Shepherd Press (Click for full list of titles)
Shepherd Press is a publishing company committed to providing God's people with solid biblical books and materials.
View Rights PortalShepherd Press is a publishing company committed to providing God's people with solid biblical books and materials.
View Rights PortalOur purpose is “to make Christian literature available to all nations, so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
View Rights Portal“There is no Planet B!” More and more young people are worried about the future of Planet Earth. Climate change is heating not only the planet but also people’s emotions. But what exactly is climate? And why are the changes threatening the lives of both polar bears and us humans. In simple language but with solid science, the authors explain the most important aspects of climate, from the greenhouse effect to the Gulf Stream. Current developments are described as well, and the scientific background is supplemented by gripping reports. The book also offers a glimpse of the future: what will happen if we go on in the same way as now? How can climate change be halted? This makes for riveting reading – and not just for young activists.
"Rescue” has two fundamentally different “existential” dimensions. One is aimed at “saving” individual lives that are in danger. Firefighters, for instance, rescue people from fires, while the sea rescue services rescue shipwrecked people from the Mediterranean. The second dimension of “rescue”, on the other hand, concerns systems – think of the bailing out of banks, the euro or the climate disaster – and so points to a larger context that creates the conditions for “life” to even be possible, or at least to be preserved. The complex subject of this stringent essay is just to what extent politics enable or prevent “rescue attempts”, to what extent it understands its actions as “rescue actions”, and how decisively the “narrative”, i.e. the “talk of rescue”, ultimately dominates our entire understanding of politics.
How much CO₂ is emitted by one serving of spaghetti bolognese? About 1.5 kilograms! This example shows what the meat industry and food logistics mean for the eco-balance of our food. But is it enough to switch to meat-free and dairy-free alternatives or local specialities? Dr. Malte Rubach takes a closer look and reviews our food regime and its impact on our climate. We live in a society influenced by technology and the rising consumption of resources. Rubach argues for a sensible attitude to food and shows what we can still eat with a clear conscience.
We all die at the end offers a survey of contemporary end-of-the-world fiction, spanning literature, children's fiction, video games, theatre and film. It draws on eco-critical philosophy and narrative theory to show ways in which the climate crisis is reorienting storytelling in the face of foreseeable human extinction. In the process, it argues that such stories have a role to play in helping us come to terms with the severity and scale of the crisis that we face.
How can humor be used to engage with and help people suffering from mental illness? This practical handbook explains the concept of humor in psychiatric treatment and sets out the case for employing it. The author outlines how nurses can assess who might benefit from the use of humor and for whom it would be out of place, and provides a toolkit of humorous interventions for daily nursing practice. Target Group: Practicing nurses, psychiatric nurses, care clowns
Mit dem Aufkommen der Biotechnologien ist die Natur des Menschen scheinbar verfügbar und manipulierbar geworden und die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von biologischem Leben und menschlicher Lebensform rückt zunehmend ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. Bios, das spezifische Leben einzelner Wesen, und Zoë, die einfache Tatsache des Lebens, scheinen immer stärker auseinanderzutreten. Der interdisziplinäre Sammelband stellt den Überlegungen bekannter europäischer Autoren die Positionen namhafter Vertreter der angelsächsischen Science Technology Studies gegenüber und bietet so einen aufschlußreichen Überblick über die aktuelle Auseinandersetzung der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften mit dem Phänomen der Lebenswissenschaften und ihren biotechnologischen Anwendungen. Mit Beiträgen u. a. von Dieter Birnbacher, Bruno Latour, Gianni Vattimo, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Karin Knorr Cetina, Nikolas Rose, Paul Rabinow und Charis Thompson.
In "Schiefe Märchen und schräge Geschichten" entfaltet Paul Maar seine außergewöhnliche Fantasie und sprachliche Raffinesse, um klassische Märchenmotive auf herrlich unkonventionelle Weise neu zu beleben. In dieser Sammlung treffen Leser auf skurrile Charaktere wie einen Zwerg, der aus der Bio-Tonne in eine gemütliche Wohnung zieht, eine sprechende Vase, die eigentlich Wünsche erfüllen könnte, wenn sie nur richtig zuhören würde, und eine Königin, die ihre Lesebrille an einem höchst ungewöhnlichen Ort vergisst. Maar beweist, dass seine Geschichten nicht nur zum Schmunzeln einladen, sondern auch zum Vorlesen für die ganze Familie bestens geeignet sind, ohne dabei belehrend zu wirken. Unterstützt durch die bunten Karikaturen von Pana Dalianis, werden die verrückten Episoden perfekt in Szene gesetzt, sodass ein Buch entsteht, das sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene begeistert. Meisterwerk von Paul Maar: Einzigartige Kombination aus Humor und Fantasie von einem der bekanntesten Kinderbuchautoren Deutschlands. Unterhaltung für die ganze Familie: Mit Geschichten, die von jung bis alt zum Lachen bringen, ist dieses Buch ein ideales Gemeinschaftserlebnis. Lehrreich ohne zu belehren: Fördert die Kreativität und die Freude am Lesen, ohne pädagogisch aufdringlich zu sein. Vielseitige Geschichten und Gedichte: Eine bunte Mischung aus kurzen und langen Texten, die stets überraschen und unterhalten. Hochwertige Illustrationen: Die lebendigen Bilder von Pana Dalianis ergänzen die Texte perfekt und laden zum Verweilen und Entdecken ein. Ideal als Geschenk: Perfekt geeignet als Geburtstags- oder Weihnachtsgeschenk und für jeden, der Kindern oder sich selbst eine Freude machen möchte. Förderung der Vorlesekultur: Ein wunderbares Werk, um gemeinsame Vorlesestunden zu etablieren und die Bindung zu stärken. Lang anhaltender Lesespaß: Dank der Vielfalt der Geschichten und der Qualität der Erzählung ein Buch, zu dem man immer wieder gerne zurückkehrt.
Is gender implicated in how art does its work in the world created by global capital? Is a global imperative exclusive to capital's planetary expansion or also witnessed in oppositional practices in art and curating? And what is new in the gendered paradigms of art after the fall of the Berlin Wall? Angela Dimitrakaki addresses these questions in an insightful and highly original analysis of travel as artistic labour, the sexualisation of migration as a relationship between Eastern and Western Europe, the rise of female collectives, masculinity and globalisation's 'bad boys', the emergence of a gendered economic subject that has dethroned postmodernism, and the need for a renewed materialist feminism. This is a theoretically astute overview of developments in art and its contexts since the 1990s and the first study to attempt a critical refocusing of feminist politics in art history in the wake of globalisation. It will be essential reading in art history, gender, feminist and globalisation studies, curatorial theory, cultural studies and beyond. ;
‘We will not stop demonstrating,’ writes Franziska Wessel in a guest column in the Berliner Zeitung. Franziska is pursuing a goal. Decisive measures must finally be taken to protect the climate. While that is not happening she spends every Friday on the streets, gives interviews and puts pressure on politicians. But climate change isn’t the only thing threatening our future. There is so much suffering, injustice and destruction in the world. Something must be done about it. And as a climate activist, Franziska knows exactly how to be active. Together with her father, the journalist and author, Günther Wessel, she explains: How do I start a petition? How do I organise a campaign? How does lobbying work? So that everyone knows how they can make things happen.
Despite its popularity when it first appeared in print in 1600, Every Man out of His Humour has never appeared as a single modern critical edition until now. The volume's introduction and annotations convey early modern obsessions with wealth and self-display by providing historical contexts and pointing out the continuity of those obsessions into modern life. The play is of interest because of its influence on the course of city comedy and its wealth of information about social relationships and colloquial language at the end of Elizabeth's reign. Jonson's experiments in generating theatrical meaning continued throughout his career, but Every Man out of His Humour - with its youthful vigour and extraordinary visualizations of the urban capacity for self-deceit - is a text that enriches the understanding of all the plays that come after it. ;
»Das Vorhaben von Die Sprache der Mode entstand unmittelbar im Anschluß an das Nachwort der Mythen des Alltags, in dem ich die Möglichkeit einer immanenten Analyse anderer Zeichensysteme als der Sprache entdeckt habe - oder zu entdecken geglaubt hatte. Ich hatte von diesem Augenblick an den Wunsch, eines dieser Systeme, eine von allen gesprochene und zugleich allen unbekannte Sprache, Schritt für Schritt zu rekonstruieren. So habe ich die Kleidung gewählt.« Roland Barthes
Consumers stand perplexed at the fish counter. Cod or salmon; mackerel or sea bass? Or perhaps rather carp and trout? How about flounder and dab? Dab what? A terrific flatfish, but sadly hardly anyone has heard of it. And what was it again about organic, aquaculture, wild-caught, and that little blue sustainability certificate? Is catching your own a way out? Before you start thinking it’s time to opt for a chop and fried potatoes instead, read this book. It provides readers with deep blue facts from the world’s waters and analyses the global and local habitat of the finned creature.