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华东师范大学出版社 East China Normal University Press
East China Normal University Press Ltd. (ECNUP), established in 1957, is one of the two oldest publishers in China specializing in education publicationsas well as the top-ranking publisher in education. ECNUP is the top publishing house in Shanghai, and ranks among China's top 100 presses.
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Promoted ContentApril 2021
Normative Ordnungen
by Rainer Forst, Klaus Günther
Wer verstehen will, wie gesellschaftliche Ordnungen sich herausbilden, verändern, stabilisieren oder zerbrechen, muss ihr normatives Innenleben erschließen. Der Frankfurter Forschungsverbund »Normative Ordnungen« hat eine viel beachtete Methode entwickelt, die die konstitutiven Rechtfertigungen nationaler wie transnationaler Ordnungen untersucht: ihre narrative Struktur, ihre moralische, religiöse, konventionelle, politische, rechtliche Natur – oder eine Kombination davon, so spannungsreich sie auch sein mag. Auf welchen Wegen, in welchen Verfahren und Konflikten entstehen solche Rechtfertigungen? Wann schwindet ihre Kraft? Der Band präsentiert in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit eine Antwort auf diese Fragen.
Promoted ContentBusiness, Economics & LawMay 2023
Cyber-espionage in international law
Silence speaks
by Thibault Moulin
While espionage between states is a practice dating back centuries, the emergence of the internet revolutionised the types and scale of intelligence activities, creating drastic new challenges for the traditional legal frameworks governing them. This book argues that cyber-espionage has come to have an uneasy status in law: it is not prohibited, because spying does not result in an internationally wrongful act, but neither is it authorised or permitted, because states are free to resist foreign cyber-espionage activities. Rather than seeking further regulation, however, governments have remained purposefully silent, leaving them free to pursue cyber-espionage themselves at the same time as they adopt measures to prevent falling victim to it. Drawing on detailed analysis of state practice and examples from sovereignty, diplomacy, human rights and economic law, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the current legal status of cyber-espionage, as well as future directions for research and policy. It is an essential resource for scholars and practitioners in international law, as well as anyone interested in the future of cyber-security.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2023Decolonising the Hajj
The pilgrimage from Nigeria to Mecca under empire and independence
by Matthew Heaton
Muslims from the region that is now Nigeria have been undertaking the Hajj for hundreds of years. But the process of completing the pilgrimage changed dramatically in the twentieth century as state governments became heavily involved in its organization and management. Under British colonial rule, a minimalist approach to pilgrimage control facilitated the journeys of many thousands of mostly overland pilgrims. Decolonization produced new political contexts, with nationalist politicians taking a more proactive approach to pilgrimage management for both domestic and international reasons. The Hajj, which had previously been a life-altering journey undertaken slowly and incrementally over years, became a shorter, safer, trip characterized by round trip plane rides. In examining the transformation of the Nigerian Hajj, this book demonstrates how the Hajj became ever more intertwined with Nigerian politics and governance as the country moved from empire to independence.
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MedicineLosing Weight and Keeping it off
A Method With Lasting Results
by Tatjana van Strien
In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off. Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.
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January 1994Aktor, Situation und normative Muster
Ein Essay zur Theorie sozialen Handelns
by Talcott Parsons, Harald Wenzel, Harald Wenzel
Dieser Essay wurde gegen Ende 1939 fertiggestellt, kaum zwei Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung des ersten großen Werkes von Talcott Parsons: The Structure of Social Action. Als ein Kompendium der dort begründeten »Theorie des Handelns« sucht es deren systematischen Gehalt zu explizieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Es knüpft unmittelbar an das dort gestellte Problem der sozialen Ordnung und dessen Lösungsversuch an. Soziale Integration sollte demnach durch gemeinsame, interindividuell geteilte Wertorientierungen garantiert sein. In diesem Essay nun wird der dieser Konzeption von Ordnung zugrundeliegende Handlungsbegriff präzisiert: Handeln ist die durch normative Muster vermittelte »Orientierung« eines Aktors an seiner Situation.
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May 1994Prescriptive Formality and Normative Rationality in Modern Legal Systems.
Festschrift for Robert S. Summers.
by Herausgegeben von Krawietz, Werner; Herausgegeben von MacCormick, Neil; Herausgegeben von Wright, Georg Henrik von
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April 1997Normative Systems in Legal and Moral Theory.
Festschrift for Carlos E. Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin. With an Epilogue by Georg Henrik von Wright.
by Herausgegeben von Garzón Valdés, Ernesto; Herausgegeben von Krawietz, Werner; Herausgegeben von Wright, Georg Henrik von; Herausgegeben von Zimmerling, Ruth
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2009Direct rule and the governance of Northern Ireland
by Derek Birrell
This is the first comprehensive study of direct rule as the system of governance which operated in Northern Ireland for most of the period between 1972 and 2007. The major institutions of governance are described and examined in detail, including the often neglected sectors of the role of the Westminster parliament, the civil service, local government, quangos, ombudsmen offices, cross-border structures and the public expenditure process. The book explains how the complex system covering transferred, reserved and excepted functions worked and provided viable governance despite political violence, constitutional conflict and political party disagreements. In addition, a comparison is drawn between direct rule and devolution, analysing both the positive and negative impact of direct rule, as well as identifying where there has been minimal divergence in processes and outcomes. It will prove an invaluable reference source on direct rule and provide a comparative basis for assessing devolution for students of public administration, government, politics, public policy and devolution. ;
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February 2013Normative Kriterien zur Bestimmung der Sorgfaltspflichten des Produzenten.
Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse aus der Perspektive Deutschlands und Spaniens.
by Contreras, Lautaro
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Humanities & Social SciencesAugust 1998Irish Home Rule
by Alan O'Day, Mark Greengrass
Irish Home Rule considers the pre-eminent issue in British politics during the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries. It is the first account to explain the various self-government plans, to place these in context and examine the motives for putting the schemes forward. The book distinguishes between moral and material home rulers, making the point that the first appealed especially to outsiders, some Protestants and the intelligentsia, who saw in self-government a means to reconcile Ireland's antagonistic traditions. In contrast, material home rulers viewed a Dublin Parliament as a forum of Catholic interests. This account appraises the home rule movement from a fresh angle, distinguishing it from the usual division drawn between physical force and constitutional nationalists It maintains that an ideological continuity runs from Young Ireland, the Fenians, the early home rulers including Isaac Butt and Charles Stewart Parnell, to the Gaelic Revivalists to the Men of 1916. These nationalists are distinguishable from material home rulers not on the basis of methods or strategy but by a fundamental ideological cleavage. ;
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September 2020It was always love
by Hotel, Nikola
She’s had enough of men, but he can’t get enough of her... Away. Just get out of here. That's all Aubree thinks about when she gets kicked out of college after a party. She buys an incredibly old car, throws the few things she owns into the trunk and flees to her best friend Ivy in New Hampshire. There, all she wants is to pull the blanket over her head and think of nothing else. Not about that night. Not about the party. And most of all, not that picture that's been circulating on the Internet ever since. But it doesn't work. Because instead of her friend, she meets Noah, Ivy's stepbrother. With his impulsive but surprisingly sensitive nature, Noah evokes feelings in her that she doesn't need right now. And which, nevertheless, sweep her away like a storm... Second volume of a romantic and exciting dilogy with 20 lavishly illustrated hand-lettered pages by Carolin Magunia. Including a playlist that can be found on Spotify and contains songs which match perfectly with the story! It was always you (Vol. 1) entered the Spiegel bestseller list immediately after its publication. Both titles can be read separately. For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Kelly Moran! 30.000 copies of vol. 1 + 2 were sold since June 2020!
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September 2023Being Able to Stop
Against the delusion of permanent growth
by Edited by Jean-Pierre Wils
We moderns were the inhabitants of an age of impetuous forward movement and voracious discontent. Our main virtue was to increase our reach. Increasing our having and accelerating our being were the signposts towards the future. We just could not get enough. Using the blinkers of ignorance and self-anaesthesia, however, we managed to forget the tremendous costs incurred by this intoxication. Now disillusionment has set in. We look to the future with anxiety. We know that we have long since crossed a line and that a revision of our lifestyle is imminent. We have a bad feeling, and doubts about progress often give way to anger and rebellion. Which stocks of the modern narrative should we defend; which would we do better to let go? How will we even "be able to stop"? The path to a different society needs an attractive goal, because without the prospect of a different, better life, we will not move forward. We should start practising immediately. There is no time to lose.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2022The anthropology of power, agency and morality
by Victor de Munck, Elisa J. Sobo
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October 2009Mörderischer Winter
Die spannendsten Kriminalgeschichten für kalte Tage
by Carolin Bunk, Hans Sarkowicz
Wenn es die Temperaturen fallen und die Nächte länger werden, wird es gefährlich, dann blüht das Verbrechen. Da gehen Morde leichter von der Hand als in brütender Hitze. Für Krimiautoren ist der Winter die ergiebigste Jahreszeit. Denn hinter jedem gemütlich erleuchteten Fenster können familiäre Dramen, blutige Konkurrenzkämpfe und tödliche Irrtümer lauern. Draußen sieht es nicht anders aus. Die frostige Natur bietet keinen Schutz. Sie scheint sich im Winter mit dem Bösen verbündet zu haben. Wehe, wenn es im Krimi schneit… Mit Texten von Henning Mankell, Val McDermid, Tatjana Kruse, Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson u. v. a.
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May 1998Normative Grundstrukturen der Behandlung nichttarifärer Handelshemmnisse in der WTO/GATT-Rechtsordnung.
Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Countertrade.
by Tietje, Christian
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1989Mütter an die Macht
Die neue Frauen-Bewegung
by Herausgegeben von Pass-Weingartz, Dorothee; Herausgegeben von Erler, Gisela
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