Pedlar Press
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalLeading global publisher in the field and practice of Pediatrics. AAP Publications are among the most respected and frequently referenced in the world, including journals, clinical and consumer books and eBooks, and continuing medical education. Top title include Red Book, NRP, Pediatrics, PREP Self-Assessment, Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines, Caring for Your Baby and Building Resilience in Children.
View Rights PortalThis book brings a new classroom approach for primary teachers to teach the explicit knowledge of scientific question-asking. This is an essential skill when children are involved in finding out about the world around them through science enquiry. Challenging the assumption that because children ask lots of questions in science, this automatically leads to meaningful learning of the enquiry curriculum, QuBuild is important for all children developing as scientific thinkers. It outlines an approach to explicitly plan for, practice and develop the craft of scientific question-asking. Unlock your children's science learning potential by exploring the QuBuild Process.
This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. This book is about science in theatre and performance. It explores how theatre and performance engage with emerging scientific themes from artificial intelligence to genetics and climate change. The book covers a wide range of performance forms from Broadway musicals to educational theatre, from Somali drama to grime videos. It features work by pioneering companies including Gob Squad, Headlong Theatre and Theatre of Debate as well as offering fresh analysis of global blockbusters such as Wicked and Urinetown. The book offers detailed description and analysis of theatre and performance practices as well as broader commentary on the politics of theatre as public engagement with science. Science in performance is essential reading for researchers, students and practitioners working between science and the arts within fields such as theatre and performance studies, science communication, interdisciplinary arts and health humanities.
This book focuses on current policy discourse in Higher Education, with special reference to Europe. It discusses globalisation, Lifelong Learning, the EU's Higher Education discourse, this discourse's regional ramifications and alternative practices in Higher Education from both the minority and majority worlds with their different learning traditions and epistemologies. It argues that these alternative practices could well provide the germs for the shape of a public good oriented Higher Education for the future. It theoretically expounds on important elements to consider when engaging Higher Education and communities, discussing the nature of the term 'community' itself. Special reference is accorded to the difference that lies at the core of these ever-changing communities. It then provides an analysis of an 'on the ground project' in University community engagement, before suggesting signposts for further action at the level of policy and provision. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality education
This book is a study of the ambitions, activities and achievements of Methodist missionaries in northern Burma from 1887-1966 and the expulsion of the last missionaries by Ne Win. The story is told through painstaking original research in archives which contain thousands of hitherto unpublished documents and eyewitness accounts meticulously recorded by the Methodist missionaries. This accessible study constitutes a significant contribution to a very little-known area of missionary history. Leigh pulls together the themes of conflict, politics and proselytisation in to a fascinating study of great breadth. The historical nuances of the relationship between religion and governance in Burma are traced in an accessible style. This book will appeal to those teaching or studying colonial and postcolonial history, Burmese politics, and the history of missionary work.
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ist mit den Science and Technology Studies (STS) ein Forschungsfeld entstanden, das eine grundlegende Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft vornimmt. Der vorliegende Band versammelt erstmals zentrale Texte der STS in deutscher Sprache, u. a. von Bruno Latour, David Bloor, Michel Callon, Donna Harraway oder Karen Barad, und bietet zudem Überblicksdarstellungen aller wichtigen Forschungsgebiete und Theoriepositionen. Entstanden ist so eine grundlegende Einführung in diese innovative Forschungsrichtung, die darüber hinaus auch eine Zwischenbilanz der Entwicklung der STS zieht und aktuelle Herausforderungen und Debatten auslotet.
Marcus Hammerschmitt schreibt Science-fiction-Erzählungen, die technologische Phantasie, psychologische Einsicht, Lust am gedanklichen Experiment und poetische Erfindungskraft vereinen. Wie Herbert W. Franke oder Peter Schattschneider basiert er seine Geschichten auf einer soliden Grundlage, entwickelt seine Szenarios und Fabeln spielerisch, verknüpft sie aber dramatisch mit den größeren Problemen von Ökologie einerseits und den Zweifeln und inneren Konflikten des einzelnen andererseits.
Stanisław Lem wurde am 12. September 1921 in Lwów (Lemberg) geboren, lebte zuletzt in Krakau, wo er am 27. März 2006 starb. Er studierte von 1939 bis 1941 Medizin. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges musste er sein Studium unterbrechen und arbeitete als Automechaniker. Von 1945 bis 1948 setze er sein Medizinstudium fort, nach dem Absolutorium erwarb Lem jedoch nicht den Doktorgrad und übte den Arztberuf nicht aus. Er übersetzte Fachliteratur aus dem Russischen und ab den fünfziger Jahren arbeitete Lem als freier Schriftsteller in Krákow. Er wandte sich früh dem Genre Science-fiction zu, schrieb aber auch gewichtige theoretische Abhandlungen und Essays zu Kybernetik, Literaturtheorie und Futurologie. Stanisław Lem zählt heute zu den erfolgreichsten Autoren Polens. Sein Werk wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet, verfilmt und in 57 Sprachen übersetzt.
Do dogs belong with humans? Scientific accounts of dogs' 'species story,' in which contemporary dog-human relations are naturalised with reference to dogs' evolutionary becoming, suggest that they do. Dog politics dissects this story. This book offers a rich empirical analysis and critique of the development and consolidation of dogs' species story in science, asking what evidence exists to support it, and what practical consequences, for dogs, follow from it. It explores how this story is woven into broader scientific shifts in understandings of species, animals, and animal behaviours, and how such shifts were informed by and informed transformative political events, including slavery and colonialism, the Second World War and its aftermath, and the emergence of anti-racist movements in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The book pays particular attention to how species-thinking bears on 'race,' racism, and individuals.
This volume brings together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to discuss how women contributed to the making, pedagogy, institutionalisation and communication of scientific knowledge in the twentieth century, and to reflect on the theoretical and methodological challenges of documenting such hidden contributions. Featuring examples from China, former Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Romania, the United Kingdom and the United States, the contributors discuss women's engagement with science across different institutional and non-institutional sites, ranging from the laboratory and the school to the clinic, the home and the media. The volume moves beyond the professional scientist model to enlarge our understanding of women's participation in twentieth-century science and document the complex combination of factors that rendered such contributions (in)visible to contemporaries and future generations.
This book provides a powerful diagnosis of why the global governance of science struggles in the face of emerging powers. Through unpacking critical events in China and India over the past twenty years, it demonstrates that the 'subversiveness' assumed in the two countries' rise in the life sciences reflects many of the regulatory challenges that are shared worldwide. It points to a decolonial imperative for science governance to be responsive and effective in a cosmopolitan world. By highlighting epistemic injustice within contemporary science, the book extends theories of decolonisation.
Dieser Abschlussband von Lems Essays enthält nur Arbeiten, die in der Insel-Ausgabe der Essays (1981) nicht enthalten waren. Stärker als die früheren Bände ist dieser persönlich bestimmt. Einmal handelt es sich um Essays, die autobiografisch sind oder sich auf das eigene Werk beziehen. Zum anderen gibt es Vorworte zu Rezensionen von Büchern und Autoren, die Lem menschlich besonders nahestehen: Szymon Kobyliński, Władysław Bartoszewski und Jan Józef Szczepański. Neben Rezensionen, die Lem deutsche RIAS Berlin schrieb, vornehmlich über populärwissenschaftliche und pseudowissenschaftliche Bücher, aus denen Lems rationalistische Denkhaltung offenbar wird, und spekulativen Aufsätzen enthält dieser Band auch einige von Lems scharfsinnigsten Kritiken zu Autoren, denen er sich geistesverwandt fühlt oder die ihm widerstreben: Dick, Borges, die Strugatzkis und eine scharfe Abrechnung mit der Gattung, der der Großteil von Lems eigenem Werk zugezählt wird: der Science-Fiction. Eine beachtliche Anzahl der Essays schrieb Lem gleich in deutscher Sprache. Weitere Essays von Stanisław Lem liegen in den Bänden Sade und die Spieltheorie und Über außersinnliche Wahrnehmungen vor.
Citizenship, nation, empire investigates the extent to which popular imperialism influenced the teaching of history between 1870 and 1930. It is the first book-length study to trace the substantial impact of educational psychology on the teaching of history, probing its impact on textbooks, literacy primers and teacher-training manuals. Educationists identified 'enlightened patriotism' to be the core objective of historical education. This was neither tub-thumping jingoism, nor state-prescribed national-identity teaching, but rather a carefully crafted curriculum for all children which fused civic as well as imperial ambitions. The book will be of interest to those studying or researching aspects of English domestic imperial culture, especially those concerned with questions of childhood and schooling, citizenship, educational publishing and anglo-British relations. Given that vitriolic debates about the politics of history teaching have endured into the twenty-first century, Citizenship, nation, empire is a timely study of the formative influences that shaped the history curriculum in English schools
Local government in the UK is in crisis. It is now neither local in terms of the geography and populations of its principle units, nor does it truly govern in these areas. As this book reveals, over the previous 200 years local government has moved from a system in which local interests held governance over localities to one in which central government and national and multi-national agencies such as corporate businesses hold governance over local and community decision-making. These changes seriously undermine the important role that local government can play in liberal democracy in the UK. The book explains the nature of local government today and asks if there is any possibility of change.
The Labour Party and citizenship education provides the definitive account of why and how Labour introduced citizenship education as a compulsory subject in the National Curriculum. Based on interviews with the key players, it contributes to our understanding of the role of ideas and policy networks in the policy process, to debates about the nature of New Labour as a political phenomenon, and addresses the significant and topical issues of political disaffection and community cohesion. This book is essential reading for academics and students of political science, public and social policy, education, contemporary history, and political theory. Written in an accessible style, it will also be of interest to the general reader concerned about issues of citizenship, political participation, disengagement and re-engagement. ;
Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) is one of the most famous and influential researchers of all times. This brilliant biography by Rainer Willmann recounts Haeckel's fascinating life for science and his fight for freedom of thought. Haeckel is a vehement advocate of Darwinian doctrine and develops it further, which is why he is fiercely attacked not only by the church but also by his fellow scientists. Among other things, we owe to Haeckel the freedom of research and teaching that we take so much for granted. That he was also a talented artist is proven by his drawings of marine organisms ... The gripping and highly interesting life story of an extraordinary freethinker and scientist.