Tracey McDonald Publishers
Tracey McDonald Publishers is a leading indie publishing house based in South Africa. We publish non-fiction titles, written by people from Africa, or about Africa.
View Rights PortalTracey McDonald Publishers is a leading indie publishing house based in South Africa. We publish non-fiction titles, written by people from Africa, or about Africa.
View Rights PortalTMP, established in 2013, is a leading indie publishing house based in South Africa. In the 11 years of business, they have published 123 titles. Under the TMP imprint they publish non-fiction titles, written by people from Africa, or about Africa.
View Rights PortalThis book sheds light on an unprecedented Protestant conversion initiative for the global evangelisation of Jews. Founded in 1929, the International Committee on the Christian Approach to the Jews (ICCAJ) aimed to bring Jewish people to their 'spiritual destiny', a task it saw as both benevolent and essential for a harmonious society. By the time of Hitler's rise to power it was active in thirty-two countries, educating Protestant churches on the right Christian attitude towards Jews and antisemitism. Reconstructing the activities of the ICCAJ in the years before, during and immediately after the Holocaust, Tracking the Jews reveals how ideas disseminated through the organisation's discourse - 'Jewish problem', 'Jewish influence', 'Judaising threat', 'eternal Jew' - were used to rationalise, justify, explain or advance a number of deeply troubling policies. They were, for vastly different reasons, consciously used elements of argumentation in both Protestant conversionary discourse and Nazi antisemitic ideology.
Presents the 1925 Paris Exhibition as a key moment in attempts to update the image of Paris as "capital of the 19th century". At the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris itself, as much as the commodity, was put on show. This text focuses on the Exhibition as a set of contesting representations of the modern city, stressing the importance of consumption and display for concepts of urban modernity. Here Le Corbusier's "Pavillon de L'Esprit Nouveau" with its "Plan Voisin" for the redesign of Paris confronted another equally up-to-date city - Paris "a woman's city", world centre of fashion and shopping. Taking as her starting point one of the most dramatic 1925 exhibits, the Rue des Boutiques which spanned the river Seine, the author analyzes the contemporary significance of the small Parisian luxury shop. She demonstrates how boutiques, conceived both as urbanism and as advertising, redefined Paris as the modern city. ;
Um den Sinn und die Kraft des Rechts zu erschließen, müssen wir weit über die formalen Bausteine staatlicher Rechtsordnungen hinausblicken. Ausgehend von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der jüdischen Rechtstradition erkunden Robert Covers bahnbrechende Essays die existenzielle Dichte rechtlicher Weltformung. Nachgezeichnet wird das Wechselspiel von Visionen, Narrativen, tätiger Hingabe und Gewalt, in dem eine unaufhebbare Vielfalt gesellschaftlicher Perspektiven um den Sinn des Rechts ringt. Kaum ein juristischer Autor hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine so breite interdisziplinäre Rezeption erfahren wie Cover. Mit diesem Band wird sein Werk nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht.