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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2016

        Zionism in Arab discourses

        by Uriya Shavit, Ofir Winter

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2025

        An unorthodox history

        British Jews since 1945

        by Gavin Schaffer

        A bold, new history of British Jewish life since the Second World War. Historian Gavin Schaffer wrestles Jewish history away from the question of what others have thought about Jews, focusing instead on the experiences of Jewish people themselves. Exploring the complexities of inclusion and exclusion, he shines a light on groups that have been marginalised within Jewish history and culture, such as queer Jews, Jews married to non-Jews, Israel-critical Jews and even Messianic Jews, while offering a fresh look at Jewish activism, Jewish religiosity and Zionism. Weaving these stories together, Schaffer argues that there are good reasons to consider Jewish Britons as a unitary whole, even as debates rage about who is entitled to call themselves a Jew. Challenging the idea that British Jewish life is in terminal decline. An unorthodox history demonstrates that Jewish Britain is thriving and that Jewishness is deeply embedded in the country's history and culture.

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        March 1981

        Kategorien und transzendentale Argumentation

        Kant und die Idee einer transzendentalen Semiotik

        by Gerhard Schönrich

        "Mit der von Wittgenstein eingeleiteten Ablösung des mentalistischen Vorstellungsbegriffs durch den sprachlichen Zeichen- und Regelbegriff ist Kants Philosophie in ein Spannungsfeld geraten, das vielfältige Transformationen provozierte. So befruchtend sich dieses Spannungsfeld auf die analytisch orientierte Gegenwartsphilosophie auswirkt, so hartnäckig meldet sich der Verdacht eines entscheidenden Fragedefizits: die pragmatische Akzentuierung der Regeln in Funktion läßt deren qualitativen Ursprung im Dunkeln. Die Funktionsbeschreibung des Regelcharakters gibt noch keine Auskunft über die Regelqualität der Regeln. Sie könnten genausogut der empirisch eingespielten Regelpraxis selbst entnommen sein, für die sie nichtfaktizitäre Geltung beanspruchen. Nach welchen Regeln kann der Geltungsanspruch solcher funktionalanalytisch gewonnener Regeln seinerseits beurteilt und begründet werden? Schönrich zeigt, daß Kants theoretischer Ansatz mit seinen latent semiotischen Implikationen den sprachkritischen Transformationen nicht nur entgegenkommt, sondern darüber hinaus das entstandene Begründungsdefizit begleicht. Der in Frage stehende Regelbegriff einer Regel der Regelbeurteilung erweist sich als der operationalisierte Begriff der Vernunft, die »alle Entscheidungen aus den Grundregeln ihrer eigenen Einsetzung hernimmt«. Die Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Regelcharakter kann in der These zusammengefaßt werden: Die Urteilsfunktion und Kategorien gelten als die transzendentalsyntaktischen und -sematischen Regeln des Zeichengebrauchs überhaupt; sie ermöglichen erst dessen liguistisch je schon vorausgesetzte Allgemeinheits- und Bedeutungsfähigkeit. Die Frage nach der Regelqualität wird in der systematischen Entfaltung dieser »Grundregeln der eigenen Einsetzung« und ihrer Implikate zu drei differenzierbaren Argumentationsniveaus beantwortet, die die aufgebürdete Beweislast zu tragen vermögen. Auch hier bleibt die Zeichenvermitteltheit allen Denkens und Erkennens in Kraft. Vernunft äußert sich nicht selbst, sie wird von der reflektierenden Urteilskraft - dem Ort der transzendentalen Argumentation - methodisch als Letztinstanz in Anspruch genommen, eine Inanspruchnahme, die sich jedoch als vernünftig ausweisen läßt."

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 1999

        The debate on the Norman Conquest

        by Marjorie Chibnall, Roger Richardson

        The debate on the Norman Conquest is still ongoing. Because of the great interest that has always been shown in the subject of conquest and its aftermath, interpretations have been numerous and conflicting; students bewildered by controversies may find this book a useful guide through the morass of literature. In the medieval period writers were still deeply involved in the legal and linguistic consequences of the Norman victory. Later the issues became direcly relevant to debates about constitutional rights; the theory of a "Norman yoke" provided first a call for revolution and, by the 19th century, a romantic vision of a lost Saxon paradise. When history became a subject for academic study controversies still raged round such subjects as Saxon versus Norman institutions. These have gradually been replaced in a broader social setting where there is more room for consensus. Interest has now moved to such subjects as peoples and races, frontier societies, women's studies and colonialism. Changing perspectives have shown the advantage of studying a period from the late 10th to the early 13th century rather than one beginning in 1066. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2004

        Contemporary issues and debates in EU policy

        The European Union and international relations

        by Vassiliki Koutrakou

        An exploration of the European Union with sections on conflict, intelligence and security, immigration and human rights, world economic development and environmental sustainability, high technologies and their growing impact.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 1998

        The debate on the English Revolution

        by R Richardson, Roger Richardson

        The debate on the English Revolution is firmly established as an essential guide to the literature in its field and appears here in a much revised third edition. Three new chapters are included on twentieth-century historians' treatments of social complexities, politics, political culture and revisionism, and on the Revolution's unstoppable reverberations. All the other chapters have been amended and recast to take account of recent publications. The book provides a searching re-examination of why the English Revolution remains such a provocatively controversial subject and analyses the different ways in which historians over the last three centuries have tried to explain its causes, course and consequences. Claredon, Hume, Macaulay, Gardiner, Tawney, Hill, and the present-day revisionists are given extended treatment, while discussion of the work of numerous other historians is integrated into a coherent, informative readable survey. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        The British left and Zionism

        by Paul Kelemen

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2020

        The British political elite and Europe, 1959-1984

        A higher loyalty

        by Bob Nicholls

        This book offers an original interpretation of Britain's relationship with Europe over a 25 year period: 1959-84 and advances the argument that the current problems over EU membership resulted from much earlier political machinations. This evidence based account of the seminal period analyses the applications for EEC membership, the 1975 referendum, and the role of the press. Was the British public misled over the true aims of the European project? How significant was the role of the press in changing public opinion from anti, to pro Common Market membership? Why, after over 40 years since Britain became a member of the European community, does the issue continue to deeply divide not only the political elite, but also the British public? These, and other pertinent questions are answered in this timely book on a subject that remains topical and highly controversial.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Tolerating Democracy!

        About arguing in a society of indignation

        by Karoline M. Preisler

        Are we all still only moving around in our bubbles, unwilling and unprepared to engage in the positions of "the others"? Will only someone be heard who polarises and defames loudly enough, who ignores facts, denies them, twists them, who even calls for violence? The debate over the corona measures has given a new urgency as we address the question of how democracy can be lived and protected in times of an erosion of the centre and social cohesion. Karoline M. Preisler asks herself these questions and, as a passionate democrat, advocates creating new tools and meeting places for the necessary dialogue on controversial topics such as the limits of freedom, religion, climate crisis, immigration and the family.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Disputation, Deklamation, Dialog

        Medien und Gattungen europäischer Wissensverhandlungen zwischen Scholastik und Humanismus

        by Traninger, Anita

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        March 2006

        Art history

        A critical introduction to its methods

        by Michael Hatt, Charlotte Klonk

        Art History: A critical introduction to its methods provides a lively and stimulating introduction to methodological debates within art history. Offering a lucid account of approaches from Hegel to post-colonialism, the book provides a sense of art history's own history as a discipline from its emergence in the late-eighteenth century to contemporary debates. By explaining the underlying philosophical and political assumptions behind each method, along with clear examples of how these are brought to bear on visual and historical analysis, the authors show that an adherence to a certain method is, in effect, a commitment to a set of beliefs and values. The book makes a strong case for the vitality of the discipline and its methodological centrality to new fields such as visual culture. This book will be of enormous value to undergraduate and graduate students, and also makes its own contributions to ongoing scholarly debates about theory and method. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        The lives of Lewis Namier

        by David Hayton

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2014

        The Debate on the English Reformation

        by Rosemary O’Day

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