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        August 2024

        Deirdre Madden

        New critical perspectives

        by Anne Fogarty, Marisol Morales-Ladrón

        The Irish writer, Deirdre Madden, has written key novels about the Northern Irish Troubles and about contemporary Ireland. In these works, she weighs up the aftermath of violence and the impact of the shift to a more open but materialist society in the country overall. Memory, trauma, and the abiding but elusive links between the past and the present are central concerns of her fiction. This pioneering set of essays by leading experts in Irish Studies explores the many dimensions of her novels from a wide variety of perspectives. Madden's skill at interweaving novels of ideas with artist novels that draw out the complex inner predicaments of her characters is highlighted. States of dislocation are concentrated on in her texts, but also the quest for a home in the world and a lasting set of values that allows for personal integrity and authenticity. These multifaceted explorations bear out the compelling and enduring aspects of Madden's highly regarded novels.

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        January 1994

        Als ein anderer leben

        Erinnerung an die Nazizeit in Polen

        by Fuss, Naftali / Hebräisch Amrani, Avital

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        The Arts
        April 2017

        The BBC's 'Irish troubles'

        Television, conflict and Northern Ireland

        by Robert Savage

        This book explores how news and information about the conflict in Northern Ireland was disseminated through the most accessible, powerful and popular form of media: television. It focuses on the BBC and considers how its broadcasts complicated the 'Troubles' by challenging decisions, policies and tactics developed by governments trying to defeat a stubborn insurgency that threatened national security. The book uses highly original sources to consider how the BBC upset the efforts of a number of governments to control the narrative of a conflict that claimed over 3,500 lives and caused deep emotional scarring to thousands of people. Using recently released archival material from the BBC and a variety of government archives, the book addresses the contentious relationship between broadcasting officials, politicians, the army, police and civil service from the outbreak of violence throughout the 1980s.

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        May 2015

        The BBC's 'Irish troubles'

        Television, conflict and Northern Ireland

        by Robert J. Savage

        This book explores how news and information about the conflict in Northern Ireland was disseminated through the most accessible, powerful and popular form of media: television. It focuses on the BBC and considers how its broadcasts complicated the 'Troubles' by challenging decisions, policies and tactics developed by governments trying to defeat a stubborn insurgency that threatened national security. The book uses a wide array of highly original sources to consider how Britain's public service broadcaster upset the efforts of a number of governments to control the narrative of a conflict that claimed over 3,500 lives and caused deep emotional scarring to thousands of citizens in Northern Ireland, Britain and the Irish Republic. Using recently released archival material from the BBC and a variety of government archives the book addresses the contentious relationship between broadcasting officials, politicians, the army, police and civil service from the outbreak of violence throughout the 1980s.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2011

        Framing the Troubles Online

        Northern Irish groups and website strategy

        by Paul Reilly

        Can the Internet really make a difference for groups who wish to either support or challenge a peace process? This book explores the ways in which civil and uncivil groups in Northern Ireland use the Internet during a period of conflict transformation, with a particular emphasis on their framing of their positions in respect of the acceptability of political violence and their attitudes to the peace process. In this way it represents the first comparative study of how Loyalist and Republican ideologies are projected in the online sphere. The book considers whether there are any qualitative differences between the online framing of terrorist-linked groups and the constitutional parties in the region. These research issues are addressed through the analysis of Loyalist and Republicans websites in 2004 and 2005, a period before the advent of Web 2.0 in which these websites were the only visible presence of these actors in cyberspace. The book concludes by considering the implications of these website strategies for community relations in Northern Ireland today. The websites of rival residents' groups are examined to determine whether the Internet is a safe environment in which these groups can foster better cross-community relations, and perhaps even bridging social capital, across sectarian interfaces. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of political communication, Northern Ireland, the Internet and civil society. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023

        Troubles of the past?

        by James McAuley, Máire Braniff, Graham Spencer

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        The Arts
        December 2023

        Wild colonial boys

        by Thomas Paul Burgess

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019

        Northern Ireland and the politics of boredom

        by George Legg

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        Political ideologies
        February 2014

        The IRA 1956–69

        Rethinking the Republic

        by Matt Treacy

        While there have been many books written about the IRA since 1916, comparatively little attention has been paid to the organisation during the 1960s, despite the fact that the internal divisions culminating in the 1969 split are often seen as key to the conflict which erupted that year. This book, newly available in paperback, redresses that vacuum and through an exhaustive survey of internal and official sources, as well as interviews with key IRA members, provides a unique and fascinating insight into radical Republican politics which will be of interest to those interested in Irish history and politics. The author looks at the root of the divisions which centred on conflicting attitudes within the IRA on armed struggle, electoral participation and socialism. He argues that while the IRA did not consciously plan the northern 'Troubles', the internal debate of the 1960s had implications for what happened in 1969.

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        August 2019

        Borderline Personality Disorder

        by Bohus, Martin

        Borderline disorder is a complex, serious, and nonspecifically treated, often chronic disorder that often leads to the limits of emotional resilience for those affected and their social environment. With the development of disorder-specific treatment concepts in the 1990s, empirically proven treatment success was demonstrated for the first time.  This book is based on the dialectical-behavioral psychotherapy of Marsha Linehan and presents theoretical and treatment principles in concise form. The volume offers many practical tips for diagnosing, planning treatment, and structuring outpatient and inpatient  treatment. Therapists will find a clearly structured treatment concept as well as numerous practice-oriented instructions for coping with this therapeutic challenge. For:• psychotherapists• professionals in psychiatry orpsychosomatic medicine• social workers• teachers and students

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        Hoarding Disorder

        by Gregory S. Chasson, Jedidiah Siev

        Hoarding disorder, classified as one of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders in the DSM-5, presents particular challenges in therapeutic work, including treatment ambivalence and lack of insight of those affected. This evidence-based guide written by leading experts presents the latest knowledge on assessment and treatment of hoarding disorder. The reader gains a thorough grounding in the treatment of choice for hoarding – a specific form of CBT interweaved with psychoeducational, motivational, and harm-reduction approaches to enhance treatment outcome. Rich anecdotes and clinical pearls illuminate the science, and the book also includes information for special client groups, such as older individuals and those who hoard animals. Printable handouts help busy practitioners. This book is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and practitioners who work with older populations, as well as students.

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        Chronic Pain

        by Renate Döbrich, Franziska Wanger

        In this guide, people with chronic pain will find many motivatingideas for dealing with the illness in a personalized,health-promoting way. The authors combine specialistknowledge with personal experience. They describe in acomprehensible way how gratifying it can be for thoseaffectedto rediscover and shape life in all its diversity andcolorfulness despite the pain.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder

        by Bohus, Martin; Reicherzer, Markus

        About three out of one hundred adults experience a longer borderline episode once in their lives: violently fluctuating emotions, suicidal crises, self-harm and deep despair are accompanied by problems in the interpersonal sphere. These particularly affect the basic feeling of “belonging” to others, so that profound loneliness and lostness often alternate with disappointment and anger.  This guidebook provides information about the various characteristics of borderline personality disorder and its origin. The aim is to encourage those affected to seek effective psychotherapeutic treatment focusing on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which was specifically developed for the treatment of borderline disorder and has proven to be very effective. The structure and workings of DBT are explained, pressing questions are addressed, and initial guidance for self-help is provided as well as assistance for relatives and references to self-help groups.

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