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      • Parresia Publishers Limited

        The publishing company from Lagos, Nigeria, was founded in 2012 by Azafi Omoluabi and Richard Ali. Their objective was to publish books by first-time authors, to sell books to the Nigerian reading audience, and to promote the freedom of the imagination and the free press.Parrésia started out intending to give a voice to writers who have never been heard on the Nigerian publishing scene.In 2016, Parrésia won the NLNG Prize for Literature, its first award with Abubakar Adam Ibrahim’s “Season of Crimson Blossoms”.In 2017, Parrésia Publishers was described by The New York Times as one of “a handful of influential new publishing houses” in Africa in the last decade.Parrésia publishes its fiction, and creative non-fiction works under three imprints: Regium is our traditional publishing imprint, Origami Books, for all genres of writing for clients interested in self-publishing or vanity publishing, and Ọmọde Mẹta, is our traditional publishing and self-publishing imprint, which will publish Children’s Books and Young Adult fiction.

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      • Parrésia Publishers Ltd

        We publish books by first-time authors, sell books to the Nigerian reading audience, and promote the freedom of the imagination and the free press.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2001

        Gottschalk, Kerner & Co

        Funktionen der Telefigur »Spielleiter« zwischen Exzeptionalität und Normalität

        by Rolf Parr, Matthias Thiele

        Aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive wird in den Beiträgen dieses Bandes nach den charakteristischen Funktionen des Spielleiters, daraus resultierenden Typologien sowie nach der Relevanz vorgegebener Formate und medialer Dispositive gefragt. Dabei kristallisiert sich quer durch die thematischen Facetten und theoretischen Zugriffe v. a. eine Konstante heraus: das paradoxe Zusammenspiel von lustvoller Durchbrechung des Alltags und gleichzeitiger Behauptung von Normalität.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Sommersprossen auf den Knien

        by Maria Parr, Heike Herold, Christel Hildebrandt

        Tonje bringt Sonnenschein! Ein Buch, das glücklich macht. Tonje ist das einzige Kind in dem kleinen Dorf, in dem sie lebt. Ihr allerbester Freund ist Gunnvald. Der ist zwar steinalt, macht aber jeden Unsinn mit, den Tonje sich ausdenkt. Und das ist eine ganze Menge! Als Gunnvald ins Krankenhaus kommt, taucht plötzlich eine fremde Frau auf und zieht in sein Haus ein. Wer mag das sein? Welches Geheimnis hütet Gunnvald und warum ist die Frau so unfreundlich? Tonje muss all ihren Ideenreichtum aufwenden, um das Rätsel zu lösen, die beiden zu versöhnen und ihrem Freund ein wunderbares Geschenk zu machen! Eine außergewöhnliche Freundschaft und ein großes Geheimnis - ein Kinderbuch voller Wärme, Witz und in bester Lindgren-Tradition. Ausgezeichnet mit dem renommierten norwegischen Brage-Preis.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2000

        Three Renaissance Travel Plays

        by Paul Edmondson, Tony Parr, Martin White

        This volume brings together three little-known plays that convey vividly the fascination in early seventeenth-century England with travel and exploration.. Three dramas of wandering and adventure which explore the great diversity of responses in the period to the lures of tourism and colonial expansion and to challenges posed by the encounter with exotic places and peoples.. Intellectually distinguished edition now available in paperback for the first time.. This collection presents modernised texts with an extensive commentary and a full introduction to set the plays in their historical and cultural context. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Spenserian tracts

        'A Brief Discourse of Ireland' and 'The Supplication of the Blood of the English' from the Munster revolt of 1598

        by Hiram Morgan

        Morgan's study of key texts situating Edmund Spenser and the plantation in Munster in the late 1590s reveals not only a hatred and abiding fear of the Catholic Irish but also disturbing tensions with the state in England including the Queen herself. In doing so, he has combined traditional historical and literary methods with stylometric document testing to reveal the authorship of these controversial contemporary tracts. Overall this insightful book reimagines the English colonial mentality of the period by examining its underbelly of anonymous texts.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2011

        Constitutions and political theory

        Second edition

        by Jan-Erik Lane

        Since constitutional arrangements are what make politics work, they are a central concern of political theory. This book, now completely updated, was the first comprehensive exploration of the political theory of constitutions. Jan-Erik Lane begins by examining the origins and history of constitutionalism and answers key questions such as: what is a constitution? Why are there constitutions? From where does constitutionalism originate? How is the constitutional state related to democracy and justice? Constitutions play a major role in domestic and international politics in the early 21st century and an updated version of this classic textbook will introduce students to a number of different areas - theoretical, empirical and moral - which will aid their understanding of this important topic. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2000

        Cultures of Empire

        A reader

        by Catherine Hall, Meg Davies

        Collects together the best articles by key historians, literary critics, and anthropologists on the cultures of colonialism in the British Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.. A substantial introduction by the distinguished historian, Professor Catherine Hall, discusses new approaches to the history of empire and establishes a narrative frame through which to read the essays which follow.. The volume is clearly divided into three sections: theoretical, emphasising concepts and approaches; the colonisers 'at home', focusing on how empire was lived in Britain; and 'away' - the attempt to construct new cultures through which the colonisers defined themselves and others in varied colonial sites. A useful guide to recent scholarship on the culture of imperialism. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        The new pornographies

        Explicit sex in recent French fiction and film

        by Victoria Best, Martin Crowley

        The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed the striking advance of pornography into the Western cultural mainstream. Symptomatic of this development has been the use by writers, artists, and film-makers of the imagery and aesthetics of pornography, in works which have, often on this basis, achieved considerable international success. Amongst these artists are a number of French authors and directors - such as Michel Houellebecq, Catherine Breillat, Virginie Despentes, or Catherine Millet - whose work has often been dismissed as trashy or exploitative, but whose use of pornographic material may in fact be indicative of important contemporary concerns. In this study of a very significant trend, the authors explore how the reference to pornography encodes diverse political, cultural, and existential questions, including relations between the sexes, the collapse of avant-garde politics, gay sexualities in the time of AIDS, the anti-feminist backlash, the relation to the body and illness, the place of fantasy, and the sexualisation of children. It will be of interest to undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of French culture, gender, film and media studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        The new pornographies

        Explicit sex in recent French fiction and film

        by Victoria Best, Martin Crowley

        The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed the striking advance of pornography into the Western cultural mainstream. Symptomatic of this development has been the use by writers, artists, and film-makers of the imagery and aesthetics of pornography, in works which have, often on this basis, achieved considerable international success. Amongst these artists are a number of French authors and directors - such as Michel Houellebecq, Catherine Breillat, Virginie Despentes, or Catherine Millet - whose work has often been dismissed as trashy or exploitative, but whose use of pornographic material may in fact be indicative of important contemporary concerns. In this, the first study of this significant trend, the authors explore how the reference to pornography encodes diverse political, cultural, and existential questions, including relations between the sexes, the collapse of avant-garde politics, gay sexualities in the time of AIDS, the anti-feminist backlash, the relation to the body and illness, the place of fantasy, and the sexualisation of children. It will be of interest to undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of French culture, gender, film and media studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Charles Dickens and Georgina Hogarth

        A curious and enduring relationship

        by Christine Skelton

        Charles Dickens called his sister-in-law Georgina Hogarth his 'best and truest friend'. Georgina saw Dickens as much more than a friend. They lived together for twenty-eight years, during which time their relationship constantly changed. The sister of his wife Catherine, the sharp and witty Georgina moved into the Dickens home aged fifteen. What began as a father-daughter relationship blossomed into a genuine rapport, but their easy relations were fractured when Dickens had a mid-life crisis and determined to rid himself of Catherine. Georgina's refusal to leave Dickens and his desire for her to remain in his household led to rumours of an affair and even illegitimate children. He left her the equivalent of almost £1 million and all his personal papers in his will. Georgina's commitment to Dickens was unwavering but it is far from clear what he did to deserve such loyalty. There were several occasions when he misused her in order to protect his public reputation. Why did Georgina betray her once much-loved sister? Why did she fall out with her family and risk her reputation in order to stay with Dickens? And why did the Dickenses' daughter Katey say it was 'the greatest mistake ever' to invite a sister-in-law to live with a family?

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2004

        Brick Lane


        by Ali, Monica

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        From Perversion to Purity

        The stardom of Catherine Deneuve

        by Lisa Downing, Sue Harris

        Catherine Deneuve is indisputably one of the world's most celebrated actresses, both in her native France and throughout the world. Her career has spanned five decades during which she has worked with the most significant of French auteurs, as well as forging partnerships with international directors such as Bunuel and Polanski. The Deneuve star persona has attained such iconic status that it can now symbolise the very essence of French womanhood and civic identity. In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of essays by a selection of international film academics and writers, the Deneuve persona is scrutinised and illuminated. Beyond the glamorous iconographic status of Yves Saint Laurent's muse, and the epitome of sexual inviolability, Deneuve's status as actress is foregrounded. The book will be essential reading for students and lecturers in star studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2020

        Howard Jacobson

        by David Brauner, Daniel Lea

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore

        by Catherine Doyle, Sylke Hachmeister, Bill Bragg

        In "Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore" von Catherine Doyle findet der 11-jährige Fionn Boyle zusammen mit seiner Schwester Tara den Weg zu der magischen irischen Insel Arranmore, um den Sommer bei ihrem Großvater zu verbringen. Dort entdeckt Fionn, dass er in die Fußstapfen seiner Vorfahren treten und als Sturmwächter die Insel und ihre Bewohner vor den dunklen Mächten schützen muss. Die Fähigkeit, Magie in der Flamme einer Kerze einzufangen und in die Vergangenheit zu reisen, eröffnet ihm eine neue Welt voller Geheimnisse und Abenteuer. Doch als sich ein heftiger Sturm ankündigt, steht Fionn vor der Herausforderung, die Inselbewohner vor der erwachenden dunklen Zauberin zu beschützen, die in den Tiefen Arranmores schläft. Catherine Doyles atmosphärisch dicht erzählter Roman ist eine Hommage an die Kraft der Natur und der Magie, verwebt mit der tiefen Verbindung zwischen Familie und Tradition. Fionn muss lernen, sein Erbe anzunehmen, seine Ängste zu überwinden und sein Vertrauen in die eigene Kraft zu finden, um seiner Bestimmung als Sturmwächter gerecht zu werden. "Sturmwächter 1. Das Geheimnis von Arranmore" ist nicht nur ein spannendes Abenteuer über Mut und Selbstfindung, sondern auch eine berührende Geschichte über den Umgang mit Trauer und den Zusammenhalt innerhalb der Familie. Mit seiner einzigartigen Mischung aus Magie, Humor und emotionaler Tiefe zieht das Buch Leser jeden Alters in seinen Bann und legt den Grundstein für eine fesselnde Reihe. Dieses einzigartige Fantasy-Abenteuer für Jung und Alt entführt Leser in eine Welt voller Magie und Mysterien auf der irischen Insel Arranmore, ideal für Leser ab 10 Jahren und auch Erwachsene. Überzeugt durch eine Kombination aus magischen Elementen, Familienbanden und der Auseinandersetzung mit ernsten Themen wie Trauer und Mut, eingebettet in eine fesselnde Handlung. Protagonist Fionn Boyle erlebt eine bemerkenswerte Reise des persönlichen Wachstums, unterstützt durch die lebendigen Nebencharaktere und die komplexe Beziehung zu seiner Familie. Die innovative Nutzung von Magie, insbesondere durch die Kerzen, die Zeitreisen ermöglichen, und die Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturgewalt, verleiht dem Buch eine einzigartige Note. Catherine Doyles Schreibstil ist fließend und atmosphärisch, wodurch die irische Landschaft und die magische Atmosphäre Arranmores lebendig werden. Die Suche nach dem neuen Sturmwächter und der Kampf gegen eine dunkle Macht halten die Spannung hoch und versprechen ein packendes Leseerlebnis. Mit Andeutungen auf zukünftige Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen bleibt die Vorfreude auf weitere Abenteuer in Arranmore bestehen. Neben Unterhaltung bietet das Buch auch Tiefgang durch die Auseinandersetzung mit Mut, Verlust und dem Wert von Erinnerungen.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1998

        »Paul Valéry – Glück, Dämon, Verrückter«

        Tagebuch 1920–1928

        by Catherine Pozzi, Max Looser, Max Looser

        "Im Juni 1920 lernt Catherine Pozzi Paul Valéry kennen. Er ist seit zwanzig Jahren verheiratet und hat drei Kinder. Es beginnen acht Jahre einer notgedrungen heimlichen, aber jeden Tag erneuerten und wieder in Frage gestellten Beziehung; acht Jahre der abgenötigten und unhaltbaren Versprechen; Pozzi und Valéry erleiden »den Tod und die Leidenschaft« ihrer Liebe; aber auch acht Jahre der gemeinsamen Arbeit, Lektüre und Forschung; acht Jahre eines intellektuellen und philosophischen Zwiegesprächs unter Gleichen."

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Die verheimlichte Tochter


        by Lane, Soraya

        Aus dem Englischen von Sigrun Zühlke und Hannah Freiwald

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