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        Health & Personal Development

        Mindfulness for Adults with Autism

        A Handbook for Therapists and Adults with ASD

        by Annelies Spek

        This book discusses a new type of therapy that can help people with autism to be less overburdened, let go of recurrent thoughts, and get better at recognizing physical signs of stress. Mindfulness includes meditation techniques that are derived from Buddhism and that do not require much communication or insight in thoughts and feelings. This is especially beneficial for people with autism, for whom communication and social interaction can be a challenge.  After a clear introduction to what mindfulness is, each chapter of this book offers a meditation exercise. For each meditation exercise useful tips and tricks are given, as well as potential pitfalls that relate directly to autism. Mindfulness for adults with autism is the first treatment for adults with autism that has proven to be effective. Because of its readability and the beautiful illustrations, this book is highly recommended for both therapists and people with autism.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        New Zealand's empire

        by Katie Pickles, Catharine Coleborne

        This edited collection investigates New Zealand's history as an imperial power, and its evolving place within the British Empire. It revises and expands the history of empire within, to and from New Zealand by looking at the country's spheres of internal imperialism, its relationship with Australia, its Pacific empire and its outreach to Antarctica. The book critically revises our understanding of the range of ways that New Zealand has played a role as an imperial power, including the cultural histories of New Zealand inside the British Empire, engagements with imperial practices and notions of imperialism, the special significance of New Zealand in the Pacific region, and the circulation of ideas of empire both through and inside New Zealand over time. The essays in this volume span social, cultural, political and economic history, and in testing the concept of New Zealand's empire, the contributors take new directions in both historiographical and empirical research.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults

        A Practical Guide for Adults with ASD

        by Annelies Spek

        Lately, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in adults have received more and more attention. A decade ago, autism was only recognised and diagnosed in children. Oddly enough, the fact that ASD could also occur in adults has been neglected for a long time. By now it has become clear that the symptoms of ASD change over the lifetime. Though people with ASD definitely have many strengths (eye for detail, perseverance, sincerity, a sense of humour, reliability, and consistency), they also have shortcomings. This book brings the reader up to date about ASD. In Part 1, the causes of ASD are described, both in nature and nurture. This part also includes a discussion about information processing in relation to ASD. Part 2 deals with the behavioural aspects as described in the DSM-5. In Part 3, several important themes are discussed, such as the diagnostic process, sexuality, gender differences, and changes that people with ASD experience throughout their lives.    ‘I wish I had read this book 15 years ago. I finally understand why people respond to me the way they do.’ Joost, diagnosed with ASD.   Target Group: adults with autism, relatives, therapists.

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        April 2013

        Big Data für IT-Entscheider

        Riesige Datenmengen und moderne Technologien gewinnbringend nutzen (Print-on-Demand)

        by Baron, Pavlo

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        May 2011

        Big Mäc


        by Serhij Zhadan, Claudia Dathe

        Spätestens seit dem Erfolg seiner "Hymne der demokratischen Jugend" hat sich Serhij Zhadan als originellste Gegenstimme zum poetischen Landvermesser Juri Andruchowytsch etabliert. In seiner sechsteiligen Erzählung "Big Mäc" kehrt er der Anarchie der postsowjetischen Umbruchzeit den Rücken und flaniert durch die Straßen alter Städte - Orte der Subkultur, Mitteleuropa entmythologisiert. Im »Berlin, das wir verloren haben« lauern Irrsinn und Einsamkeit hinter jeder Toreinfahrt. In Wien meditiert er über »Zehn Arten, John Lennon umzubringen«. Es zieht ihn nicht nur zu den hedonistischen Außenseitern, die unter kalten europäischen Himmeln herumwandern, sondern auch in die eigene Vergangenheit: eine Welt des Lachens und endlosen Fliegens »am Orangenhimmel, der sich über unserer Heimat ausspannte«.

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        September 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Journal

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

        Willst du Sängerin werden oder Boxer, Wissenschaftlerin oder Bürgerrechtsaktivist – oder hast du einen ganz anderen Traum? In diesem wunderschön gestalteten Journal und Mitmachbuch kannst du das und vieles mehr herausfinden. Entdecke, was dich einzigartig macht und was du in deinem Leben machen willst, mit Seiten zum Ausmalen, Listen zum Vervollständigen, Feldern zum Zeichnen und vielem mehr. Wenn du am Ende des Buches angelangt bist, wirst du all deine Stärken kennen und genau wissen, was du tun kannst, damit deine Träume wahr werden. Für alle Fans der Serie Little People, BIG DREAMS – und für alle, die es noch werden wollen. - Mit zahlreichen Mitmach-Aktivitäten - Inklusive Zitate und Illustrationen aus der Erfolgsreihe - Hochwertige Ausstattung für den täglichen Gebrauch - Featuring Frida Kahlo, Muhammad Ali, David Bowie, Rosa Parks und vielen mehr

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Das Malbuch

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

        Los geht’s! Schnapp dir Buntstifte, Bleistifte, Filzstifte oder Kreide und fang einfach an. Auf jeder Seite findest du ein großes freundliches Gesicht und einen aufregenden Hintergrund zum Ausmalen. Außerdem gibt es zu deinen Heldinnen und Helden spannende Hintergrundinformationen, damit du ganz nebenbei sogar noch Neues lernst. Für alle Fans der Serie Little People, BIG DREAMS – und für alle, die es noch werden wollen. - Mit 15 Heldinnen und Helden zum Ausmalen - Inklusive Kurzbiografien von Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King, Frida Kahlo, Bruce Lee und vielen mehr

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Mutig und unerschrocken

        Geschenkbox mit 6 Bänden: Muhammad Ali, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Lisbeth Kaiser, Marta Antelo, Albert Arrayas, Brosmind, Mai Ly Degnan, Sophia Martineck, Christine Roussey, Svenja Becker

        Sechs Bände der Erfolgsreihe im hochwertigen Geschenkschuber Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen, die Unvorstellbares erreicht haben. Die hier versammelten Frauen und Männer haben sich mutig gegen Ungleichheiten gewehrt, für Bürgerrechte gekämpft, sich für Freiheit und Frieden stark gemacht und für die Rechte von Frauen. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen. Mit diesen beeindruckenden Persönlichkeiten: Rosa Parks Muhammad Ali Simone de Beauvoir Martin Luther King Hannah Arendt Mahatma Gandhi

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Little People, Big Dreams: Sticker-Mitmach-Buch

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

        Ein Buch zum Sticker kleben und Mitmachen. Entwirf ein Bühnenoutfit für David Bowie, rette mit Greta Thunberg unseren Planeten, bring den Sternenhimmel mit Stephen Hawking zum Leuchten und probier dich an chemischen Experimenten mit Marie Curie. Und entdecke kleine Heldinnen und Helden, die mit ihren großen Träumen die Welt veränderten. Mit extra vielen Stickern für noch mehr Klebespaß. Für alle Fans der Serie Little People, BIG DREAMS – und für alle, die es noch werden wollen. - Mit 100 Stickern und weiteren Mitmach-Aktivitäten - Featuring Marie Curie, David Bowie, Vivienne Westwood, Muhammad Ali und vielen mehr

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2004

        New woman strategies

        Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner, and Mona Caird

        by Ann Heilmann

        Recent years have seen a rennaissance of scholarly interest in the fin-de-siecle fiction of the New Woman. New Woman Strategies offers a new approach to the subject by focusing on the discursive strategies and revisionist aesthetics of the genre in the writings of three of its key exponents: Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner and Mona Caird. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Big Girl


        by Steel, Danielle

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        The big PTAheute Handbook

        Practical knowledge for the pharmacy

        by Edited by Dr. Iris Milek

        Already in its 3rd edition, the PTAheute handbook presents the essence of practical pharmacy knowledge and is becoming the standard work for a practical pharmacy. PTAheute authors contribute their professional experience and bundle the most important facts, in the proven manner of the trade journal PTAheute: ■ Comprehensibly prepared content facilitates putting knowledge effectively into practice. ■ Infographics help readers understand the contexts. ■ Yellow boxes provide a quick overview. ■ Pictures and graphic design increase reading pleasure. The content on multiple sclerosis or on the various aspects of Covid-19 is new to the 3rd edition. The chapters on „Antibiotics“ and „Interactions“ have been completely restructured and revised and all other content has been brought fully up to date. The PTAheute handbook – the reliable companion in everyday pharmacy life!

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Midnight Chronicles - Shadow Gaze

        by Iosivoni, Bianca

        Laura Kneidl and Bianca Iosivoni are SPIEGEL Bestseller authors and superstars of the German New Adult community. In MIDNIGHT CHRONICLES the authors transport their readers to a world in which a group of young hunters band together to fight evil – putting not only their lives at stake, but their hearts too.Roxy’s first meeting with Shaw couldn’t have come at a worse time for the young huntress. For Roxy is in search of her missing brother, who has been abducted by supernatural beings. She is also faced with the daunting task of catching the creatures she accidentally freed from the underworld a few months ago – all because she was betrayed by the person she trusted the most. If Roxy doesn’t manage to send all the creatures back within the time she was allowed, she will be sent to the underworld herself. The fact that she now also has to keep an eye on the mysterious Shaw, who has no memory of his past and thus risks jeopardising her mission, is far from ideal. And the same goes for the chemistry between them, which grows stronger and stronger the closer they become.Book 1 of a New Adult fantasy series from Bianca Iosivoni and Laura KneidlNew Adult fantasy – the new genre at LYX!Action-packed, exciting and sexy

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        Health & Personal Development

        More Peace, Less Stress

        A Step-by-Step Guide for Adults with ASD

        by Marja Boxhoorn

        When you have autism, you probably have to cope with stress on a daily basis. Often, people with autism do not know how to recognize stress, what causes stress, and what they can do to reduce it. More peace, less stress offers a useful step-by-step plan. In seven steps, the reader learns what causes stress, how to recognise stress signals, and what they can do to feel more at ease. The book includes practical exercises so new knowledge can be applied right away. Being more at ease means to be able to: have better relationships with a partner, family, friends and colleagues, focus attention to get things done more easily, have a grip on life, instead of experiencing chaos, restlessness and insecurity and feel more powerful and have more self-esteem.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Scottishness and Irishness in New Zealand since 1840

        by Angela McCarthy, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        This book examines the distinctive aspects that insiders and outsiders perceived as characteristic of Irish and Scottish ethnic identities in New Zealand. When, how, and why did Irish and Scots identify themselves and others in ethnic terms? What characteristics did the Irish and the Scots attribute to themselves and what traits did others assign to them? Did these traits change over time and if so how? Contemporary interest surrounding issues of ethnic identities is vibrant. In countries such as New Zealand, descendants of European settlers are seeking their ethnic origins, spurred on in part by factors such as an ongoing interest in indigenous genealogies, the burgeoning appeal of family history societies, and the booming financial benefits of marketing ethnicities abroad. This fascinating book will appeal to scholars and students of the history of empire and the construction of identity in settler communities, as well as those interested in the history of New Zealand.

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