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      • Chemical Industry Press Co. Ltd.

        Chemical Industry Press( hereinafter called “CIP”) was established in 1953, and is one of the most distinguished state-owned publishers in China. As one of “top 100 publishers in China”, CIP has been seen as a well-known and trusted brand in China. For years, CIP is one of the most impressive Chinese publisher with powerful overseas libraries’ collection influence. Key subjects: Chemistry, Materials, Environment, Energy, Engineering, Machine, Automotive, Electric & Electrical, Architecture, Biology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Healthcare, Business & Management, Humanities, Lifestyle, Photography, Self-help, Baby & Parenting, Language learning, Literature&Arts,etc.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Museums and empire

        by John M. Mackenzie

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Science and Technology Studies

        Klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven

        by Susanne Bauer, Torsten Heinemann, Thomas Lemke

        In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ist mit den Science and Technology Studies (STS) ein Forschungsfeld entstanden, das eine grundlegende Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft vornimmt. Der vorliegende Band versammelt erstmals zentrale Texte der STS in deutscher Sprache, u. a. von Bruno Latour, David Bloor, Michel Callon, Donna Harraway oder Karen Barad, und bietet zudem Überblicksdarstellungen aller wichtigen Forschungsgebiete und Theoriepositionen. Entstanden ist so eine grundlegende Einführung in diese innovative Forschungsrichtung, die darüber hinaus auch eine Zwischenbilanz der Entwicklung der STS zieht und aktuelle Herausforderungen und Debatten auslotet.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2021

        The Victorian aquarium

        by Silvia Granata, Andrew Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        Art: Financial Aspects

        The rise of the modern art market in London


        by Edited by Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich

        Now available in paperback for the first time, this study of the modern London art market establishes the central importance of London for the development of the modern retail market in fine art. Leading experts track the emergence and development of the structures and practices that have come to characterize the commercial art system, including the commercial art gallery, the professional dealer, the exhibition cycle and its accompanying rhetoric of press coverage and publicity, and an international network for the circulation of goods. This new commercial system involved a massive transformation of the experience of viewing art; of the relationships between artists, dealers, collectors, art objects and audiences; and of the very criteria of aesthetic value itself. Its history is thus a vital part of the history of modern art, and this anthology will be of interest to art historians as well as scholars of Victorian Studies, Museum Studies, and Social History.

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        The Arts
        August 2010

        Art, museums and touch

        by Fiona Candlin, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon

        Art, museums and touch examines conceptions and uses of touch within arts museums and art history. Candlin deftly weaves archival material and contemporary museology together with government policy and art practice to question the foundations of modern art history, museums as sites of visual learning, and the association of touch with female identity and sexuality. This remarkable study presents a challenging riposte to museology and art history that privileges visual experience. Candlin demonstrates that touch was, and still is, crucially important to museums and art history. At the same time she contests the recent characterisation of touch as an accessible and inclusive way of engaging with museum collections, and argues against prevalent ideas of touch as an unmediated and uncomplicated mode of learning. An original and wide-ranging enquiry, this book is essential reading for scholars and students of museum studies, art history, visual culture, disability, and for anyone interested in the cultural construction of the senses. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1995

        Der Glasmensch und andere Science-fiction-Geschichten

        by Marcus Hammerschmitt, Franz Rottensteiner, Marcus Hammerschmitt

        Marcus Hammerschmitt schreibt Science-fiction-Erzählungen, die technologische Phantasie, psychologische Einsicht, Lust am gedanklichen Experiment und poetische Erfindungskraft vereinen. Wie Herbert W. Franke oder Peter Schattschneider basiert er seine Geschichten auf einer soliden Grundlage, entwickelt seine Szenarios und Fabeln spielerisch, verknüpft sie aber dramatisch mit den größeren Problemen von Ökologie einerseits und den Zweifeln und inneren Konflikten des einzelnen andererseits.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1976

        Die Jagd

        Neue Geschichten des Piloten Pirx

        by Stanisław Lem, Roswitha Buschmann, Kurt Kelm, Barbara Sparing

        Stanisław Lem wurde am 12. September 1921 in Lwów (Lemberg) geboren, lebte zuletzt in Krakau, wo er am 27. März 2006 starb. Er studierte von 1939 bis 1941 Medizin. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges musste er sein Studium unterbrechen und arbeitete als Automechaniker. Von 1945 bis 1948 setze er sein Medizinstudium fort, nach dem Absolutorium erwarb Lem jedoch nicht den Doktorgrad und übte den Arztberuf nicht aus. Er übersetzte Fachliteratur aus dem Russischen und ab den fünfziger Jahren arbeitete Lem als freier Schriftsteller in Krákow. Er wandte sich früh dem Genre Science-fiction zu, schrieb aber auch gewichtige theoretische Abhandlungen und Essays zu Kybernetik, Literaturtheorie und Futurologie. Stanisław Lem zählt heute zu den erfolgreichsten Autoren Polens. Sein Werk wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet, verfilmt und in 57 Sprachen übersetzt.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2009

        Nature and culture

        Objects, disciplines and the Manchester Museum

        by Samuel J. M. M. Alberti

        This is a vital new work; the first to take the University of Manchester's Museum as its subject. By setting the museum in its cultural and intellectual contexts, Nature and culture explores twentieth-century collecting and display, and the status of the object in the modern world. Beginning with the origins of the Manchester Museum, accounting for its development as an internationally renowned university museum, and concluding at its major expansion at the turn of the millennium, this book casts new light on the history of museums. How did objects become knowledge? Who encountered museum objects on their way to museums? What happened to collections within the museum? How did visitors use and respond to objects? In answering these questions, Nature and culture illuminates not only the history of one institution, but also contributes to wider discussions in the history of science, cultural history and museology. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1963

        Jahrbuch der Sammlung Kippenberg. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben vom Vorstand der Anton und Katharina Kippenberg-Stiftung. Goethe-Museum Düsseldorf

        Erster Band:

        by Hellmuth Maltzahn

        Vorwort / Hellmuth von Maltzahn: Vierzehn Briefe Goethes an Kräuter / Jörn Göres: Zwei unveröffentlichte Goethe-Bildnisse / Edwin Redslob, Carl Holdermann / Walter Salmen: Goethe und Reichardt / Irmgard Kräupl, Zelter-Bildnisse / Dora Wahl, Goethe und Zelter / Ernst Schulte Strathaus: Der Sokratische Philolog / Dorothea Streller: Achim von Arnim und ›Auch ein Faust‹ / Jörn Göres: Jacob und Wilhelm Grimms Brief vom 9. Mai 1816 an Bettina von Arnim / Elisabeth Genton: Ein Brief Ludwig Tiecks über die nachgelassenen Schriften von Lenz / Maria Gräfin Lanckoronska, ›Das Landleben‹ von Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld / Hans Herbert Möller: Jagd um Weimar / Lothar Frede: Münzbelustigungen im Düsseldorfer Goethe-Museum / Irene Markowitz: Die Baugeschichte des Hofgärtnerhauses und Goethe-Museums Düsseldorf Tafel I – XXX

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1987

        Science-fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall mit Ausnahmen

        Essays. Band 3

        by Stanisław Lem, Erik Simon

        Dieser Abschlussband von Lems Essays enthält nur Arbeiten, die in der Insel-Ausgabe der Essays (1981) nicht enthalten waren. Stärker als die früheren Bände ist dieser persönlich bestimmt. Einmal handelt es sich um Essays, die autobiografisch sind oder sich auf das eigene Werk beziehen. Zum anderen gibt es Vorworte zu Rezensionen von Büchern und Autoren, die Lem menschlich besonders nahestehen: Szymon Kobyliński, Władysław Bartoszewski und Jan Józef Szczepański. Neben Rezensionen, die Lem deutsche RIAS Berlin schrieb, vornehmlich über populärwissenschaftliche und pseudowissenschaftliche Bücher, aus denen Lems rationalistische Denkhaltung offenbar wird, und spekulativen Aufsätzen enthält dieser Band auch einige von Lems scharfsinnigsten Kritiken zu Autoren, denen er sich geistesverwandt fühlt oder die ihm widerstreben: Dick, Borges, die Strugatzkis und eine scharfe Abrechnung mit der Gattung, der der Großteil von Lems eigenem Werk zugezählt wird: der Science-Fiction. Eine beachtliche Anzahl der Essays schrieb Lem gleich in deutscher Sprache. Weitere Essays von Stanisław Lem liegen in den Bänden Sade und die Spieltheorie und Über außersinnliche Wahrnehmungen vor.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2009

        Science and society in southern Africa

        by Andrew Thompson, Saul Dubow, John Mackenzie

        This collection, dealing with case studies drawn from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Mauritius, examines the relationship between scientific claims and practices, and the exercise of colonial power. It challenges conventional views that portray science as a detached mode of reasoning with the capacity to confer benefits in a more or less even-handed manner. That science has the potential to further the collective good is not fundamentally at issue, but science can also be seen as complicit in processes of colonial domination. Not only did science assist in bolstering aspects of colonial power and exploitation, it also possessed a significant ideological component: it offered a means of legitimating colonial authority by counter-poising Western rationality to native superstition and it served to enhance the self-image of colonial or settler elites in important respects. This innovative volume ranges broadly through topics such as statistics, medicine, eugenics, agriculture, entomology and botany. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Science and society in southern Africa

        by Saul Dubow

        This collection, dealing with case studies drawn from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Mauritius, examines the relationship between scientific claims and practices, and the exercise of colonial power. It challenges conventional views that portray science as a detached mode of reasoning with the capacity to confer benefits in a more or less even-handed manner. That science has the potential to further the collective good is not fundamentally at issue, but science can also be seen as complicit in processes of colonial domination. Not only did science assist in bolstering aspects of colonial power and exploitation, it also possessed a significant ideological component: it offered a means of legitimating colonial authority by counter-poising Western rationality to native superstition and it served to enhance the self-image of colonial or settler elites in important respects. This innovative volume ranges broadly through topics such as statistics, medicine, eugenics, agriculture, entomology and botany.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        Culture is not an industry

        by Justin O'Connor

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2024

        The elephant and the dragon in contemporary life sciences

        A call for decolonising global governance

        by Joy Y. Zhang, Saheli Datta Burton

        This book provides a powerful diagnosis of why the global governance of science struggles in the face of emerging powers. Through unpacking critical events in China and India over the past twenty years, it demonstrates that the 'subversiveness' assumed in the two countries' rise in the life sciences reflects many of the regulatory challenges that are shared worldwide. It points to a decolonial imperative for science governance to be responsive and effective in a cosmopolitan world. By highlighting epistemic injustice within contemporary science, the book extends theories of decolonisation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2017

        Henry Dresser and Victorian ornithology

        by Henry A. McGhie

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2025


        The true story of Hannah Beswick, the Manchester Mummy

        by Hannah Priest

        The macabre tale of an eighteenth-century woman immortalised in folklore as the 'Manchester Mummy'. In 1835, the Manchester Natural History Society opened the doors of its museum. Taking pride of place in its collection were three mummies: one was Egyptian, one was Peruvian and one was a woman from Cheetham Hill. This is the first time the true story of Hannah Beswick, the so-called 'Manchester Mummy', has been told. Over the years, explanations for the Manchester Mummy have ranged from the chilling - Hannah's fear of being buried alive - to the downright bizarre - the legend of her buried gold - but the truth is more complex. Exploring this fascinating episode from museum history, Unburied sheds light on the Victorian turn to the macabre and changing attitudes to the display of human remains. It debunks the legends and asks what Hannah Beswick can tell us about death and dying, mummies and museums.

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