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      • Mary Abouchaar

        Every story describes a wish that Tyler makes, the steps he takes to obtain it, and the reason why he gladly grants it to a dear one. In "Tyler's Promised Gift" Tyler works hard to obey his mother's commands in anticipation of receiving his promised 'little red car". At his birthday party he offers the car to a younger, sad, and crying guest. In "Tyler's Baby Sister" Tyler tries to get his mother to focus her attention again on him instead of on his baby sister, Tia. Tyler finally realizes that helping his mother to give more care to Tia gave him the most satisfaction. In "Tyler's Acting Practice" Tyler spends hours perfecting his aim when using a slingshot. When he was finally ready to play the part of David in the school play "David and Goliath", he noticed that his friend Joel, who was new to the school this year, was being bullied and excluded from all games because he was missing the net whenever he tried to shoot a basketball. Heroically, Tyler offers the role of David to Joel when he learns that Joel excels at aiming pebbles with his slingshot. His plan to reverse the students' disrespect towards Joel succeeded when everyone in the school auditorium cheered Joel for his perfect aim at the helmet of Goliath. In "Tyler's Lunchbox Treat", Tyler could hardly wait for lunch break to bite into the krispy marshmallow treat his mother had baked for him.  When Tyler discovers that the sandwich of his lunch companion was missing, and that he couldn't share his peanut butter sandwich with him because his companion was allergic to peanuts, Tyler gives him his krispy marshmallow square. Tyler always feels like a winner at the end, and not at all a loser. Children and parents are happy to arrive at the ending of each story.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        May 2016

        How to Deal with Anxiety and Panic

        by Michael Rufer, Heike Alsleben, Angela Weiss

        Are you or a loved one suffering from anxiety and panic and you are wondering what you can do? To whom you can turn? What the options for treatment are? And how relatives can help? This self-help book gives affected people and their relatives: • clear and comprehensive information based on up-to-date research findings • concrete self-help strategies and exercises with worksheets • descriptions of recognized treatment methods • instructions on coping with stress and using relaxation techniques • detailed answers to frequently asked questions • a helpful list of useful contacts and websites • an idea of how mindfulness can be incorporated. The authors have first-hand knowledge of these problems from their extensive experience of counseling and treating people with anxiety disorders and their relatives. This book summarizes their knowledge in clear and comprehensible form. It is ideal both for self-help and to complement ongoing treatment. Target Group: affected people and their relatives and friends; psychologists, therapists, doctors, counseling centers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2020

        Beckett and Nothing

        Trying to understand Beckett

        by Jonathan Bignell, Peter Boxall, Enoch Brater, Terry Eagleton, Daniela Caselli

        Beckett and nothing invites its readership to understand the complex ways in which the Beckett canon both suggests and resists turning nothing into something by looking at specific, sometimes almost invisible ways in which 'little nothings' pervade the Beckett canon. The volume has two main functions: on the one hand, it looks at 'nothing' not only as a content but also a set of rhetorical strategies to reconsider afresh classic Beckett problems such as Irishness, silence, value, marginality, politics and the relationships between modernism and postmodernism and absence and presence. On the other, it focuses on 'nothing' in order to assess how the Beckett oeuvre can help us rethink contemporary preoccupations with materialism, neurology, sculpture, music and television. The volume is a scholarly intervention in the fields of Beckett studies which offers its chapters as case studies to use in the classroom. It will prove of interest to advanced students and scholars in English, French, Comparative Literature, Drama, Visual Studies, Philosophy, Music, Cinema and TV studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1985

        Tolle Perspektiven


        by Much

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        Good Evening, Good Night

        The cultural history of sleep

        by Karoline Walter

        What we associate with sleep is shaped by the culture we live in. Whereas the God of the Bible never sleeps, the sinful human falls asleep every night and is thus marked as an inferior being. In the Age of Enlightenment, (too much) sleep was considered a waste of strength, which could otherwise be used to change the world. These days, sleep seems to be subject to the same tenets of usefulness as everything else and is seen to assist with the optimization of one’s self. However, culture and technology also influence how we sleep: for example, the constant availability of light, the modern conditions of work and all sorts of distractions have meant that we no longer follow our natural rhythm – a first sleep before midnight and a second sleep after a longer period of wakefulness, during which we may be active. In “Good Evening, Good Night”, Karoline Walter uses numerous examples from history, literature and research to illustrate how sleep and sleeping have changed across cultures and eras – an entertaining read, certainly nothing to put you to sleep.

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        Over-the-Counter Trainer

        160 double-sided flashcards for learning and counselling

        by Dr. Kirsten Lennecke, Kirsten Hagel and Claudia Rothermel

        Working at the sales counter is never dull: Every day, people come to you with the widest possible variety of questions and expect good advice. It does not matter whether it is about self-medication for adults, pregnant women, children, about aids and appliances, vegan diets or alternative medicine: Whatever your customer’s concerns – you always offer well-founded counselling. Based on real-life counselling situations routinely encountered in a pharmacy, the authors – all pharmacists with experience of retail sales – provide important information for such conversations and suggest helpful questions to ask when patients seek advice. Become a sales counter expert in no time!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Depression Is not SomethingThat Just Happens

        10 self-empowerment conceptsfor burnout, depression and trauma

        by Barbara Günther-Haug

        A crisis does not make a disease. It only becomes dangerous when we get stuck – in the ways of thinking and acting that are rooted in our fears and desires, but not in reality. That way, we wear ourselves out for nothing; exhaustion and frustration increase, and may even end in depression. This book sheds a light on ten main stress situations that may be the reason for depression. It goes far beyond the usual explanations of the symptoms of depression or individual stories, and is a treasure trove for people who want to understand what has caused them to wear themselves out mentally and how they can lift themselves out of this low.

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        History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -
        December 2016

        Almost nothing

        by Series edited by Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon, Anna Dezeuze

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas

        by Linda Levy Peck, Adrianna E. Bakos

        Exile, its pain and possibility, is the starting point of this book. Women's experience of exile was often different from that of men, yet it has not received the important attention it deserves. Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas addresses that lacuna through a wide-ranging geographical, chronological, social and cultural approach. Whether powerful, well-to-do or impoverished, exiled by force or choice, every woman faced the question of how to reconstruct her life in a new place. These essays focus on women's agency despite the pressures created by political, economic and social dislocation. Collectively, they demonstrate how these women from different countries, continents and status groups not only survived but also in many cases thrived. This analysis of early modern women's experiences not only provides a new vantage point from which to enrich the study of exile but also contributes important new scholarship to the history of women.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        The genesis of international mass migration

        by Eric Richards

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Naguib Mahfouz Annuals: About Youth and Freedom

        by Naguib Mahfouz

        Religion is taught in schools as if a branch of science consisting of some Koranic verses, prophetic tradition (Hadith), creed, worships, and biography! Pupils usually study such items by heart, then they go to exam and forget all. Religion is neither a branch of science nor a branch of material knowledge. Religion is a spiritual education that had to be applied in society. It is felt in the way people behave or conduct. Sometimes we meet a clever pupil but he has bad manners! Another, may get high marks in religion but dismissed out of the school for his ill behaviors and bad manners. I believe that religion must be taught as a spiritual education surrounded by a sphere of sympathy and affection. It is something felt by heart, not studied by heart. Teachers have to adress minds to make pupils convinced. They have to teach them biography of the prophet and also of the orthodox Caliphs. They have to select Koran verses according to “the age and the need”. For example Koranic verses dealing with” prayers”, must be studied in an early stage. Then Koranic verses dealing with “fasting”. After that comes verses dealing with moral conducts. In an advanced stage or secondary school, students can study views, ideas, conceptions, visions and philosophy of Islamic eminent characters, as well as eminent characters of other religions. There is a sort of a deflagrated competition between different religions, though they are similar in concepts and attitudes. Also, rivalary between Islam and Western civilization, and communism, is considered. Western civilization has its own entity. It is an integral doctrine having its theories and applications. Western civilization admits human rights and free economy. It could achieve marvellous progress in different fields of life. At the other hand communism also has its own integral doctrine with a private philosophy, economy and ruling systems. It aspires equality between all people, regardless to their colour or race. As a matter of fact it could achieve marevellous progress in different fields of life. Islam stands in between those two different civilizations, trying to get up and rise after a long sleep in the darkness of stagnancy and retardation. Lately, Islam did not achieve adequate progress in fields like modern science, technology, and material power. But it didn’t surrender, because it is till standing as a civilization having its own historical dignity and tradition. But now it is working hard to compensate what it did lose and indemnify what has gone, without contradicting its message and entity.

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        Children's & YA

        Really Great, Heros! (2). What on Earth are we Doing Here?

        by Rüdiger Bertram/ Heribert Schulmeyer

        Juli can’t wait for the holidays. His cousin Jenny and he can once more go to her uncle’s Superhero Hotel. Maybe the next superhero adventure will be awaiting them there? Indeed it is: the evil Snakeman has created an army of mutated giant rabbits, whose underground tunnels threaten one city after another with complete collapse. And as the real superheroes are still lazing around at the swimming pool, and Bruce suddenly has to go and defend the world against an alien invasion, it’s once more left to Juli and Jenny to prevent this disaster! Armed with nothing more than a cheap pair of X-ray laser glasses with which they can see through walls, doors and even people’s clothes (villains in underpants – not a pretty sight!). And while Juli is still asking “What on earth are we doing here?” he and Jenny find themselves in the middle of a crazy adventure that takes them all round the world – across the desert, through London, and on to Paris! Can Juli and Jenny stop the evil villain and his giant rabbits in time?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        What about the workers?

        by Andrew Taylor, Richard Hayton

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1981

        Das Haus am Nil

        by Herbert Achternbusch

        Ein neues »Tage- & Logbuch«. Ein Buch aus Unruhe, Widerstand und Wünschen. Ein Tagebuch in 18 Kapiteln, deren Titel der Autor folgerichtig erst an das Ende eines jeden Kapitels setzt - denn erst am Ende eines jeden Kapitels steht fest, wohin der »ungewußte Traum«, dieses Suchen, Sehnen, Hassen, Lieben führt, nach Haus, nach Andechs, in die Kindheit, in den Mord, an den Nil. »Es ist finster, es ist Nacht, und ich weiß nicht, wie weit es zum Nil ist.« Dies aber sagt nicht der wohlbekannte, der redselige Mensch, dies sagt der Frosch, in den sich der Mensch verwandeln mußte, mit Schwimmhäuten und froschgrüner Farbe. Als Bauernkind hat er Frösche gekreuzigt. »Dem Herrgott macht es nichts aus, daß man ihn kreuzigt, und der Mensch hält es nicht aus, aber daß man Frösche quält!« Und der Frosch glänzt so sehr, daß sich aller Glanz dieser Erde seinen Glanz zum Vorbild nimmt: der Düsenjäger, die Cocacolaflasche des Stallknechts, das schwarze Dach der Kirche, die Schüssel des Hundes, die nackten Schultern der Arbeiter, das Sternenglitzern. »Ich bin der Glanz der Dinge. Der letzte Glanz.« Um die Wette singen der Vogel Ewigflug und das Insekt Immerdar: Verdammt bist, verdammt bist. Mit der Verwandlungskraft des Märchens wird hier die Straftat verfolgt, in der Hoffnung auf Rettung? Die Verwirklichung des utopischen Wünschens aber führt nicht in die Rettung. Wie auch die Liebe nicht rettet, die Susn, immer wieder Susn heißt. Auf dem Speicher daheim oder im Pharaonengrab. Unter einer der zahlreichen Fotografien (Jesus mit dem Kreuz und zwei Kriegsknechten) heißt es: Herrgott, du trägst dein Kreuz in die verkehrte Richtung. Der Herrgott antwortet dem Frosch: Was geht das dich an. - Jedes Wesen scheint in seiner Verzweiflung alleingelassen und verdammt zu sein, diese Verzweiflung so lange zu tragen, bis das Haus am Nil erreicht ist. »Der Held heißt Nil. Und seine Gedanken sind sein Haus. Monologisch selbst dort, wo der Monolog zum Dialog führt, beschwört der Autor alle»Stadien »traurigster Traurigkeit« und »grausamster Grausamkeit«, als Wiederverbindung zweier Welten: Wirklichkeit und Traum.

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