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      • Christine Heimannsberg

        Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

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        Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling for Chronic Pain

        Myofascial medicine as an approach to an unresolved challenge

        by Beat Dejung

        Medicine for the relief of pain has made little progress in the last 50 years. 16% of our population claim to suffer from chronic pain, for which no lasting help can be found, despite years of treatment by different doctors. Trigger point therapy experts have integrated myofascial techniques into their everyday therapy in recent decades and through this they have achieved good results even with complex and chronic problems. In this book, instructors from the Interest Group for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (IMTT) in Switzerland present 33 complex cases of patients with chronic pain, whose pain they were able to relieve perma­nently with manual trigger point therapy and dry needling. Using these case studies, double­page spreads with an edu­cational, uniform layout clearly present the diagnosis, pathophysiology and chronifcation of myofascial pain syn­dromes and, in conclusion, describe encouraging and sur­prising successes despite previous therapy resistance.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        The politics of identity

        by Christine Agius, Dean Keep

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        October 2015

        Burnout and Chronic Occupational Stress

        A Guide for Those Affected and Their Relatives

        by Andreas Hillert/Stefan Koch/Dirk Lehr

        In today’s work environment, which is dominated by high pressure, many professionals are experiencing chronic stress, some even "burn out". This guide provides information about the connection between occupational stress and burnout. It presents scientifically sound and proven strategies for counteracting chronic stress.   The model of the “gratification crisis”, which states that an imbalance between professional engagement and the obtained gratifications, e.g. salary and appreciation, leads to persistent stress and an increased risk of physical and mental illness, is the focus of this guide. Based on case studies and concrete instructions, readers are supported in reviewing their own situation.   The guide goes on to present coping strategies, e.g. how important decisions can be made in high stress situations, how to avoid vague assessments, how to strengthen the ability to distance oneself after work, and how to improve quality of leisure time. This title can be used as a stand-alone guide as well as supplemental material to coaching or therapy.   Target Group: psychotherapists, specialists for psychiatry and psychotherapy, specialists for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, clinical and health psychologists, occupational and organizational psychologist, rehabilitation psychologist, coaches, students and teachers of psychology, supervisors

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Chronic Depression

        by Leuzinger-Bohleber, Marianne; Fischmann, Tamara; Beutel, Manfred E.

        Chronically depressed patients are often considered difficult to treat because the illness is often closely related to severe traumatic experiences. This manual focuses on traumatized, chronically depressed patients: it outlines both the disorder as well as its diagnostic approach and explains the basic assumptions of the psychoanalytic understanding of depression.  It explains the basic treatment steps in long-term psychoanalytic treatment of chronically depressed, early traumatized patients, and addresses specific challenges such as suicidality, aggression, and guilt. Basic therapeutic approaches and treatment principles are illustrated through specific case examples. The effectiveness of this manual has been demonstrated in a study of long-term therapies for chronic depression (the so-called LAC Depression Study). For:• psychoanalysts• psychotherapists working on the basis of depthpsychology• mental health professionals that provide psychotherapy• candidates for training in psychotherapy

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        Murky waters

        by Sophie Vasset, Ladan Niayesh

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Murky waters

        British spas in eighteenth-century medicine and literature

        by Sophie Vasset

        Murky waters challenges the refined image of spa towns in eighteenth-century Britain by unveiling darker and more ambivalent contemporary representations. It reasserts the centrality of health in British spas by looking at disease, the representation of treatment and the social networks of care woven into spa towns. The book explores the great variety of medical and literary discourses on the numerous British spas in the long eighteenth century and offers a rare look at spas beyond Bath. Following the thread of 'murkiness', it explores the underwater culture of spas, from the gender fluidity of users to the local and national political dimensions, as well as the financial risks taken by gamblers and investors. It thus brings a fresh look at mineral waters and a pinch of salt to health-related discourses.

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        The Arts
        March 2024

        The loneliness room

        A creative ethnography of loneliness

        by Sean Redmond

        This remarkably unique book takes the conceit of the loneliness room to show how everyday artistic practice opens up loneliness to new definitions and new understandings. Refusing to pathologise loneliness, the book draws on the creative submissions supplied by its participants to demonstrate that being lonely can mean different things to different people in differing contexts. Filled with the photographs, paintings, videos, songs, and writings of its participants, The loneliness room is a deeply moving account of loneliness today.

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        ICF-CY in Practice

        by Olaf Kraus de Camargo, Liane Simon, Peter L. Rosenbaum

        The ICF classification is based on the biopsychosocial model of health and was developed by the WHO to refect the state of health of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities in a better way. It covers functional capa­bility, participation and environmental factors and can therefore usefully complement medical diagnoses. The ICF classifcation is based on the biopsychosocial model of health and was developed by the WHO to refect the state of health of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities in a better way. It covers functional capa­bility, participation and environmental factors and can therefore usefully complement medical diagnoses.

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        The ABCs of CBASP

        A Guide to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Therapists and Supervisors

        by Mark Berthold-Losleben, Marianne Liebing-Wilson, John S. Swan

        Acquire in-depth insight into using CBASP with a client with chronic depression Follows a client, his therapist, and the supervisor through a course of CBASP Uses first person perspectives and dialog with theoretical sections Provides prompts and structure for sessions Lists exercises to check understanding Includes printable tools for clinical use Help people with chronic depression using this creative dialog-based guide Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is designed to help patients with chronic depression improve the negative social and personal impacts of this disorder. This volume, written by experienced practitioners of CBASP, creatively explores the principles and practice of CBASP in a new, unusual, and engaging fashion. Interspersed between theoretical chapters, you will find yourself in the therapy room with Maggie (the therapist) and Chris (the patient). Using authentic dialog, you will experience how the different stages of therapy unfold: How, from their first-person perspectives, Christopher and Maggie experience the application of the CBASP model, and how Helen (the supervisor) helps Maggie to understand difficult encounters in therapy. This book helps you prepare for your CBASP sessions by providing essential information and prompts in a clearly arranged manner, as well as exercises to verify your progress and learning goals. This creative and descriptive approach to understanding the hopes, fears, and concerns of patients and therapists engaged in a course of CBASP psychotherapy is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, as well as students wanting to know how to successfully apply CBASP.

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        January 2008

        Continuing the European Constitutional Debate.

        German and Czech Contributions from a Legal Perspective / Deutsche und tschechische Beiträge aus rechtlicher Sicht.

        by Herausgegeben von Niedobitek, Matthias; Herausgegeben von Zemánek, Jiří

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Continuing the European Constitutional Debate.

        German and Czech Contributions from a Legal Perspective / Deutsche und tschechische Beiträge aus rechtlicher Sicht.

        by Herausgegeben von Niedobitek, Matthias; Herausgegeben von Zemánek, Jirí

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