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        Political structure & processes
        May 2007

        Devolution and constitutional change in Northern Ireland

        by Edited by Paul Carmichael, Colin Knox and Robert Osborne

        This edited book, written by a collection of scholars with an interest in Northern Ireland, tracks its uneasy experience with devolution following the optimistic political period associated with the 1998 Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement. The volume brings together researchers from the Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) 'Devolution and Constitutional Change' Programme and other experts to record four key perspectives on Northern Ireland. First, it considers the inextricable link between devolution and constitutional developments. Second, it examines how the main political parties responded to devolution and the major challenges faced by society in moving beyond conflict (such as political symbolism, the role of women, equality and human rights issues). Third, it attempts to assess some of the workings of devolved government in its short-lived form or those seeded in devolution and carried on by direct rule ministers. Finally, Northern Irelands devolved government and associated institutions are located within the wider relationships with Westminster, the Republic of Ireland and Europe. This edited volume will be of interest to students of Irish politics and public policy, but more generally, from a comparative perspective, those with an interest in devolution and constitutional change. It may even assist politicians in Northern Ireland to reflect on the real potential to restore its devolved institutions and draw back from the brink of permanently copper-fastening 'direct rule' from Westminster.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy

        by Nikki Ikani

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2008

        The social context of economic change in Britain

        Between policy and performance

        by Terrence Casey

        This important book, newly available in paperback, examines a period of dramatic economic change in Britain during the Thatcher era. The Conservatives' free market policies generally improved the performance of the economy in Britain, but some parts of the country still did poorly (for example northern England). Casey argues that this was as a result of variations in social contexts - a combination of institutions, interests and economic culture. Southern England, possessing a more individualistic culture and higher levels of entrepreneurialism, has a 'market responsive' social context that can prosper under free market policies. Social context is thus a crucial intervening variable between the policies selected by decision-makers and the performance of economies, the key for enhancing prosperity is the proper match between economic policies and the context in which they are implemented. The social context of economic change in Britain provides an original theoretical framework linking economic growth and civil society and offers a unique insight into the Thatcher era. This book will be of interest to students of British politics and comparative political economy, public policy and political history. ;

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        Children's & YA

        Climate Change. What We Can Do Now

        by Ruth Omphalius/ Monika Azakli

        “There is no Planet B!” More and more young people are worried about the future of Planet Earth. Climate change is heating not only the planet but also people’s emotions. But what exactly is climate? And why are the changes threatening the lives of both polar bears and us humans. In simple language but with solid science, the authors explain the most important aspects of climate, from the greenhouse effect to the Gulf Stream. Current developments are described as well, and the scientific background is supplemented by gripping reports. The book also offers a glimpse of the future: what will happen if we go on in the same way as now? How can climate change be halted? This makes for riveting reading – and not just for young activists.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2004

        The management of the British economy, 1945–2001

        by Nicholas Woodward, Martin Hargreaves

        Since 1945 British governments have played an active role in managing the economy in the interests of securing high employment, economic growth and low inflation with their approach evolving in response to changing economic circumstances, intellectual shifts and past policy failures. This book provides an overview of economic management, particularly financial management, and addresses how it has changed and why it has not always been successful. It examines the actual policies that were introduced, the problems that various governments faced in implementing them and how the approach to policy-making changed. It also examines the main phases of economic policy-making and the conduct of policy-making, as there is a widespread consensus that until recently short-run economic management could have been more successful than it was. Clearly and authoritatively written, it will be of particular benefit to students of economics, politics and contemporary history, although it will appeal to anyone with an interest in economic affairs. ;

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        April 2018

        What is “Good” Dementia Care?

        by Christoph Held

        People with dementia experience their condition as a big change in which, for example, new events are not linked to existing experiences and wishes, thoughts, and actions can no longer be connected to each other. This kind of experience of the self, due to the intergative function of the brainbeing temporarily or permanently lost, is called dissociative self-experience. Based on this understanding of dementia, the author develops an approach to effectively understand and support people with dementia in everyday activities. Typical everyday situations and behaviours are presented and reflected on in a practical context.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019

        Managing diabetes, managing medicine

        Chronic disease and clinical bureaucracy in post-war Britain

        by Martin D. Moore, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Through its study of diabetes care in twentieth-century Britain, Managing diabetes, managing medicine offers the first historical monograph to explore how the decision-making and labour of medical professionals became subject to bureaucratic regulation and managerial oversight. Where much existing literature has cast health care management as either a political imposition or an assertion of medical control, this work positions managerial medicine as a co-constructed venture. Although driven by different motives, doctors, nurses, professional bodies, government agencies and international organisations were all integral to the creation of managerial systems, working within a context of considerable professional, political, technological, economic and cultural change.

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        August 2014

        Risky change?

        Vulnerability and adaptation between climate change and transformation dynamics in Can Tho City, Vietnam

        by Garschagen, Matthias

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2012

        Racism and social change in the Republic of Ireland

        Second edition

        by Bryan Fanning

        Now in its second edition, Racism and Social Change in the Republic of Ireland provides an original and challenging account of racism in twenty-first century Irish society and locates this in its historical, political, sociological and policy contexts. It includes specific case studies of the experiences of racism in twenty-first century Ireland alongside a number of historical case studies that examine how modern Ireland came to marginalize ethnic minorities. Various chapters examine responses by the Irish state to Jewish refugees before, during and after the Holocaust, asylum seekers and Travellers. Other chapters examine policy responses to and academic debates on racism in Ireland. A key focus of the various case studies is upon the mechanics of exclusion experienced by black and ethnic minorities within institutional processes and of the linked challenge of taking racism seriously in twenty-first century Ireland. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Everything must change

        by Vittorio Bufacchi

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        Medication Management in the Hospital

        A workbook for ward pharmacists

        by Dr. Insa Gross, MSc Andreas Fischer and Dr. Holger Knoth

        The ward pharmacist in the hospital is like the airbag in a car. As part of a fail-safe system, they monitor and optimise the patient’s drug therapy. Ward pharmacists work hand in hand with medical and nursing staff. That situation is also reflected in this workbook. All the cases presented were patients who had been cared for, evaluated and documented by a physician-pharmacist duo or similar team with combined medical and pharmaceutical expertise. The editorial team considered it important to illustrate all critical indications typically encountered in a hospital. In assessing and selecting the examples, they were able to draw upon the many years’ experience of their pioneering work as hospital and ward pharmacists. Practical tips, checklists, comments and advice for working in the ward environment round off the individual chapters. By learning from actual cases, this book offers the unique chance to develop an instinct for the pitfalls of drug safety. That applies to those who have successfully completed further training in the field of “Medication Management in the Hospital” and for all who wish to ensure the optimum treatment for their patients through competent work in clinical pharmacy.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022

        How to Promote Motivation to Change

        by Hötzel, Katrin; von Brachel, Ruth

        Promoting motivation to change is one of the most important treatment components in psychotherapeutic practice across disorders. Working through ambivalence and ultimatelyincreasing motivation to choose recovery with all its consequences is one of the main goals in treatment.  This book presents the current state of knowledge anddescribes practical interventions to promote motivation to change. When dealing with ambivalent issues, an open, therapeutic attitude is recommended, as well as certainstrategies for conducting conversations to avoid reactance and resistance. The main focus of the book is therefore on therapeutic conversation and concrete interventions to clarify and increase motivation to change. For:• medical and psychological psychotherapists• child and adolescent psychotherapists• specialists working in psychiatry, psychotherapy,or psychosomatic medicine• clinical psychologists• psychological counselors• students and teachers in psychotherapeutic training,further training, and continuing education

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        March 2010

        Wer zuletzt lacht, denkt zu langsam

        Heute schon antworten, was Ihnen morgen erst einfällt

        by Korf, Sascha / Herausgegeben von hb management Heidrun Buchmaier

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        Transitional justice in process

        Plans and politics in Tunisia

        by Mariam Salehi

        After the fall of the Ben Ali regime in 2011, Tunisia swiftly began dealing with its authoritarian past and initiated a comprehensive transitional justice process, with the Truth and Dignity Commission as its central institution. However, instead of bringing about peace and justice, transitional justice soon became an arena of contention. Through a process lens, the book explores why and how the process evolved, and explains how it relates to the country's political transition. Based on extensive field research in Tunisia and the US, and interviews with a broad range of international stakeholders and decision-makers, this is the first book to comprehensively study the Tunisian transitional justice process. It provides an in-depth analysis of a crucial period, examining the role of justice professionals in different stages, as well as the alliances and frictions between different actor groups that cut across the often-assumed local-international divide.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Mega-events and social change

        by Maurice Roche, John Horne

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Penguin books and political change

        by Dean Blackburn

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