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Promoted Content2022
A Healthy Pregnancy with Selected (Micro)Nutrients
by Uwe Gröber
Adequate nutrition and a healthy lifestyle – before and during pregnancy - are of great importance for a trouble-free pregnancy, birth, and the subsequent development of the child. Since the nutritional status before the onset of pregnancy influences both fertility and the course of pregnancy, including complications, the birth and breastfeeding, close attention should be paid to a healthy diet and adequate supply of essential (micro)nutrients well in advance and not only at the family planning stage. Poor micronutrient status prior to conception is often carried over into pregnancy, and can significantly increase the risk of pregnancy complications and, for example, lead to the dreaded spina bifida in the child. This patient guide tells you what you need to know! Various micronutrients are described in detail. Special emphasis is placed on the latest study results concerning pregnancy and nutrition.
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2021Self-medication in Pregnancy and Breast-feeding
Counselling handbook
by Dr. Annette Abhau
Cough, hay fever or herpes are at least as troublesome during pregnancy and breast-feeding as under normal “conditions” - and yet everything is different. Physiological changes to the body in pregnancy and lactation, together with the vulnerability of the unborn baby or infant, set particular requirements when selecting the correct, safe medication. Especially in the area of self-medication, the needs of pregnant and breast-feeding women for information are great and call for competent advice! This comprehensive handbook is the key: General information about pharmacotherapy, supplementary measures, vaccinations, questions about diet and infections in pregnancy and lactation creates a broad knowledge base. The core feature of the book are the traffic light tables, with precise recommendations for medicinal products for all types of treatment. All the important indications for selfmedication in pregnancy and lactation are listed and the tables are supported by detailed explanations of the individual assessments. The sections “Advice from medical specialists” are particularly useful, with additional tips from gynaecologists and “Footnotes” with relevant information on the use of prescription- only medicines – and as the ultimate practical tool: the enclosed sales counter leaflets with all traffic light tables to enable quick reference for first-class advice!
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The ArtsMarch 2008Holy motherhood
Gender, dynasty and visual culture in the later middle ages
by Elizabeth L'Estrange, Steve Rigby
This study brings images of holy motherhood and childbearing into the centre of an art-historical enquiry, showing how images worked not only to script and maintain gender and social roles within patriarchal society, but also to offer viewers ways of managing those roles. Some of the manuscripts discussed are relatively unknown and their images and texts are made available to readers for the first time. Through an adaptation of Baxandall's 'period eye', the study considers the many 'cognitive habits' acquired by aristocratic lay women - and men - through familiarity with prayers for childbirth, the lying-in ceremony and the rite of churching. It then uses this methodology to interpret the images and prayers in six bespoke manuscripts, including the Fitzwilliam Hours and the Hours of Marguerite of Foix. The book will appeal to advanced students, academics and researchers of Art History, Illuminated Manuscripts, Medieval History and Gender Studies. ;
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October 2009Das verlorene Symbol
Deutsche gekürzte Version.
by Brown, Dan / Gelesen von Pampel, Wolfgang; Komponiert von Matern, Andy
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April 2010Goldener Sonntag
Der Schlüssel zum Königreich - Teil 7.
by Nix, Garth / Gelesen von Rohrbeck, Oliver; Komponiert von Matern, Andy
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February 2010Der Babylon Code
by Schomburg, Uwe / Gelesen von Michaelis, Torsten; Komponiert von Matern, Andy
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June 2010Das Tal. Das Spiel
Season 1. Teil 1.
by Kuhn, Krystyna / Gelesen von Pigulla, Franziska; Komponiert von Matern, Andy
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2021Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation
Guidelines for physicians and pharmacists
by Prof. Dr. Klaus Friese, Prof. Dr. Klaus Mörike Prof. Dr. Gerd Neumann and Dr. Wolfgang E. Paulus
The risks in connection with the unborn child and infant when prescribing and dispensing medicinal products are adequately known. However, a sound knowledge of safety issues and precise recommendations – rather than the blanket forgoing of medicinal treatment – is crucial for providing expert, professional advice. To meet this special responsibility, a reliable source of information is essential. The now ninth edition of this standard reference work provides the necessary professional knowledge not only for all physicians and pharmacists who wish to support their pregnant and breast-feeding patients through competent advice, but also for midwives: - Information about embryonal development and developmental disorders - Well over 1000 drug substances with all important medicinal products, assessed individually - Classification according to FDA and ADEC - Differentiated risk assessment, based on current literature - Personal recommendations of the experienced and well-known team of authors from the realms of gynaecology, paediatric medicine and clinical pharmacology. The new edition contains many new assessments from current studies.
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