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      • Cataplum Libros

        Good books are like meek animals that stretch when we caress their backs, and that show us their bellies so we go and play with them; but they also do not hesitate to give us a good bite to free us from the claws of routine. To create these noble creatures, in Cataplum we dig like moles through the collective memory and explore the roots that connect us as Latin-Americans; thus, we recover our oral tradition, our playful language and its diverse and endless possibilities. As truffle-seeking pigs, we have developed an acute nose to find texts of authors from past and actual times. As rabbits we jump here and there tracking down illustrators with new proposals. And as eagles we strive to see, from a distance, how image and texts can coexist in harmony. In sum, our catalogue has been conceived as a living creature; one that begun as something very little, like bear cubs, but capable of becoming a fabulous living being; one that combines the best qualities of noble animals and have the power to captivate us.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Migrant architects of the NHS

        South Asian doctors and the reinvention of British general practice (1940s-1980s)

        by Julian Simpson, Keir Waddington

        Migrant architects of the NHS draws on forty-five oral history interviews and extensive archival research to offer a radical reappraisal of how the National Health Service was made. It tells the story of migrant South Asian doctors who became general practitioners in the NHS. Imperial legacies, professional discrimination and an exodus of UK-trained doctors combined to direct these doctors towards work as GPs in some of the most deprived parts of the UK. In some areas, they made up over half of the general practitioner workforce. The NHS was structurally dependent on them and they shaped British society and medicine through their agency. Aimed at students and academics with interests in the history of immigration, immigration studies, the history of medicine, South Asian studies and oral history. It will also be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about how Empire and migration have contributed to making Britain what it is today.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        Immigration and European integration

        Towards fortress Europe

        by Andrew Geddes, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Simon Bulmer, Andrew Geddes, Peter Humphreys

        Migration is at the heart of the contemporary European Union. This new edition addresses three key questions that underpin EU responses to migration policy. First, what role does the EU play in the regulation of migration? Second, how and why have EU measures developed to promote the integration of migrants and their descendants? Third, what impact do EU measures on migration and asylum have on new member states and non member states? The updated edition covers important recent developments, addressing new migration flows and the external dimension of EU action on migration and asylum and placing in all these in the context of a 'wider' Europe. Andrew Geddes provides comprehensive analysis of the EU's free movement framework, of the development of co-operation on immigration and asylum policy, of the mobilisation by groups seeking to represent migrant's interests in EU decision-making, the interface between migration, welfare and the EU's social dimension, and the impact of enlargement on migration and asylum. This innovative and original analysis of the European dimension of immigration policy is essential reading for scholars of European integration, the politics of immigration and the prospects for new patterns of migrant inclusion at member state and EU level. ;

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        Political science & theory
        July 2015

        Ireland and migration in the twenty-first century

        by Mary Gilmartin

        Migration is one of the key issues in Ireland today. This book provides a new and original approach to understanding contemporary Irish migration and immigration, showing that they are processes that need to be understood together rather than separately. It uses a wide range of data - from statistical reports to in-depth qualitative studies - to show these connections. The book focuses on four key themes - work, social connections, culture and belonging - that are common to the experiences of immigrants, emigrants and internal migrants. It includes a wide selection of case studies, such as the global GAA, the campaign for emigrant voting, and the effects of migration on families. Clearly written and accessible, this book is an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Irish migration. It also has broader relevance, as it suggests a new approach to the study of migration nationally and internationally.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Migrant races

        Empire,Identity and K.S. Ranjitsinhji

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Satadru Sen

        This book is a study of mobility, image and identity in colonial India and imperial Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is a model for studies of migrant figures like K.S. Ranjitsinhji who emerged during the imperial period. Ranjitsinhji is an important figure in the history of modern India and the British empire because he was recognized as a great athlete and described as such. The book focuses on four aspects of Ranjitsinhji's life as a colonial subject: race, money, loyalty and gender. It touches upon Ranjitsinhji's career as a cricketer in the race section. The issue of money gave Indian critics of Ranjitsinhji's regime the language they needed to condemn his personal and administrative priorities, and to portray him as self-indulgent. Ranjitsinhji lived his life as a player of multiple gender roles: sometimes serially, and on occasion simultaneously. His status as a "prince" - while not entirely fake - was fragile enough to be unreliable, and he worked hard to reinforce it even as he constructed his Englishness. Any Indian attempt to transcend race, culture, climate and political place by imitating an English institution and its product must be an unnatural act of insurgency. The disdain for colonial politics that was manifest in the "small rebellions" at the end of the world war converged with the colonized/Indian identity that was evident at the League of Nations. Between the war and his death, it is clear, Ranjitsinhji moved to maximize his autonomy in Nawanagar.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023

        Following the expatriate

        by Sarah Kunz

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2025

        The political economy of Turkey’s integration to Europe

        Uneven development and hegemony

        by Elif Uzgören

        This book examines Turkey's integration with Europe within structural dynamics of globalisation from a critical political economy perspective. Critical approaches have been sidelined within European Studies. Turkish enlargement is not an exemption. The analyses are based on original data generated by 109 interviews conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2023 with five categories of actors: representatives of capital and labour, political parties, state officials, and struggles around ecology, patriarchy and migration. It argues that the pro-membership was hegemonic in the 2000s which was contested by two rival class strategies, Ha-vet and neo-mercantilism. In the 2010s, pro-membership is no longer hegemonic within rising critical tone of social forces supporting rival class strategies. Unevenness of Turkey's trajectory of integration to Europe is likely to be consolidated through market integration and management of migration through transactional approach.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        The English System

        by Krista Maglen

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Race and the Yugoslav region

        Postsocialist, post-conflict, postcolonial?

        by Catherine Baker, Gurminder Bhambra

        This is the first book to situate the territories and collective identities of former Yugoslavia within the politics of race - not just ethnicity - and the history of how ideas of racialised difference have been translated globally. The book connects critical race scholarship, global historical sociologies of 'race in translation' and south-east European cultural critique to show that the Yugoslav region is deeply embedded in global formations of race. In doing this, it considers the everyday geopolitical imagination of popular culture; the history of ethnicity, nationhood and migration; transnational formations of race before and during state socialism, including the Non-Aligned Movement; and post-Yugoslav discourses of security, migration, terrorism and international intervention, including the War on Terror and the present refugee crisis.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Brexit and citizens’ rights

        History, policy and experience

        by Djordje Sredanovic, Bridget Byrne

        The book offers interdisciplinary analyses of the impact of Brexit on the rights of EU27 citizens in the UK, Britons in the UK and the EU, and third-country nationals. It combines a historical examination of citizenship and migration between the UK, Europe and the Commonwealth with the analysis of policies and of the experiences of the different groups impacted by Brexit. The book discusses Brexit within the larger history and dynamics of UK and EU citizenship and migration. The individual chapters look at how Brexit is transforming the citizenship rights of different groups, including issues of loss of citizenship and experiences of naturalisation. They further examine the fears of the groups impacted, and larger issues of belonging, marginalisation, political orientations and mobilisations that cross legal status, nationality, ethnicity, race and class.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        'The better class' of Indians

        Social rank, Imperial identity, and South Asians in Britain 1858–1914

        by A. Wainwright

        This is the first book-length study to focus primarily on the role of class in the encounter between South Asians and British institutions in the United Kingdom at the height of British imperialism. In a departure from previous scholarship on the South Asian presence in Britain, 'The better class' of Indians emphasizes the importance of class as the register through which British polite society interpreted other social distinctions such as race, gender, and religion. Drawing mainly on unpublished material from the India Office Records, the National Archives, and private collections of charitable organizations, this book examines not only the attitudes of British officials towards South Asians in their midst, but also the actual application of these attitudes in decisions pertaining to them. This fascinating book will be of particular interest to scholars and general readers of imperialism, immigration as well as British and Indian social history.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Mutter Vater Land

        by Akın Emanuel Şipal

        Hundert Jahre Familiengeschichte zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei.Der Autor lässt vier Generationen und ihre Anekdoten, Tiraden, Träume, Rachefantasien aufeinanderprallen, darin verstrickt die Erzählerfigur selbst, Alter Ego. Das Erinnern findet seine formale Struktur in a-chronologisch springenden Jahreszahlen, die blitzlichtartig Familienszenen vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche der Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und der Zukunft verhandeln. Dabei wiederholt sich die generationenübergreifende Erfahrung, auf von Außen zugeschriebene Bilder festgelegt zu werden. Akın Emanuel Şipal sprengt diese Zuschreibungen sprachlich und gedanklich auf und lotet die Grenzen von Fiktion und Autobiografie dialogisch neu aus. »OMA: Ich schwöre, dass es Türken waren ALTER EGO: Was hättest du davon, wenn es Türken gewesen wären?«

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        The genesis of international mass migration

        by Eric Richards

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        The bonds of family

        Slavery, commerce and culture in the British Atlantic world

        by Katie Donington

        Moving between Britain and Jamaica The bonds of family reconstructs the world of commerce, consumption and cultivation sustained through an extended engagement with the business of slavery. Transatlantic slavery was both shaping of and shaped by the dynamic networks of family that established Britain's Caribbean empire. Tracing the activities of a single extended family - the Hibberts - this book explores how slavery impacted on the social, cultural, economic and political landscape of Britain. It is a history of trade, colonisation, enrichment and the tangled web of relations that gave meaning to the transatlantic world. The Hibberts's trans-generational story imbricates the personal and the political, the private and the public, the local and the global. It is both the intimate narrative of a family and an analytical frame through which to explore Britain's history and legacies of slavery.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Bodies complexioned

        by Mark Dawson

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