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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2015

        Sara Paretsky

        by Cynthia Hamilton, Sharon Monteith, Nahem Yousaf

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        March 2005

        Sara tanzt


        by Koch, Erwin

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        May 1997

        Alec und Sara

        Über Freundschaft, Liebe und Zärtlichkeit - Sexulaerziehung konkret

        by Fiederle, Xaver

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2005

        Miß Sara Sampson

        Ein bürgerliches Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen

        by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Axel Schmitt

        Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

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        October 2008

        Sara will es wissen

        Eine Geschichte über die 5 Weltreligionen

        by Krabbe, Victoria / Illustriert von Guhr, Constanze

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        May 2024

        Der Vertraute


        by Bardugo, Leigh

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Alexandra Jordan und Sara Riffel

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2010

        Die Wahrheit über die Zukunft


        by Samanta Schweblin, Angelica Ammar

        Ein kurzer, spitzer Schrei, dann das Rauschen des Wasserhahns. Sosehr sich der Vater der jungen Sara auch bemüht wegzuhören, Saras grausiges Essensritual läßt sich nicht leugnen: Seine Tochter verspeist lebendige Vögel. Nur so, scheint es, bewahrt sie sich einen rosigen Teint und glänzende Augen. Wovor es sie noch bewahrt, kann man erst nach und nach erahnen. Verstörende Momente bilden den Kern von Samanta Schweblins zupackenden Erzählungen. Wo die Grenzen zwischen Realem und Phantastischem verschwinden, taucht der Leser ein in eine aberwitzige Welt, die traumartig überscharf die unsere spiegelt. Keine andere literarische Gattung ist in Argentinien so beliebt und hat eine so lange Tradition wie die der Erzählung. Samanta Schweblin, von der argentinischen Literaturkritik bereits als die beste Erzählerin ihrer Generation gefeiert und mit Cortázar und Bioy Casares verglichen, schafft mit starker Stimme und starken Bildern einen eigenen, wundersamen Erzählkosmos.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2002

        An anthology of women's travel writings

        by Shirley Foster, Sara Mills

        This anthology aims to challenge stereotypes of women travellers. Rather than simply presenting writings by Victorian women who travelled bravely around the world disregarding social convention and danger, the editors present a range of writing and possible ways of being a woman traveller. As well as the 'eccentric' woman traveller, the editors have included writings by those who might be seen as failed travellers, cautious and conventional travellers and those who did not conform to the adventurous heroine stereotype. Because travelling as a woman and writing as a woman presents the author with a number of textual problems which must be negotiated, Foster and Mills have chosen to include writings which confronted these problems and which resolved them (or did not resolve them) in different ways. These textual problems include the depiction of other women, the representation of spatial relations, the negotiations undertaken in relation to the adventure heroine narrative and character and the position taken by the author in relation to the representation of knowledge. These issues are all crucial in relation to travel writing by women , and the women, whose writing has been collected together in this anthology have made bold decisions in relation to them. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Hari Kunzru

        by Kristian Shaw, Sara Upstone

        This book is the first edited collection to focus on the work of contemporary author Hari Kunzru. It contains major new essays on each of his novels - The Impressionist, Transmission, My Revolutions, Gods Without Men, White Tears and Red Pill - as well as his short fiction and non-fiction writings. The collection situates Kunzru's work within current debates regarding postmodernism, postcolonialism, and post-postmodernism, and examines how Kunzru's work is central to major thematic concerns of contemporary writing including whiteness, national identity, Britishness, cosmopolitanism, music, space, memory, art practice, trauma, Brexit, immigration, covid-19, and populist politics. The book engages with current debates regarding the politics of publishing of ethnic writers, examining how Kunzru has managed to shape a career in resistance of narrow labelling where many other writers have struggled to achieve long-term recognition.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Identity or Not?

        by Jean-Pierre Wils (ed.)

        Questions of identity trigger controversial and highly emotional discussions in the political and social debate. The positions range from radically emancipatory perspectives to authoritarian and restorative efforts on the far right wing of politics. Liberal democracies are now opening up – slowly – as identity- and gender-sensitive forums. Opposite them are the 'new ethics' of illiberal democracies and totalitarian states that are aimed at ethnic homogeneity and gender uniformity. But that's not to say that there is unity in the liberal settings on the necessary degree of identity politics. Both language and gender politics are deeply controversial. Do we need an 'identity' and, if so, which one or how many? Can the identity debate be extended by means of other concepts?

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