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      • PalmArtPress

        PalmArtPress is an international publishing house located in Berlin. It publishes books in both German and English languages and distributes them in Germany and English-speaking areas. Our program includes literature, poetry, philosophy, and art books.PalmArtPress connects not just different genres, but also people of different nationalities and cultures, who are brought together in the press’ space for readings and exhibitions.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2016

        Thorough surveillance

        by Ahmad Sa'di

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Egypt and the rise of fluid authoritarianism

        Political ecology, power and the crisis of legitimacy

        by Maria Gloria Polimeno

        Egypt and the rise of fluid authoritarianism focuses on the struggle of the post-2013 political authorities for internal political legitimacy after the crisis following the 2013 coup d'état. It explores the microstructural and macro-systemic dynamics of leadership, power, protests and the authority-making process in political systems. These cannot simply be defined as structural, political, social and economic projections of the authoritarianism of the past, but rather as a rupture with that past. The book offers a complex, ground-breaking socio-political and economic analysis into how the forging of an internal political legitimacy claim has eventually modified the regime in Egypt along the authoritarian spectrum, turning into a fluid autocracy closer to a non-exclusivist personalist regime. This shift had implications that resonated both politically and economically.

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        Political oppression & persecution
        July 2014

        Co-memory and melancholia

        Israelis memorialising the Palestinian Nakba

        by Ronit Lentin

        The 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel also resulted in the destruction of Palestinian society when some 80 per cent of the Palestinians who lived in the major part of Palestine upon which Israel was established became refugees. Israelis call the 1948 war their 'War of Independence' and the Palestinians their 'Nakba', or catastrophe. After many years of Nakba denial, land appropriation, political discrimination against the Palestinians within Israel and the denial of rights to Palestinian refugees, in recent years the Nakba is beginning to penetrate Israeli public discourse. This book, available at last in paperback, explores the construction of collective memory in Israeli society, where the memory of the trauma of the Holocaust and of Israel's war dead competes with the memory claims of the dispossessed Palestinians. Against a background of the Israeli resistance movement, Lentin's central argument is that co-memorating the Nakba by Israeli Jews is motivated by an unresolved melancholia about the disappearance of Palestine and the dispossession of the Palestinians, a melancholia that shifts mourning from the lost object to the grieving subject. Lentin theorises Nakba co-memory as a politics of resistance, counterpoising co-memorative practices by internally displaced Israeli Palestinians with Israeli Jewish discourses of the Palestinian right of return, and questions whether return narratives by Israeli Jews, courageous as they may seem, are ultimately about Israeli Jewish self-healing rather than justice for Palestine.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Golden Mummies of Egypt

        Interpreting identities from the Graeco-Roman period

        by Campbell Price, Julia Thorne

        Golden Mummies of Egypt presents new insights and a rich perspective on beliefs about the afterlife during an era when Egypt was part of the Greek and Roman worlds (c. 300 BCE-200 CE). This beautifully illustrated book, featuring photography by Julia Thorne, accompanies Manchester Museum's first-ever international touring exhibition. Golden Mummies of Egypt is a visually spectacular exhibition that offers visitors unparalleled access to the museum's outstanding collection of Egyptian and Sudanese objects - one of the largest in the UK.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Syria and the chemical weapons taboo

        Exploiting the forbidden

        by Michelle Bentley

        This book analyses the Syria crisis and the role of chemical weapons in relation to US foreign policy. The Syrian government's use of such weapons and their subsequent elimination has dominated the US response to the conflict, where these are viewed as particularly horrific arms - a repulsion known as the chemical taboo. On the surface, this would seem to be an appropriate reaction: these are nasty weapons and eradicating them would ostensibly comprise a 'good' move. But this book reveals two new aspects of the taboo that challenge this prevailing view. First, actors use the taboo strategically to advance their own self-interested policy objectives. Second, that applying the taboo to Syria has actually exacerbated the crisis. As such, this book not only provides a timely analysis of Syria, but also a major and original rethink of the chemical taboo, as well as international norms more widely.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2022

        Unofficial peace diplomacy

        by Lior Lehrs, J. Simon Rofe, Giles Scott-Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2004

        Religion in history

        Conflict, conversion and coexistence

        by John Wolffe

        This is an integrated collection of essays by leading scholars that looks at issues of conflict, conversion and coexistence in the religious context since the third century. The range of topics explored include paganism and Christianity in the later Roman world, the Crusades, the impact of the Reformation in Britain and Ireland, subsequent Protestant-Catholic conflict, the Hindu Renaissance in nineteenth-century India, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Britain in the 1960s, women and the ministry, and Christianity, Judaism and the Holocaust. The book concludes by offering an historical perspective on religion, conflict and coexistence in the world today. Published in association with The Open University, this is a student-friendly and accessible volume on popular subjects within religious history, and it will be of value to students on a range of courses, as well as to a wider readership interested in the historical background to the role of religion in the contemporary world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Heritage and healing in Syria and Iraq

        by Zena Kamash

        This book explores what to do with heritage that has been destroyed in conflict. It charts a path through the colonial histories and traumatic wars of Syria and Iraq to examine the projects and responses currently on offer and assess their flaws and limitations, including issues of digital colonialism, technological solutionism, geopolitical manoeuvring, media bias and community exclusion. Drawing on current research into the psychology and neuroscience of trauma and trauma recovery, and taking inspiration from artists and creative thinkers who challenge the status quo, this book envisages gentler, creative and ethically-driven ways to respond to heritage damaged in conflict that recentre people and their hopes, dreams and needs at the heart of these debates.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        Arab youths

        by Laurent Bonnefoy, Myriam Catusse

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air power and colonial control

        by David Omissi

        Air policing was used in many colonial possessions, but its most effective incidence occurred in the crescent of territory from north-eastern Africa, through South-West Arabia, to North West Frontier of India. This book talks about air policing and its role in offering a cheaper means of 'pacification' in the inter-war years. It illuminates the potentialities and limitations of the new aerial technology, and makes important contributions to the history of colonial resistance and its suppression. Air policing was employed in the campaign against Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan and his Dervish following in Somaliland in early 1920. The book discusses the relationships between air control and the survival of Royal Air Force in Iraq and between air power and indirect imperialism in the Hashemite kingdoms. It discusses Hugh Trenchard's plans to substitute air for naval or coastal forces, and assesses the extent to which barriers of climate and geography continued to limit the exercise of air power. Indigenous responses include being terrified at the mere sight of aircraft to the successful adaptation to air power, which was hardly foreseen by either the opponents or the supporters of air policing. The book examines the ethical debates which were a continuous undercurrent to the stream of argument about repressive air power methods from a political and operational perspective. It compares air policing as practised by other European powers by highlighting the Rif war in Morocco, the Druze revolt in Syria, and Italy's war of reconquest in Libya.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Victorian literary culture and ancient Egypt

        by Eleanor Dobson

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2022

        Expansion rebellion

        by Celeste Hicks

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        Egypt of the Saite pharaohs, 664–525 BC

        by Roger Forshaw

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2009

        Intertextuality in modern Arabic literature since 1967

        by Luc Deheuvels, Mike Thompson, Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, Paul Starkey

        This volume of essays is the first to be dedicated to the subject of intertextuality in modern Arabic literature. Beginning with a general overview of the topic by Roger Allen, it brings together essays on a range of writers from all parts of the Arab world, including, among others, Edwar al-Kharrat, Sa'd Allah Wannus, Najib Mahfuz, Rabi' Jabir, Salim Matar and the recently deceased Sudanese writer al-Tayyib Salih, whose seminal work Season of Migration to the North heralded a new phase in the modern Arabic literary tradition. The volume, which also includes two essays on aspects of intertextuality in Gulf literature, also discusses transformations of popular medieval literature such as the Alf Layla wa-Layla (the Thousand and One Nights) in modern Arabic literature. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Das Gespenst der Inflation

        Wie China der Schocktherapie entkam | Von der Erfinderin der Gaspreisbremse

        by Isabella M. Weber, Stephan Gebauer

        Ein Lehrstück über den Umgang mit Preissteigerungen Nach dem Ende von Maos Herrschaft stand die politische Führung in China Ende der siebziger Jahre vor gewaltigen Problemen: Wie sollte sie das bankrotte Wirtschaftssystem neu erfinden? Wie eine galoppierende Inflation vermeiden, die als Schreckgespenst durch das Land spukte? Durch Schocktherapie oder schrittweise Reformen? Letztendlich obsiegten die Kräfte, die für einen staatlich gelenkten Wandel plädierten. Anders als Russland, das nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus in einen katastrophalen Abwärtsstrudel geriet, erlebte China einen beispiellosen Aufstieg. Isabella M. Weber, eine der bedeutendsten Ökonominnen ihrer Generation, zeichnet in ihrem hoch gelobten Buch die damaligen Debatten um die Neugestaltung des chinesischen Wirtschaftssystems minutiös nach und ordnet diese Diskussionen in die langen Traditionen des ökonomischen Denkens im Reich der Mitte und des Westens ein. Insbesondere zeigt sie, wie es gelang, die Inflation zu begrenzen. Chinas Weg zurück in die Weltwirtschaft, so Weber, ist nicht nur die Geschichte einer einzigartigen Transformation. Angesichts der Verwerfungen auf den Energiemärkten und der dramatisch gestiegenen Lebenshaltungskosten sind die Auseinandersetzungen um Preiskontrollen und andere staatliche Eingriffe zudem lehrreich für aktuelle Debatten.

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