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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Critical theory and Independent Living

        by Teodor Mladenov

        Critical theory and Independent Living explores intersections between contemporary critical theory and disabled people's struggle for self-determination. The book highlights the affinities between the Independent Living movement and studies of epistemic injustice, biopower, and psychopower. It discusses in depth the activists' critical engagement with welfare-state paternalism, neoliberal marketisation, and familialism. This helps develop a pioneering comparison between various welfare regimes grounded in Independent Living advocacy. The book draws on the activism of disabled people from the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) by developing case studies of the ENIL's campaigning for deinstitutionalisation and personal assistance. It is argued that this work helps rethink independence as a form of interdependence, and that this reframing is pivotal for critical theorising in the twenty-first century.

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        September 2022


        Fuckability, orgasm gap and #metoo

        by Henriette Hell

        Lust, a mortal sin? These times are over. In today's public perception, it is more likely for a boring sex life to be categorised as that. In statistical terms, people have never had as little sex with each other as they do today. And yet tips for a good sex life are to be found on every (digital) corner. Sex has mutated into a lifestyle product, and terms like 'fuckability' and 'MILF' trip lightly off our tongues. Henriette Hell takes a closer look at the thing about sex. She traces the history and genesis of 'sexual liberation', and sheds light on the 'cheating gene' and the #metoo debate. The author asks (and answers) the question of whether sex is becoming more and more antisocial and what actually still turns us on today. In doing so, she focuses on the former mortal sin of lust, which is inseparably linked to the systematic suppression of female lust (and its liberation).

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2010

        Towards a regional political class?

        Professional politicians and regional institutions in Catalonia and Scotland

        by Klaus Stolz

        Focussing on professional politicians Klaus Stolz investigates the interrelationship between political career patterns and political institutions in two of the most widely discussed cases of regionalism: Catalonia and Scotland. The study deals with two different yet closely related sets of questions: Firstly, how do professional politicians pursue their careers in the regional context. And secondly, how do they shape and reshape the political institutions in which they pursue these careers. The monograph is based on extensive empirical research including a comprehensive data set on the careers of Catalan and Scottish parliamentarians, systematic surveys of regional representatives as well as in-depth interviews of a wide range of politicians and experts in both regions. Exploring the effects of political professionalisation on regional democracy, Stolz goes way beyond traditional studies of regionalism and decentralization, while his focus on the regional career arena introduces a much needed territorial dimension to the study of political careers. Rich original data, innovative theoretical concepts and a strictly comparative approach are the basis for a study that considerably deepens and enhances our understanding of the tremendous political changes both Catalonia and Scotland are undergoing. Thus, the book is of interest to the still growing number of scholars concerned with devolution in the UK, the Spanish autonomous communities as well as to those interested in regional politics and regionalisation in general. Furthermore, its theoretical focus makes it highly relevant for scholars working on political careers, political professionalisation and democratic theory. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        The independent man

        Citizenship and gender politics in Georgian England

        by Matthew McCormack, Pamela Sharpe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie

        'Independence' was an important ideal for men in Georgian England. In this period, however, the word meant much more than simply the virtues of self-sufficiency and impartiality. Most people believed that obligations absolutely compromised freedom and conscience, whereas 'independence' was associated with manly virtue and physical vigour. Fundamentally, the political world was thought to consist of 'independent men', exercising their consciences and standing up for the general good. As such, Georgians thought about political action and masculine virtue very differently to the ways in which we do today. In study, newly available in paperback, Matthew McCormack establishes the links between the histories of masculinity and politics, highlighting the centrality of 'manly' ideals in the political world and - conversely - the role of politics in the operation of gender ideology. ;

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        November 2007

        »in Gefahr gewesen ... und bis ans Ende gegangen«

        Rilke als Mentor junger Künstlerinnen

        by Tina Simon

        »Kunstdinge sind ja immer Ergebnisse des In-Gefahr-gewesen-Seins, des in einer Erfahrung Bis-ans-Ende-gegangen-Seins, bis wo kein Mensch mehr weiter kann.« (Rilke an seine Frau Clara am 24. Juni 1907) Rainer Maria Rilke stand mit vielen jungen Frauen in Kontakt, die seinen Rat als Künstler suchten: Schriftstellerinnen wie Regina Ullmann und Annette Kolb, bildende Künstlerinnen wie Paula Becker und Rilkes spätere Frau Clara Westhoff, darunter aber auch die angehende Schauspielerin Annette de Vries-Hummes.

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        January 2021

        Wenn sieben kleine Badehasen quietschfidel ans Wasser rasen

        by Sabine Praml, Christiane Hansen

        In "Wenn sieben kleine Badehasen quietschfidel ans Wasser rasen" von Sabine Praml erleben wir ein lebhaftes Abenteuer einer Hasenfamilie, die einen aufregenden Tag am Badesee verbringt. Mit großer Vorfreude packen die Hasenkinder und ihre Eltern tausend Dinge für den Ausflug, tragen Sonnencreme auf, setzen ihre Helme auf und machen sich auf den Weg. Am See angekommen, genießen sie das Planschen im Wasser und die gemeinsame Zeit. Als krönenden Abschluss gibt es für alle ein leckeres Eis. Dieses liebevoll gereimte Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren vermittelt Badespaß und Sommerlust und ist mit bunten, fröhlichen Illustrationen geschmückt, die die Geschichte lebendig machen. Neuer Band der erfolgreichen „Sieben Hasen“-Reihe: Über 500.000 verkaufte Exemplare unterstreichen die Beliebtheit der Serie. Starke Themen: Der Ausflug und die Bedeutung von Familienzusammenhalt werden kindgerecht und ansprechend vermittelt. Ideal für sommerliche Ausflüge: Das Buch fängt die Freude und das Abenteuer eines Tages am Badesee perfekt ein. Perfekt als Ostergeschenk: Auch außerhalb der Osterzeit ein wunderbares Geschenk für Kinder. Liebevolle und lehrreiche Illustrationen: Vermitteln wichtige Alltagspraktiken wie das Eincremen mit Sonnenmilch und das Tragen von Helmen. Interaktives Leseerlebnis: Reime und bunte Bilder regen zum Mitmachen und Entdecken an. Fördert die Sprachentwicklung: Durch gereimten Text und wiederholendes Vorlesen. Positive Botschaften: Vermittelt Freude am gemeinsamen Erlebnis und an der Natur. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Robustes Pappbilderbuch, ideal für kleine Hände.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2025

        Beyond the Pale and Highland Line

        The Irish and Scottish Gaelic world

        by Simon Egan

        This book offers important new insights into the history and culture of the Gaelic-speaking world from the mid-fifteenth century through to the reign of James VI and I. Throughout this period, the reach of the English and Scottish crowns within these western regions was limited. The initiative lay with local communities and royal power was contingent upon negotiating with well-established and largely autonomous aristocratic lineages. Moreover, events within this western world could exert a powerful, often unpredictable, influence upon the affairs of the wider archipelago. Using a series of case studies, this collection examines the evolving relationship between Ireland and Scotland in rich detail. It demonstrates how this world interacted with the encroaching English and Scottish states and underlines the importance of paying closer attention to this neglected area of Irish and British history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        Inventing the modern region

        by Talitha Ilacqua

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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

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