is deeply embedded in the country's history and culture.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

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        Lexicon of Medicinal Plants

        by Prof. Dr. Dietrich Frohne (†), in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Birgit Classen

        Indian mulberry, St. John’s wort, Hawaiian baby woodrose – whether disputed wonder drug, traditional medicinal plant or unknown exotic plant – the Lexicon of Medicinal Plants can always be relied upon. The lexical and classic knowledge about the individual medicinal plants – such as family, origin, use, effect and constituents – garnered over decades and peppered with particular anecdotes on the herbal drugs, can be regarded as unique and largely timeless. At the repeated request of readers, this reference work has therefore been reissued in book form, with its contents largely unchanged but with misprints corrected and its layout modernised. A wealth of experience that even in the fast-moving digital world preserves traditional knowledge.

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