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        August 2016

        Triff eine Entscheidung!

        Das Arbeitsbuch zum Konflikt-Lösungs-Modell in Beratung, Mediation und Therapie

        by Brunner, Hans; Heck, Josef / Umschlaggestaltung von Shutterstock, Inc. Empire State Building

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2008

        Intervention and state-building in the Pacific

        The legitimacy of 'cooperative intervention'

        by Peter Lawler, Greg Fry, Tarcisius Kabutaulaka, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet, Alan Rutter

        State-building intervention in weak, war-torn or failing states has become a priority for the international community. However, the question of how to legitimately engage in the shaping of national governance remains, at the very least, a vexed one. This book explores this key issue through a critical examination of a new model of state-building intervention which has recently emerged in relation to the Pacific 'arc of crisis'. Initiated by the Australian Government in 2003, this 'cooperative intervention' doctrine, built on declared principles of partnership and respect for sovereignty, seems to offer a legitimate way to engage in state-building intervention. Drawing on a group of distinguished Pacific specialists, this book mounts a critique of these claims, showing how international legitimacy does not automatically translate into political legitimacy among those in the affected societies; and how the attempt to legitimise the intervention internationally may actually work against such legitimacy in the recipient state. These insights will be of value to those interested in public policy studies, international law, development studies and international relations. ;

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        January 1971

        Sprache und die Entdeckung der Wirklichkeit

        Über Spracherwerb des Kleinkindes

        by Church, Joseph

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        December 1982

        Zwangsvollstreckung gegen Behörden.

        Die Handhabung der zivilprozessualen Vollstreckungsnormen bei der Zwangsvollstreckung aus allgemeinen Leistungsurteilen gegen Verwaltungsträger.

        by Bank, Wilfried J.

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        January 1975

        Rationale Sozialpolitik.

        Ein Beitrag zum Begriff der Rationalität.

        by Bank, Hans-Peter

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        January 1989

        Wir haben uns getrennt - und was jetzt?

        Der Weg aus dem Trennungsschock. Wie man das Ende einer Liebesbeziehung positiv überwinden kann

        by Gullo, Stephen; Church, Connie / Übersetzt von Balkenhol, Marion

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2016

        Irish adventures in nation-building

        by Bryan Fanning

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        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

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        December 1999

        Sprachliche Aspekte des "nation-building" in Mazedonien

        Die kommunistische Presse in Vardar-Mazedonien (1940-1943).

        by Szobries, Torsten

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Ephemeral vistas

        by Paul Greenhalgh

        The international exhibitions held around the world between 1851 and 1939 were spectacular gestures, which briefly held the attention of the world before disappearing into an abrupt oblivion, of the victims of their planned temporality. Known in Britain as Great Exhibitions, in France as Expositions Universelles and in America as World's Fairs, the genre became a self-perpetuating phenomenon, the extraordinary cultural spawn of industry and empire. Thoroughly in the spirit of the first industrial age, the exhibitions illustrated the relation between money and power, and revelled in the belief that the uncontrolled expression of that power was the quintessence of freedom. Philanthropy found its place on exhibition sites functioning as a conscience to the age although even here morality was inextricably linked to economic efficiency and expansion. Imperial achievement was celebrated to the full at international exhibitions. Nevertheless, most World's Fairs maintained an imperial element and out of this blossomed a vibrant racism. Between 1889 and 1914, the exhibitions became a human showcase, when people from all over the world were brought to sites in order to be seen by others for their gratification and education. In essence, the English national profile fabricated in the closing decades of the nineteenth century was derived from the pre-industrial world. The Fine Arts were an important ingredient in any international exhibition of calibre. This book incorporates comparative work on European and American empire-building, with the chronological focus primarily on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when these cultural exchanges were most powerfully at work.

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        May 1992

        Beschreibung einer Form

        Versuch über Kafka

        by Martin Walser, Walter Höllerer

        Der Versuch über Kafka Beschreibung einer Form ist Martin Walsers Dissertation, sie erschien erstmals 1961 und ist eine bemerkenswerte Einführung in das Werk Franz Kafkas, das eine so tiefe und nicht nachlassende Wirkung ausübt.

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